Why is this allowed?
Why is this allowed?
why is this allowed?
>guess which one is Swedish
>nigga linking a gif
>left: Ashkenazi Jew
>right: Sup Forums user
I watch this weebum and imagine im the smol girl
What the fuck
Why is Vikander slowly turning into a nigger?
Isn't she Australian? Wouldn't that make her an anglo?
The joke is that Sup Forums is filled with non-white LARPers
Too much sex with Michael Fassbender
i think vikander is a post op tranny. im not kidding.
Nah trannies are usually hotter because trying to compensate. She's just a mini-fridge.
Debicka needs to stop shaving.
Holy shit
vikander danish
she is a swedish subhuman you fucking inbred mong
doesn't look swedish to me, a "new swede" possibly or some rich guy who fucked some subhuman and brought it back
She's too tall, looks so awkward.
vikander is very pretty
Womanlets, when will they learn?
Fucking disgusting
Debicki is of Polish & Irish descent.
it really is funny that it is full of foreigners just fucking with retarded americans and fooling them to believing retarded shit
Literally ugly Natalie Hershlag
praying mantis stalking its prey
Definitely... what other hairy celebs do you like? Ritter, ASR, Lily James?
Who are the hairiest Jewish celebs?
>He only fucks hot or crazy bitches
Did they fuck after?
Probably Michelle Trachtenberg. Eva Green can grow a nice bush
my goldfu
Imagine Debicki's soles.
Now imagine being underneath them.
Michael Fassbender looks like a guy that tries all the branching route in a videogame or someshit.
I would let her Sasquash my dick
Post Bella Thorne's recent leg hair pics please.
>60% non white conservatives LARers
>20% actually white civil nationalists
>20% for real neon naxis kkk Hitler lovers
This nigga like the chocolate sistas