Put away your 270 to win maps.
>Nate Silver calls it for Trump
>By a landslide
Put away your 270 to win maps.
>Nate Silver calls it for Trump
>By a landslide
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Nate is a clueless hack, though. Hillary is going to bounce right back up in about two weeks, which is the limit of the average amerifat's long term memory.
I don't think you can become anymore increasingly nervous than you are now, shill.
>Nate is a clueless hack
wrong faggot. He's been dead on in the last 3 general elections.
fuck off back to your meme county.
Bumping with an ultra rare David.
>Announcement Video
>Campaign Website:
>David's Website (Not campaign specific):
>Youtube Account:
>David Duke vs. Alex Jones
>David Duke vs. The Young Turks
The now-cast is an 'aggressive' prediction that shows what would happen if an election was held today.
It is not an official forecast or a very good tool to predict who will an election in 4 months.
Fuck that democrat in disguise and fuck duke shills
>Trump wining only Today
>Every other long term projection has him getting stomped.
Enjoy your day pathetic virgins. #imwithher
based on her being out-polled in every state.
just wait after a week of protesting at the DNC, you will see no bump.
this absolutely could happen. politics are a funny thing and we're still a long way out.
i bet the person paying 2 cents a post is getting really scared.
Nate called it for Trump . lol
you lose
game over
He called it today. Maybe if you can see longer and further than your piss bottle you might actually accomplish something like me. But oh no, "I get paid to post" while you sit here all day alone and a virgin.
That map has changed now FeelsBadMan
Official Styx prediction. Subject to change due to any major events.
No that is the polls only forecast
Still 60-40 Hillary. Throw in the towel now. And clean up that piss bottle. Hillary and the women are in charge now.
Just like with gamergate and the twitter wars. You will lose to us.
Keep up the good work! The more Hillary supporters that think the election in the bag the better. They won't go out to vote if they think it isn't close.
Thanks comrade! $0.03 has been deposited into your shillary account! Keep up the great work!
i just checked and its 44.4% hillary and 55.6% trump. trump wins.
>Nate Silver calls it for Trump
>Thanks for Standing With Herâ„¢ ! $0.03 has been deposited into your shillary account! Keep up the great work!
I like how on RCP Oregon is considered a toss up.
How the fuck did that happen lel
last week map.
if you want fresh news check out this.........
How many layers of irony are you on now, my man?
she's not only gonna lose,
meme magic baby
I would actually bet money on Hillary getting a negative bump out of this shitfest.
You faggots were all just ranting about how much of a faggot pseudoscientist Nate Silver was last week when he said Hillary Rotten Clinton was winning
only faggots were.
this is now the kiss of death for the DNC.
This a new find?
If the things Hillary spent the last few decades doing keep getting made public It's hard not to agree with him. Everybody already knows every single fuckup Trump ever made and they're all old news.
Anti Duke shill.
fresh as it gets
we talking quid pro quo now.
>Sup Forums calling Nate a fucking hack when he he's been wrong about trump every week for 6 months while shills say we are being delusional
>Nate says trump wins
>shills now backtracking ignoring their cognitive dissonance
>b-but Nate doesn't know what he's talking about
Fucking pottery
His punditry is garbage. During the primaries his stats were spot on. He predicted most of the primary wins.
You just have to filter out his own analysis and look at the data only.
His actual predictions were almost never wrong. Only big one I can think of is when Bernie won Michigan.
He was almost never wrong about Trump winning state to state, he just didn't predict he would last (wishful thinking on his part).
nate silver is still an absolute moron, he's just good at aggregating polls
( x
No ones pointed out that he has Trump losing the popular vote but winning the electoral. I never even considered this.
get a cat tower for you cat and put it in the background
and a third party will get more than 5% of the vote.
>Nate is a clueless hack, though
Except when he's called the past three elections and 538 has won me a fuckton of money on baseball lines.
His only mistake is using the same algorithms that he used the past 12 years. In those 3 elections the unfavorability scores were much lower and the numbers didn't have such wide fluctuation as a result, so the variances didn't need to be as wide.
Hahaha the Canadian media is saying the same thing
I was only a kid when it happened with dubya but I know with Trump it will be way worse.
>if the election WERE HELD TODAY
guess again.
Hillary loses in TWO models.
I swear in the last 48 hours, different shill company has been given the Sup Forums contract
They are much more neuanced shills. But still stand out like dogs balls
So the only one that doesn't show Trump winning is the one where nate injects his own crap into the model.
you got it pal
they must be coming from reddit.
they're trying to use "logical fallacy" magic here.