What were they saying again?

What were they saying again?

It didn't matter. I would have done the same thing.

The holocaust isn't real


I am a big for you


TIL: That the two people who were surrendering in Saving Private Ryan were actually speaking Czech. The first was asking for a new car and the second a hot dinner.


>The first was asking for a new car

what an asshole

Stop bombing train rails! The prisoners in work camps will starve if they don't get food and medicine!

Didnt the first people on the beach have orders not to take prisoners?

Or was that the paratroopers?

"For the love of God don't light my ass up like a Christmas tree!"

>it's a Fat Manchild Sup Forums Posters Who Have Never Been Exposed To The Realities of War Criticize The Actions Of Soldiers In A Fictional Movie thread

love these ones

They were Eastern Europeans forced into the German army. They were saying "please don't shoot me, I am not German, I didn't kill anyone"

magyar cigany

logistically makes sense while trying to push an advance

Is it true they actually said they aren't Germans and they're from the Czech republic?

and this.

But we will never know the truth thanks to the jews manipulating the truth.

"Look we washed our hands for supper"

"Look I washed for supper"


>you are ruining our plan to save children of the future from endless stream of capeshit

they said: "nestřílejte, já jsem nikoho nezabil... Já jsem čech" - don't shoot, I did not kill anyone, I am czech!

t. czechfag

they had yet to establish a beach head, the area isnt secure yet, wouldnt be a stretch of the imagination that the first guys on the beach didnt take prisoners just because they didnt have the manpower to watch them.

I wonder what bitta bitta means

>mfw it took me a second but I got it

>t. czechfag

no one asked your opinion you filthy little mudblood

fuck off

Are Czechs white people?

>At some point, the GIs lost all self-control. As Jones wrote: "(The Germans) were baffled and they were crazy. There were quite a few of them still in their foxholes. Then I saw quite a few of them shot right in the foxholes. We didn't take prisoners and there was nothing to do but kill them, and we did, and I had never shot one like that. Even our lieutenant did and some of the non coms (non-commissioned officers)."

> They also reportedly used soldiers belonging to the German Wehrmacht or Waffen SS as human shields and forced them to walk through minefields.

>One recounts the tale of a private named Smith, who was fighting with the 79th US Infantry Division. Smith allegedly discovered a room full of wounded Germans in a fortification while he was drunk on Calvados, a local apple brandy. According to the official report: "Declaring to all and sundry that the only good German was a dead one, Smith made good Germans out of several of them before he could be stopped."

>In another account, Staff Sergeant Lester Zick reportedly encountered an American soldier on a white horse who was herding 11 prisoners in front of him. He called out to Zick and his men and told them that the prisoners were all Poles, except for two Germans. Then, according to Zick, the soldier took out his pistol "and shot both of them in the back of the head. And we just stood there."

Your """"good guys""", everyone

War is hell

Stop thinking of history in terms of 'good' and 'bad'

It's childish.

whiter than yanks


I don't speak kraut

I am pretty sure the use of the words "good guys" was sarcastic user.

t. early 20s southern redneck with more guns in his room than girls he's ever touched