What are your favorite podcasts, except pic related

What are your favorite podcasts, except pic related

I don't get why this podcast has such an appeal. Is it the whole "being near someone is as close to being like them as you can be"?

Legion of Skanks is probably my favorite right now. I also like Snoop Dogg's podcast because it's so chill. Good for getting through a hangover.

mega64 podcast

church of whats happening now
comedy bang bang
sam harris podcast when he has a good guest

Kermode & Mayo's film review all the way

>the daily shoah
>no agenda
>reply all
>mad about movies
>hello internet
>pod awful
>cum town

Cum town would be so good if not for Stavros

Fuck you stavvy baby is the best part

i never felt that way

appeals to me because joe seems genuinely interested in the guests he's talking to. though curious, he's also pretty upfront about not being very educated and the interviews just seem like him trying become more informed and get different perspectives.

if you admit to being ignorant of many issues but still get off your ass to try and educate yourself, that's pretty cool to me. he doesn't bring a lot of emotion into the interviews either. he's not the funniest guy, but his sense of humor works well in this setting.

In Our Time is very comfy.
So is Desert Island Discs.
Basically just a lot of Radio 4 stuff.

L'invité d'Inter (by France Inter) is good if you know/are learning French and are interested in politics.

Technically these are all radio shows but whatever.

Chapo Trap House, The Dollop and Cum Town.

Last Podcast on the Left
The Dollop
My Favorite Murder
The Flophouse

I think I'm the only person on the planet who listens to both In Our Time and Cum Town

All bullshit aside, Joe's a good host. I completely get the appeal. He can have a decent conversation about almost anything.

>The Church of What's Happening Now
>Cum Town
>Freedomain Radio with Stefan Molyneux

Hell yeah my dude

I'd rather Adam stay Stav. Nick needs some sort of foil and jokes about Adam's mom and him being gay and Jewish and his Australian parents still aren't old yet.

Nick could do better than either of them I'm sure

The JRE is entirely dependent on what guests are on.

Joe himself is a likeable-enough meathead who does know how to move a conversation forward. It's a good show.

>So, it's me...

>>So it's me...
What are you referencing?

Sword and Scale

Love hearing about grisly horrors during the commute

Film junk
