The Buzz on Maggie

The ladybug is cute. I want to hold her


More cute then Maggie.

This looks like a job for .....

Is it flyday already?

I want to have sex with a bug!


Did anyone else really like this show?

I hate to use this word here, but the show felt mean-spirited without actually being aware that it was and that kind of put me off.

In Bee Movie they made jokes about that

In what way?

Just stuff like in the episode in the OP (if it's the one I'm thinking of), Maggie gets back at the ladybug character for being a bitch by also being a bitch and showing everyone embarrassing photos of her etc. Or her insulting the "popular" characters, who were also bitchy, in random episodes. I didn't watch that much of it though.

Just felt like everybody being dicks to everybody, even though one side was more dickish than the other.

How was this movie even made?

Jerry Seinfeld.

A lot of the animation is really bad looking because Jerry kept coming up with new shit long after the script should have been finalized, so they left a lot on the cutting room floor.





Did the people who made Fish Hooks have anything to do with this?

Maggie had such a cute voice.

>Compound eyes

I don't know why, despite the picture itself, that it's what's turning me on.

Oh wow, I never even noticed that. Colour me impressed.

I remember having such a crush on her.

>Those weird pieces if fanart of her seductively posing while stuck on sticky fly paper

I think this show might've given me a fetish for bug girls, all things considered.

I remember watching this show in hopes that something I could touch myself to happened
But then regretting it and struggling to get through the episode because it was mostly dumb/gross humor

probably didn't help that Jess dickcocko was the VA

Yeah, I fell for her voice back then too. And I thought the gross humor wasn't that bad, in fact it was better when she was involved.

I liked the pic until I saw that... it's creeping me out man...

but its sexy, user