Its getting cancelled, isnt it?
Its getting cancelled, isnt it?
Ariana Grande is such a gross slut
But why wouldn't they just say so
FOX fears Ryan Murphy
Good. We need a third season where Grace is the killer and she kills all the Chanels except number 3.
i'd like to suck her dick Tbh
She probably has a giant clit.
>best Emma chose this over Suicide Squad
Did she make the right decision on a professional level? It's a tough one, but I would have to say she didn't.
I'm shocked she actually signed up for this show, even if it was just to be killed off after a couple episodes
>except number 3.
>not no. 5
SOund terrible. Grace being a killer would be weird since her dad did it already
>carmella will never be on scream queens with her man-servant ellsworth
She's working with probably the biggest creator in tv right now and will have work on AHS, ACS and Feud for years to come and will probably get a lead for another show soon. Margot Robbie will be doing tv in 3 years.
But that would only be forgoing a single show to work on what was a fairly popular, if not critically well-received superhero film.
>Margot Robbie will be doing tv in 3 years.
But that's almost all of Emma's work right now.
Can you go into more detail?
>But that would only be forgoing a single show
See it from her perspective, she could do a movie where she plays a character thats not in her acting wheelhouse and at that point was SS didnt look like it would be a hit. Or stick with Ryan, Ian and Brad who know how to write to her strengths and in addition stick with the people that have kept her relevant
Well, I was just asking which would have been better for her career, and because Scream Queens definitely did not take off and SS, (by some measure), did, I'm concluding that she would have had more exposure that way, certainly more than she had in any previous film.
Sure but long term it probably would've hurt her since people generally (normies at least) dont like Emma Roberts. Its why her movie career is basically done and she had to move to tv to begin with
She was the last killer in the finale.
The pendant confirmed it. It's the same as the one in the season 1 pilot that Grace had.
>Sure but long term it probably would've hurt her
You really think exposure of that kind would've been bad for her? Plenty of people say Harley was the best part of SS.
Nobody remembers SS though. I've never seen a movie going out of people's conciousness so fast. Even severe ADHD people are surprised by how fast it went away.
SS was like some of those weird Doritos flavors that comes out sometimes and then disapear and people argue if they even existed at all a few months later.
You're assuming that she would've been good as Harley. A lot of people think that she wouldn't have had the range to play Harley. She's better served on tv where she's still a big name
Harley... range... does.. not... compute...
And you think SS really didn't help Robie's career?
>she's still a big name
Not really. Scream Queen's isn't exactly lighting up the ratings.
I'm saying it suited Margot more than Emma. Emma will either be at the level she is now or bigger 10 years from now whereas Margot Robbie will be a lot lower than she is now
>I'm saying it suited Margot more than Emma.
Probably, but her role in the movie was big enough that the exposure would have done her better than what she got in Scream Queens, which was very little. Emma is, (I think), much younger than Robbie, so I think it stands to reason she'll have been star power than Robbie.
>Emma is, (I think), much younger than Robbie
Until we really find out how old Margot really is, shes only 1 year older. My point this whole time is that Emma will be a bigger star in the long term vs Margot Robbie. Regardless of how SQ did, Emma is a still a leading lady and will be for years to come thanks to Ryan Murphy
>Killing the best character
>killing off both chad and grace's father in season 2
Nah, this show can fuck itself. No season 3 necessary.
>being a """man"""
>watching this shit
Top jej
>Until we really find out how old Margot really is, shes only 1 year older.
Shit, really? That's surprising. We're going in circles, so I'll just restate what I've said: regardless of what their future career will be, Scream Queens did much less for Roberts than it did for Robbie, and I think the extra exposure would have been better for Roberts' career.
>and nothing of value was lost
>being a man
>using quotes meme
>using top laugh meme
You are more sheep than man.
Just what a woman would say
Your right, a real man only watches other men and only jerks off with and thinking about other men.
No, that would be a faggot.
But since you watch this, you probably know all about that.
>emma will never be demonstrative towards you
I know about you.
tfw I wish I was a girl so Emma would sexually bully me
She looks like demonster from deblacklagoon
No need to be a girl user, she beats quicksilver all the time and he still put a ring on it.
>perfectly flat
like put her fingers in your vag and make you lick them?
among other more dirty and humiliating things, yes
like what?
>grace's father
His arc was top-tier though. The Green Meanie Summit was hilarious
I creamed in Emma's buns.
I think she did. As others have said, the role really wasn't perfectly suited to her strengths, and if she was off putting in any way, she'd likely get a lot of hate for it, and ton of it that kind of overblown hatred only capeshit fans can conjure up. Honestly I feel like the only reason that actress thu chose didn't get so much was because she was blatant waifu bait.
Moreover, while screen queens ain't as far reaching, few can deny she's one of the most consistently enjoyable parts of it.
>acting=yelling and sometimes raising voice
Admit it, she's not a good actress.
Killing him off was a big mistake. This show is carried by the very few based characters that it has. Chad, Jamie Lee Curtis, the bitchy woman that works at the hospital, Grace's father and the doctor with the serial killer hand are what make the show worth watching. The younger cast members are insufferable except for Ear Muffs Channel.
You're forgetting that this show is zany enough to allow literally any character to come back from the dead if they wanted. As long as the flashback and subsequent explanation were sufficiently baroque and funny, no one'd give a shit
> The younger cast members are insufferable except for Ear Muffs Channel.
Plebbit opinion. Emma > Breslin > Ear Muffs
>The younger cast members are insufferable
>Hating no. 5
Found the plebian
Definitely meat curtains
i want to fuck those teeth