Green Goblin Stories

Going to do as the title says and use this thread as a signpost to all that the Green Goblin is Spidey's main foe. While Doc Ock "killed him", he won't close to the creating the psychological baggage that Norm has already inflicted.

Peter Parker - Spider-Man #44-47








Hope people are reading. This series is probably my favorite Spider-Man/Goblin story.













I think Pete's method of trying to coax Norman out of his persona was a small genius moment of storytelling. One thing he would never do with another villain because of the lack of history.










I can't even begin to imagine the stones on Norman to publicly pull shit like that.










And Osborn demonstrates again why he's deserving of the title. He's willing to cripple a colleague just so you pay attention to him. And it's the little touches (the wine bottle) that make you think he's fully aware of the shit he's pulling rather than just a psycho lashing out.






Halfway through, anyone reading along?

Wtf happened to Ramos? This art is goat



A lot of people find Ramos at this point in time to veer far to much in the cartooney side of things. Although I think a more realistic and subsequently less stylized look to this story would remove some of the impact. This looks like a comic but reads entirely different from the simple "hero punches villain plot".







If anyone reading this for the first time is enjoying it you should check out the Marvel Knights stuff.



Thank you


Sorry for delay, possible malicious code my ass.




Jenkins and Kelly are the only two individials that I feel can write a convincing Norman. Everyone else just writes him as some nutjob in a goblin costume.






Final issue!















I'm trying to imagine Maguire and Dafoe having this conversation and it being absolutely insane.








>if you had gotten to know her
>sins past

Easily one of the top three worst spider-man stories, the others being One More Day and The Other

>The Other
just went full pleb

the art here is abysmal