Thoughts on "Children of Men", Sup Forums?
Thoughts on "Children of Men", Sup Forums?
A decent sci fi action thriller with top notch execution of almost all filmmaking elements.
Impressive set pieces and an intriguing narrative.
Nice sci-fi, but some people oh here revere it.
> muh continuous shot
never got the insane hype about it
it's good but not that good
An interesting documentary about England
u cheeki cunt
Pull my finger
How so?
Too much left wing propaganda for my taste
Too Marxist for me
I cried. One of my favourite films.
Despite the new baby and that secret group being real most of humanity is fucked by the point the film takes place.
"You know that ringing in your ears? That 'eeeeeeeeee'?
That's the sound of the ear cells dying, like their swan song. Once it's gone you'll never hear that frequency again.
Enjoy it while it lasts."
What did she mean by this? Did she hear the ringing in his ears?
At this point in time it is essentially a documentary of current events.
that's not really the point, though. it's just the hope/surprise from seeing new innocent life for the first time in so long
It's a film where Muslim and left wing terrorism is rife in the future. Seems pretty accurate
As far as I remember it takes place in 2027; let´s see how things go
Best movie of the last 17 years
decent flick
Absolute Kino, very well executed film.
At this point any hate is just contrarian faggots that want to be fashionable.
Movie ain't perfect, but its damn close.
>le you must accept that negroids are the future of humanity cuz we're all africans or something
other than that it's great
>all these Sup Forumstards missing the point
Are you forgetting that the Fishies were all scum?
If it was leftist propaganda, wouldn't they be the good guys?
That's ironically exactly what the movie is saying
one of my favourites, probably the best film of the millenia
They fucked up by putting dubstep in the soundtrack
I've watched it twice. I've watched well over 900ish movies but I'm kindof like, "alright whatever". On this one. Maybe I'm not pretentiously reading into it deeper?
It's nothing but marxist and pro-illegals/refugees propaganda, and of the most antiwhite movies in recent history.
One of my favorite movies. The way they showed how both sides were selfish assholes, while not original, is still something I wish more films would do these days.
>while not original
In what way was the movie not original?
He tells her his ears are still ringing from the bomb at the coffee stop earlier
I mean specifically how they show how both extremes of a conflict can be flawed and selfish. Plenty of movies have done this but it doesn't happen as much anymore.
I think the actual plot as a whole was original.
What's a movie that you actually feel passionately about?
>Plenty of movies have done this
Do you have any recommendations or favourites?
Its a mighty big redpill hiding in plain sight as a bluepill.
>directed by a mexican
>savior of humanity is a black woman
>hidden redpill
nice try jew
>>savior of humanity is a black woman
Missed the entire point
>implying it wasn't a brilliant critique of how westerners are allowing their civilization to crumble from lack of births paired with the toxic effect that mass immigration from the third world has one social stratification and mobility, resulting in a government that can only safeguard its populace by restricting freedom and cracking down ruthlessly on all non-citizens
It's a liberal movie, but I still liked it. Still overrated
Anyone who doesn't think this movie is a masterpiece clearly didn't understand it
i think this is a critic of how we treat children nowadays, how they are disposable because there are so many. but as son as a resource becomes scarce they rise in value, so much that it literally stops combat
I honestly thing Manchester By The Sea was without a doubt the best film of 2016 no competition whatsoever.
The rusted chains of prison moons
Are shattered by the sun...
>dad rock
fuckin pleb
lol, get a load of this guy
im fucking pollack and its no propaganda in any way, i grew up to hate ignorant rednecks
>England is only functional society
>Hippies want the baby for pollitical benefit
>Hippies are nothing but another terrorist group
>Muslims take camp by force
>Rich get to keep their way of life and try to preserve art and culture
you cant see not a single right-wing/christian trace of fanatism on whole film, its a great film made on 2008, way before the rapefugees crISIS, people just try to make it their agenda now
It's been hailed as underrated for so long and from so many people that it's actually overrated now
Why did shitskins run around terrorizing everyone
It's an anti-abortion film so I don't its really all that liberal.
t. cool dad