Beauty isn't everything, it's the only thing
wow... really gets you noggin joggin
My only gripe about this movie is that they could have got a more beautiful actress.
Also it just feel like another Mulholand drive
i know "really makes you think" is a meme, but this really makes me think.
Elle isn't like your typical generic looking blonde, but she is definitely attractive.
But that's really beside the point, since the whole shit was about her having a special quality, a certain purity or whatever.
>Unattractive, crooked eared mutant is giving people lectures on beauty.
thats like a 4 here in Denmark
It was the fashion designer that says that line in the movie...
But i'd imagine all those girls in Denmark are all sluts and lack that special something. I mean of course they are, if they are so attractive it's almost guaranteed that they'd be very sexually active.
>sexually active = sluts
virgin detected
used up roastie detected. out of my way fucking whore
do they have a rivalry?
>moles on the neck
>muh high standards
I meant that attractive people usually have more sex, which is a fact. People that have a lot of sex are sluts, that is also a fact.
Therefore if everyone is so attractive within a given population you'd be right to assume they have indeed "been around" and are "sluts".
Anyway, the whole point I was originally trying to make was that Elle's character had something that made her special that all other girls envied. And that "something special" is tied to her "purity" and naivety.
Yes they do.
She has a deformity and rendered disgusting by her mole encrusted neck
She's a virgin
>People that have a lot of sex are sluts, that is also a fact.
what? people that have a lot of sex with different people are sluts
people that just have a lot of sex with their partner are called normal people
leave the house once in a while, also your reddit spaces are showing
I was implying the latter. People who are attractive, given what we know about modern trends in human sexual behavior, don't stick to the same partners for life. Do you honestly believe the majority of people now only have sex with one or two different partners in their life? And you think i'm delusional?
I'd also like to take this moment to mention that reddit spacing isn't real, I'll format my posts however the hell I want. I seriously don't know where this meme comes from, since from what I have seen from reddit posts they usually post in large blocks of text without any regard for proper paragraphs.
Didn't they teach you in grade school that when an idea ends it should be placed on its own line?
Her best picture, this is fact.
what about this one?
>also your reddit spaces are showing
>says redditor the one not knowing tripfriends
>>people that just have a lot of sex with their partner are called normal people
this does not exist
>reddit spaces
Man this bitch is ugly.
t. Dakota
fucking plebdit.
You are a very special kind of fucking moron aren't you?
>My only gripe about this movie is that they could have got a more beautiful actress.
Did you even get what this movie was about?
>watching this movie as a 5'8 2/10 ugly beta
>t. Waiting for marriage lel
(While the woman of your dreams is getting facefucked by chad)
I want to watch this movie but don't want to see the gross nasty parts.
Is there a version that cuts that out but leaves all the sexy parts in?
part 2
That "male fan" is WAY too attractive to be the average Elle enthusiast
>gross nasty parts.
you fucking serious?? This movie was pretty tame compared to his other movies
it's true though, take a psychology course.
good looking people are immediately seen as "good" by the human eye, it's just how our brain works, ugly people really don't have a chance.
he directed the video
It does not exist for you
Superior actress, superior personality, superior looks.... Superior Fanning.
Ah yes, who can forget old Plain Jane Fanning.
Apparently everyone.
she has a moonface now
very meta, refn. your films look nice, but they're still shit
her neck and side profile are really disgusting
left - some weird twig-alien
right - a woman
could you BE anymore boring
granny Dakota
Do you think we all have 16 year old girls inside of us?
16 year old lesbian girls
that restaurant scene was pure kino and everything said there was the truth
only pic of hers I ejaculated to
true. it's amazing that you can simultaneously hate the guy's pretentiousness but agree with everything he says
the only problem is that elle fanning isn't that attractive
I really like Jena Malone in this movie.
Refn takes two hours to say something that would fit in a 30-minute episode. He should just really do an anthology tv show and lay off the movies.
there's no need to have your characters move and speak as if they're stuck in glue
hello is this the neck thread
not yet
If what he said about artificial beauty was true 90% of hollywood actresses would be out of jobs
This bitch is ugly
the fact that everyone posts elle here instead of abby lee says a lot about this board
and speaking of ejaculating it looks like it's time to do it to that picture again because I'm horny as fuck
the best thng is, there's always like two or three guys desperately trying to discuss the actual movie with the rain of waifu shitposting thunders around them. i was that guy for the VVitch while everyone was fapping to the blonde girl
If it makes you feel any better, I'm that guy too. Every time I lurk Sup Forums I end up reporting at least 2 or 3 threads b/c of off topic bullshit.
I just want to talk about movies. Hell /hr/ is basically /waifu/ these days. Go there to jerk off over Elle's (admittedly beautiful) neck.
Does she stand like that on purpose or does she just have a terrible posture?
>Are you food or are you sex?
>*doesn't want sex*
>*gets eaten*
I really loved the scene with the panther in the bedroom. I dunno why, I dunno what it was supposed to mean, but it stuck with me somehow
what''s the name of the movie
the neon demon
there's no demon in it, but holy shit is there neon. purple neon.
She's pure.
phallus phantom
then why does she always have the blank look of a girl who is catatonic after taking 10 BBCs in her ass simultaneously?
this film was really bad, didnt even qualify for kino status
it's like every Refn movie, good cinematography with very little story and near-mute characters. it has some good parts but they're overshadowed by the boredom of the pacing
it's easily the weakest of his set, and by a long shot.
i thoroughly enjoyed OGF, that is kino.
i liked OGF too, we're probably the only two people on the planet who did. drive was bad though, worse than neon demon.
wanna fight?
How DARE you talk like that about my pure Waifu! I will fight you in a duel!
Are you guys new? Why don't redditor crossposters realize that your threads would die off if it wasn't for the brave souls posting pictures of cute girls in your thread to bump them and keep it on topic? I don't get it
so pale
>Beauty is the only thing.
>Cast a Downs Syndrome rat faced scarecrow as the "beauty".
>Betas can't shut up about it.