Do you ever wish you were a 8’6 WHITE protestant male with an IQ of 150, huge ass WHITE COCK, chiseled jawline...

Do you ever wish you were a 8’6 WHITE protestant male with an IQ of 150, huge ass WHITE COCK, chiseled jawline, God Tier beard genetics, blonde hair, blue eyes, FAT wallet FILLED with cash and credit cards, bulbous muscles and translucent pearly WHITE skin of the Gods?

I bet you do.

>inb4 mad cath*cucks
>inb4 mad orth*dogs

no. instead i wish i was a japanese salaryman with a wife and a few kids

That’s fucking gay dude. Hopefully you wont ge beaten up considering where you live


More like beta

>150 IQ


>Do you ever wish you were a 8’6 WHITE male with an IQ of 150, huge ass WHITE COCK, chiseled jawline, God Tier beard genetics, FAT wallet FILLED with cash and credit cards, bulbous muscles and translucent pearly WHITE skin of the Gods?
>protestant, blonde hair, blue eyes

Leave my country.

What’s wrong with blue eyes and blonde hair?

I just don't like how it looks.


Blonde is not a race.

But slav is

I dont care

Gas the jews

Is it? I thought it is an ethnolinguistic group.

Good post

Its a race called subhominoid

Most of Scandinavia and Livonia are more liek agnostic than bible-thumpers.

so like the rest of europe

>Do you ever wish you were a 8’6 WHITE protestant male, with huge ass WHITE COCK, chiseled jawline, God Tier beard genetics, FAT wallet FILLED with cash and credit cards, bulbous muscles and translucent pearly WHITE skin of the Gods?
>blonde hair, blue eyes, IQ of 150
I am

would rather be a gael ubermensch (which i am)


el monstro...

protestants are subhuman

me irl

if the only thing in life you are "proud" over is something you had no control over, that says alot about your character. boasting about it on a nigerian beyblade forum day in and day out says even more...