What happened to that American gymnast McKayla Maroney, I thought she was trying to make it as an actress, I know she had a part on How I met your mother
What happened to that American gymnast McKayla Maroney, I thought she was trying to make it as an actress...
>had a part on How I met your mother
Did she?
What the fuck happened to her butt
That's disgusting
butt implants
dis tbqhwyf
she was so cute :(
There's some Dutch Olympian gymnast who got caught with CP on her computer which ruined her career.
She does porn now.
>i've never done squats in my life
step it up famlam
Why do they always ruin their selves?
She stopped training but still eats like she does. A lot of former athletes get fat because of this.
Did the whore get butt implants?
Definitely an improvement.
gymnastics, instagram nig culture and becoming irrelevant or
lot of low test betas on this board, she is 10/10
Neither have you. That's not a squat ass. It's just fat.
Her face is so fucking bloated now. What is wrong with you burgers?
>instagram nig culture
suburban white boys that will take anything they can get. you can tell by his use of "low test betas" but he's never lifted in his life
If you're attracted to pigs.
All Olympic athletes fade into obscurity after their games are done for the most part.
she was always an attention seeking whore
She tweets like a hoodrat
wash your hair you greasy bitch
she achieved more in life than any of us anyway
Seriously, I don't remember that. I know she was on some crime show
>ITT 300 lb virgins call an in shape girl "fat"
This, her body is still hot in a different way, but my god her face is like a chipmunk.
>according to Sup Forums women like this shouldn't be allowed to breed
Fucking disgusting
That face is ugly as shit
This board has more fags on it than I thought.
this board IS for fags only actually
Nothing wrong with us, we're not fags.
She's actually fat. People calling the girl in the OP fat are retarded.
We get it dude you're gay
Why do you have such shit taste you beta numale? Did you vote for bernie too?
Perfect bimbo. Going full beckinsale
Why are you gay?
I wish she'd drink my pink HARDIE desu
nah try again
Being against nigger sensibilities doesn't make you a gay, beta
Answer the question now
She might as well do porn at this point
damn imagine those big lips around your throbbing COCK
nice ears
I live in a poor neighborhood and she looks like the loud and trashy girls that only date black guys
I'll pass
When do you plan on coming out of the closet?
how you doing in the cock department? you got a nice juicy fat one?
b-but her ass is enhanced!!!1111
You need to be 18 to post here.
Was I right? You're a beta?
which one are you?
Where you live, senpai?
think you'll get chest hair one day, lad?
How long have you been sucking dicks, user? Have you told anyone else?
Canada. Our blacks are pretty chill compared to Basketball Americans
how do i get a gf like her?
I'm attractive and rich. I drive a BMW and these vapid sluts won't even LOOK at me!
It's just not just, she is fucking someone inferior to me.
It's not, it's implants. You can see the same shape ass among the majority of those Instagram ass models.
Jurassic Park Guardians of the Galaxy man?!?!
well, well, well
>I was right
Holy shit
Are you this one?
sup elliot?
This is the end of Krager
How do you like your cock? Length or girth?
Have you tried sitting at coffee shops for 5 hours reading a book on the third reich occasionally making hissing noises and giving the stink eye to any passing couples while waiting for the blonde blue haired college girls to come sweep you off your feet?
If that doesn't work, I dunno man. You might as well go home and cry and write in your diary.
I always felt bad fapping to her fappening pics (she was 17 and 364 days old so that makes me a pedo I guess). But now, I think that's what she would've wanted
Have a dick longer than 4 inches, kek
go fuck yourself, Rodgers, you pathetic nobody. even you little sister scored before you did, lol
my waifu will shine on forever quote me on this!
start posting on bodybuilding.com
She has fappening pics?
Post them please.
delicious chunky monkey
>it's a i won episode
The absolute state of this beta. He's even talking in homosexual ways
It's a myth that gymnasts eat a lot. They don't.
she was barely even naked in them
start going out in style
>just post fappening pics pls
Are you serious dude? Are you brazilian, per chance?
You have been exposed
Great body, but she's in the beginning stages of her face becoming busted. Shame about that.
Can't she was 17 at the time (or so she says) so it's been classified as CP.
>using a before a vowel sound
not if i keep shaving it
will Krager EVER recover? is this the end of his endless shitposting? have we reached the golden age of Krager-less Sup Forums?
kragers trip leaked a while ago so there are a dozen people who use it to shitpost
this is common knowledge and I don't know how there are still people to don't know it
>fucked up her face
>fucked up her body
>so devastated he had to jump to grammatical errors
1/10. Consecutive use of tired meme retort.
I want her to plant her fake ass on my stupid face.
she is perfect you pos body shamer
MFC when
Take your flavor of the month meme FAS slag back to Sup Forumseddit.
Jesus christ what the fuck did she do to herself?
What's wrong princess? Curb stomped too hard?