Hourly reminder that Mary Elizabeth Winstead has split with her husband.
Hourly reminder that Mary Elizabeth Winstead has split with her husband
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Riley go to bed
cuckolds need the rope.
I'm going to marry her!
Dude's an asshole
what do angry virgins need?
He kis be fucking shattered. You could tell from his Instagram he absolutely adores her. I feel sorry for him.
will you guys really be happier if she gets ploughed by an alpha chad instead of this guy?
because that's what's going to happen
His expression is of a well-trained lapdog. What an utter bitch.
I'm really glad there's a backlash against this "englightened male" wimpiness.
A man can be well-balanced without being such a cucked little faggot.
i'll be happier if she gets raped to death.
Looks like the biggest cuck of all time
>be beta male
>get cheated on/left
>be surprised
I genuinely don't understand this. Is there legitimately such a huge portion of the population that thinks biology and evolutionary psychology don't matter if you just "feel it really hard"?
>Says the guy hiding behind his computer screen all day shitposting
he looks like a friendzoned beta in this pic
>be beta male
>date girl that can date virtually any man in the world
Why is everyone saying this? He's a fucking black belt in bjj this guy could kick any of your asses. He's infinitely more successful than any of you
I was in a MEW thread yesterday feeling pretty envious of this man. I feel kinda bad for him, which is unexpected.
a bullet to the head
>b-beta male!
Say that to his face bitch. He would have you in an armbar crying your eyes out before you could blink
he had 15 solid years of fucking her every which way
she probably had his cum on every part of her body inside and out
just imagine how many gallons of his cum she consumed, you can probably do the math on it
time for someone else to have a go at her
>black belt in bj
>>I'm really glad there's a backlash against this "englightened male" wimpiness.
nah, men are meant to provide for women, however alpha the believe to be
>be beta male
>date girl that can date virtually any man in the world
Hmm, feel like there's a contradiction here
That's a blue belt.
>men are meant to provide for women
Spotted the cuck.
Broken bones and snapped tendons heal. His heart never will.
He still looks like a nu-male, and about as threatening as one of those little kids that do karate
And he could still beat your bitch ass. Pathetic
You missed the part where she left him you moron.
>he had 15 solid years of fucking her every which way
he doesn't look like he has the strength to pick her up and fuck her in a full nelson user
I am also a blue belt.
BJJ is the homosex of martial arts
Bitch fucked Obiwan
Bless you spamposters. Don't let the faggot mods win.
>all these damage controlling publicist shills
You faggots have zero clue how to do your job
>h-he beat kids!
No he didn't. Stop lying you pussies
BJJ, truly the memest martial art
>140lb weight class
>He wil keep being my best friend
>She brings in her new bf
>He's there
>BF gets uncomfortable when they bring up all the sex they had etc.
WEW, that shit is reversedcuckoldry.
we don't actually know who left whom, and as pointed out, after a decade of fucking the same woman he's seen it all with her and probably would welcome the opportunity to fuck someone younger who isn't getting fat.
Where did you get that? Made it up. Huh
>all the sex they had
kek'd he has zero virility
I know this guy who fucking LIVES by BJJ thinking it's the be all end all to hand to hand when I challenged him and knocked him the fuck out in 5 seconds flat because I trained in boxing.
Fuck MMA fags.
I bet you everything in the world she left him.
>has zero idea how class identification works
Spotted the publicist shill
>Actually believing that
Look gay af. cuck ""sport""!
Providing for a woman isn't numale. Real men have always done that, and they should. It's becoming so effeminate that they can't keep their own wife's attraction that is numale, and then accepting this rather than trying to step up and get your fucking manhood back.
He posted this 5 weeks ago
>loses sex appeal to his wife
>someone suggests toughening up
>td;dr he beats the shit out of kids in a "martial arts" tournament
How is this pose called?
>She was daydreaming about breaking up with him as these were taken
>b-but he's MMA
A black guy with a guy can easily beat this cuck. Jeez, no wonder.
MEW left him for a black guy. LOL.
how many BBCs do you guys reckon are on her training plan for july?
Be sure to do your part and like that post on instagram.
>11.5k and counting
>he literally beat the shit out of actual kids for meaningless trinkets
Why are you guys taking MEW's side here? This guy sound like /oneofus/ that was cheated by another bbc-loving roastie
>go on Sup Forums for some reason
>hourly threads about somebody's non-famous spouse
>hundreds of "HA I BET HE'S A KEK" posts
Why do you fucking care so much
hey I take offense to that
why do you care
yeah right
Makes them feel better about their pathetic lives
>Literally Who: The Thread
Honestly because MEW is pretty hot so I was hoping to see lots of pictures of her
Instead you're all talking about her fucking randp ex-husband
Because they actually think they'll have a chance of fucking MEW one day. Little do they know they have to leave their basements first. One step at a time i guess
It's his demeanor and aesthetic and overall energy that's wimpy. He doesn't give off any masculine energy, at all. He seems neutered.
And those faggy fucking cuck glasses. Fuck anyone who wears those.
more like he knew what was coming and was trying to fix it and hold on
>Makes them feel better about their pathetic lives
Irony is you're one of us
Why are you people so obsessed with her? She looks rather average and bland. Shes definitely not ugly but also nothing special.
kek. be better. if a woman loves blacks more than you, you need to do some introspection
Not him, but I've been seeing this retort a lot lately.
1. You're also behind a computer, albeit whiteknighting rather than shitposting.
2. user might spent twenty minutes a week shitposting, for all you know.
3. A prisoner calling his cellmate a criminal doesn't mean he isn't a criminal.
cool blog post user feel free to leave if you don't like the content
JFC anyone notice that with his shoulder poking out like that, that it's likely HE took that photo
This gives me hope as she no longer has any restrictions to do nude scenes as evidenced by Fargo.
>your parents named you Riley
Was cuck his destiny?
>Dude everyone who browses Sup Forums spends every minute of their lives on here lmao
>dumb whore backs out of her commitment because she didn't think it through
wow what a shocker
He's probably going to kill himself.
Difference is that the guy you're responding to isn't claiming to be some ALPHA MALE whilst the guy they responded to is doing the whole tough guy act whilst on the internet.
We've seen the collages of Sup Forums, we know that all the posters who moan about liberals/sjws/numales are all skinny weirdos in glasses
If you spend that much time on here you should get help user. Your life is YOUR responsibility.
>be redditor
>use /oneofus/
>side with the cucked numale
Checks all out. Never post again you r/betamale
>leave getting cucked to me
free sex with attractive women
realtalk, MEW really isn't that good of an actress
>hey babe, let's take a divorce selfie
Is this a new trend?
Read: I want to fuck other men, but I don't want to be called a slut or an adulterer
>We've seen the collages of Sup Forums, we know that all the posters who moan about liberals/sjws/numales are all skinny weirdos in glasses
Wow at least you're not trying to hide your true agenda publicist shill.
>not being able to walk into the bedroom and see her succulent soles dangling off the edge of the bed anymore
would off myself
>people actually defending this roastie cunt
Fuck her.
>that image
yeah clearly he lost to kids because he's in second place
>She looks rather average and bland
blind or possibly a woman
>t. numale
I hope she will get aids from one her black bulls
>it literally says KIDS on the banner
you can't make this shit up
>go on Sup Forums
That is where you fucked up.
She's hot in a hipster way. Like Zoey Deschanel.