Wasn't she a huge slut? I doubt any girl deserves this reverence.
Wasn't she a huge slut? I doubt any girl deserves this reverence
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She was and that guy is a 50s numale
I don't fault beta men before the internet. women hid there ways and there wasn't as much media on this subject back then. wasn't his fault desu
Is she a Jackie of a Marylin?
>Joltin' Joe
I unironically feel like she was a victim and a great woman. I dont know if its just my boner talking though
That's pretty sad actually
DiMaggio was a baseball player.
Thanks, Kennedy
so? No alpha male does that shit
she was a great mommy in river of no return
>pretending to be a chad on an imageboard
You're way more pathetic than him.
>loving a woman is beta
Her story near the end is genuinely tragic - especially with the fact she tried to make herself out to be a mother and was just miserable the whole fucking time. Hollywood kept pushing her for this image she totally didn't want when all she wanted to do was sleep around and act silly. Her therapist was a real fucking a-hole too. I blame Ralph Greenson
Source: youtu.be
Numales need to be curbstomped. Why are they all from fucking America?
She surrounded herself with parasitic Jews throughout her career, who only wanted to exploit her image for more shekels
because american is all about feefees and equality these days
t. americlap
*smirks* heh.. Love is for the weak.
She was probably the only dame crazy enough to tongue his asshole.
You would deliver roses to her grave 3 times a week too.
When I was a kid, every single one of my teachers were female and they all fed me poisonous lies about being a some nice, pussy whipped little beta as being the only way to succeed in life.
Thanks kikes, thanks dykes.
Fuck that's sad. Poor girl just wanted to whore around.
>calling the Yankee Clipper a "nu male"
Did I just get trolled? Yes, I did. Am I triggered? You betcha.
How 'bout you and I step outside for some fisticuffs, fella?
no, but putting whores on a pedestal is
you do not know HOW fucking hot Marylin was
she was fat and was alive before grooming standards were established.
>Joe D
hory shet my sides
You are now aware she was borderline obese and probably smelled like shit since. Remember people did not practice good hygiene until like 1985.
They were both sluts, if anything Joe D. got more pussy than she did penis
Century of the Self has a good segment on Greenson and Monroe. Greenspan brought Monroe into his family, tried to show her what a proper family is like, hoping it would strengthen her ego.
One time he took her out to dinner, leading to his wife to comment, 'You've never treated me like that.' Greenson responded, 'You weren't that sick'.
>before grooming standards were established
how is that a bad thing
Joe D might have been a great athlete, but psychologically he was a beta simpleton. Marlilyn wasn't any great thinker either, but I get the sense that she tried to find depth and meaning from her suitors that she couldn't find in herself (remember Arthur Miller?).
While Joe D was a bona fide celeb, he was dull as shit and probably bored MM out of her mind once the novelty wore off.
I'll never forget an interview with Paul Simon...he said he once ran into Joe in public and the latter unironically asked him "Why did you say 'where have you gone, Joe DiMaggio?' in your song? I'm still around." The guy was such a dumbshit that he didn't even grasp that Simon was using him as a metaphor. Christ.
they brushed there teeth a couple times a week, showered maybe once a week, never shaved, never flossed, never scraped their tongue, deodorant was only for men, air conditioning was rare so everyone sweat their balls off, no one in America used bidets and no one used baby wipes so dirty assholes plus sweat.
Grooming and hygiene are different things.
[citation needed] on everything you listed
all of that is literally what i do.
if youre a male and you clean your ass with baby wipes then youre a closet homo and want cocks in your ass, its as simple as that.
I do all of those things except for not wiping because I'm obsessive compulsive and hate the feeling of shit on my asshole and no one ever says anything.
>beta simpleton is capable of a 56 game hitstreak
Honestly speaking, no person really deserves that kind of reverence.
Fucking animals
No good person would want that. They would want you to remember them, but move.
I mean good on him for barring hollywood, who would likely only show up to make an appearance and be seen themselves and all that
I'm probably a lot smarter than you. But keep patting yourself on the back because you're destroying your body tissues with "good" hygiene practices.
wait what
>13x all star
>9x WS champ
>56 game hit streak
>on the all century team
nigger what
It's quite simple really.
He doesn't watch anime, so that automatically makes him a numale mangina cuck in the eyes of Sup Forums.
You'e either an ignorant 13yo or you're the most obvious troll presently on Sup Forums.
>I may smell like shit and sweat but I'm smart, honestly!
If you were smart, you'd realize soap is a good thing.
ah well you know, whores gonna whore
I realize soap is a good thing. But I also realize that I'm not a dirty faggot like you.
You probably have nasty gay sex with niggers so of course you would have to shower 3 times a day.
Too bad you can't wash away that aids.
Don't worry lad, you'll understand once you are with a woman, or if you ever are with one.
There is literally nothing you can say to your defence.
Leave this thread, smelly ape.
I seen to be very clever and acknowledged of the meaning of Mr. Robinson song. Can I ask you a question, why did those 2 kikes mention Jesus Christ in the song?
You seems*
>blown the fuck out
I can sense pain in your posts. I think I may have hit a little too close to home.
Brando actually talked about this.
>During the filming of “The Countess of Hong Kong” (1967) Brando complained that Sophia’s passion for Italian food made her breath smell “worse than a dinosaur’s”. When they filmed their first kiss, all hell broke loose. Sophia furiously broke away from Brando and loudly told the film crew: “Do you know what he just whispered to me? That I have long hairs growing out of MY nose?!” After the director, famed comedian auteur, Charlie Chaplin restored order Sophia did the kissing scene twice more. But on the third take, Brando savagely bit her on the lip until she bled.
Women also smoked like chimneys then too. It was probably rough going.
He has a point in a way orthodox Jews aren't meant to bathe for 3 days at a time
being a colossal whore probably made her ridiculously good in bed (for the time)
>I think I may have hit a little too close to home.
The only thing you need to hit are the showers, gypsy.
how can one man be so based?
he just didnt give a shit
how bald are you?
Whoa, it's almost as if he loved her as a person and not for her pussy.
My head is full of hair, boy.
That usually happens when you shower and take care of it.
>"I'll finally get to see Marilyn"
So why didn't he just kill himself earlier?
kike hair maybe
I have long luxurious STRAIGHT hair because my family evolved beyond the harsh chemical jew.
You're probably a fucking nigger, in which case, no wonder you have to shower 53 times in a single day.
>fat smelly animals argue with each other about which is the smelliest
Nuke this fucking thread already.
>Baseballs up there with cricket, soccer and golf as bitch "sports".
christ what an ugly mug
calm down fags. it's baseball, it's not exactly a manly sport
You prefer the nigger dominated sports do ya
>bitch sport
You're going to upset the spics.
he wasn't even that handsome 2bh
>In the fall of 1954, weeks after Marilyn Monroe filed for divorce, a devastated Joe DiMaggio turned to the one man who understood: Frank Sinatra.
>Both were American icons, both were of Italian descent and had friends in the mob, and both had been publicly left, in spectacular fashion, by their sex-bomb wives.
>Sinatra had just hired a private investigator to trail Ava Gardner, his great obsession and soon-to-be ex.
>Sinatra offered the same services to DiMaggio. He had Monroe’s phone bugged, and when she moved into the Waldorf Astoria on Park Avenue, DiMaggio would wear a fake beard and hold The New York Times over half his face while he sat in the lobby for hours, waiting for a glimpse of her.
>One night, after a bout of drinking, Sinatra and DiMaggio, along with five henchmen, went over to an apartment complex in West Hollywood. DiMaggio knew Monroe was carrying on with her voice coach, a young guy named Hal Schaefer, and he wanted to catch them in the act and cause a little pain.
>On the drive over, even Sinatra became alarmed by how enraged DiMaggio was. He tried to talk him down, to no avail, and at 11:30 p.m., a 50-year-old lady named Florence Katz awoke to find her door broken down, Joe DiMaggio and Frank Sinatra hovering over her, ready to pounce. She screamed, and the cops came, but they kept the stars out of their official report.
I don't watch sports at all. it's borderline cuck behavior
Stop falseflagging as Sup Forums and go clean yourself right away.
You, too.
He was homosex
no one from Sup Forums here? come on, i don't wanna go there :(
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA kike hair confirmed.
Wash yourself all you want cuckie, you can't wash those nigger genes away.
All of the stars from the "golden era" of Hollywood were fucking gross looking average people. It was all hype.
Fucking Italians, man.
>still going at it
If you tried to wash with the same effort you shitpost, maybe people would be willing to get near you.
never remarried != celibacy
Joe was a pussy hound, more a case of Monroe being a verified A++ root
People get near me all of the time. Hell, I've had women complement my pheromone induced scent.
It's probably because I smell like an actual man and not some over perfumed cuckshit.
Holy hell lmao
Not that funny. Greenson's wife says it quite seriously. I don't know much about Greenson apart from the Adam Curtis doc, but he probably genuinely thought he was helping Marilyn Monroe. Considering that Freudian psychotherapy was dominant at the time, it was acceptable to control and repress the desires of the self.
Fuck right off
Joe Di Maggio was the last great American
>While Joe D was a bona fide celeb, he was dull as shit and probably bored MM out of her mind once the novelty wore off.
this, he was a boring safe chad while she fucked bad boys. its fucking biblical.
It is though, Chad speciemen get to have sex with 5, maybe 10 women a week, love is for the beta bucks while Chad fucks
Joe was rich but he was also notoriously ugly, just look at thim