In a recent Pew Research Center survey...

>In a recent Pew Research Center survey, 58% of Republicans and conservative-leaning respondents said they felt that colleges and universities negatively affect the U.S. By comparison, only 19% of Democrats and liberal-leaning respondents felt the same way. It is impossible to know exactly what about higher education respondents perceived harmful. Regardless, evidence concerning its value in improving our lives is clear.

>College-educated Americans earn higher salaries, experience lower rates and shorter durations of unemployment, commit fewer crimes, live longer and healthier lives, and are more likely to parent children who subsequently attain high levels of education. Graduates also overwhelmingly occupy positions of leadership and wealth in every sector of our economy.

>Hence, to suggest college is somehow bad is inconsistent with decades of research that proves otherwise.

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Canada is HOT

I know it's a Kelly comic but the vast majority of this country actually thinks this way. In many places (notably West Virgina) the coal workers are actually turning down free job training and education.

West Virginia is such a fucking joke

I wish DC would give VA the go ahead to invade and genocide the fuckers.

>turning down free job training and education
Isn't that usually really expensive? What a think to turn down.

>implying you can change their minds with rational arguments and research

>Universities in 2017 are rational

I wonder whomst those 58% go to when they have an illness or when their shithole counties need to build new infrastructure

>The US university system is complete garbage
also OP:
>Conservashits think American universities are bad, what retards lol

>It is impossible to know exactly what about higher education respondents perceived harmful.
That is simply not true. The modern SJW bullshit is overwhelmingly a university phenomenon. Regardless of whether or not you agree with SJWs, you can't pretend they don't exist and say "well we'll never know why those dumb right-wingers have issues with the university system".

t. rural and suburban retards

Are you seriously denying any possible link between the university system and perceived leftism? Do you really think it's "impossible to know exactly what about higher education respondents perceived as harmful"?

It’s simple. Smarter people are leftists, rural and suburban retards are right wing.

That's not what I'm asking and you know it. Stop evading the question, do you really think it's "impossible to know exactly what about higher education respondents perceived as harmful"?

It's a dumb survey to begin with, comissioned to support the narrative about dumb redneck conservatives.Education systems are causing inequality for example our public universities create a vast surplus of humanist academics who end up on welfare while public sector grunt work remains underpaid and understaffed. Ironically women are the majority in both groups.

This teebeehaych

Public university degrees should be regulated according to demand

ah yes, present demand is clearly identical to demand 4-6 years in the future

Smart people are leftist. Dumb people support Trump.

>our public universities create a vast surplus of humanist academics who end up on welfare

100% lies

T: philosophy student.

Care to guess what is the likelyhood your thesis never gets cited?

What does Canada have to do with this?

Is that STG44

Literally the opposite here. But that's because commies dragged the country down the shitter so smart people avoid them.

Canada values education

>this meme answer
If there is 20% unemployement with a Psychology master, it sure won't be 0% 5 or 6 years after.

>democrats are ok with professors indoctrinating young people with "progressive" Marxist politics while republicans aren't

I'm a college grad and can tell you its a fucking joke. Diplomas are a sheet of paper you get for enduring 4 years of adult daycare, granted that sheet of paper could help you land a better job just by having it. You don't learn shit unless you are getting a STEM degree, and there are mandatory social science courses which feel like they are being taught by tumblrtards.

This is litteraly true tho.

That's for people with a masters degree. First number column is % of unemployed, second column % of part-time jobs and 3rd is average salary.

The writer of this should know its because republicans think getting an education turns you into a liberal. Which isn't actually true, but its perceived that way. Pretty much all the people they vote for are college educated and conservative.

>The writer of this should know its because republicans think getting an education turns you into a liberal
it has a tendency of turning normies into rabid progressive freaks that unironically think communism is good.

I was a criminal justice major so most of my professors were non nonsense ex-law enforcement/military people, but the few "liberal arts/ social science" courses I was forced to take only confirmed this for me.

pearls before swine

What went so terribly wrong?


This. Going to University to get a degree in STEM/applicable fields is okay. However, our universities are basically SJW-controlled shitholes that nobody take seriously. I'm always surprised by the amount of foreigners who want to come study here.

>This. Going to University to get a degree in STEM/applicable fields is okay. However, our universities are basically SJW-controlled shitholes that nobody take seriously. I'm always surprised by the amount of foreigners who want to come study here.

The fact that you simplify and generalize the situation so much shows that you have a small mind.
Here's a Duke talk about the subject.

>"humanities are SJW Marxist soygoy cuck Shareblue nonsense"
>"here, watch this social psychologist explain why conservatives aren't reactionary retards"
ebin :^)

Nice strawman, but you're also a retard like the person I quoted.

This is such a "regime" paper that only leftists are dumb enough to buy it and not engage in any critical thinking skills. Not that leftists are cognitively capable of that, since leftism is a mental disorder, not a valid political opinion.

If you spent any time in the social sciences, you know exactly what a "regime paper" is, a paper that exists solely to reinforce what the far left academic narrative. They are rife in the social sciences and are partly responsible for the replication crisis. Anyway. A good example of a "regime paper" is one where leftists suddenly accept IQ science and believe that paper that leftists have higher IQ then those dumb conservatives. Too bad if they actually read the paper in question, they would see thats not what it actually says, but they do care? No, it pushes a narrative. Just like they do when they push "proof" that blacks get arrested more then whites, "racism". Or how "race" doesn't exist because science (tm) said so!

This is pretty similar, but notice how vague the question is. We don't know whats being precived as "negative" by either side, but then they bring up "hur college is good for you", while ignoring the specifics (what degree is it in). We do however note, that the conservatives are more acquisitively aware of the insane and hostile environment that exists in universities, especially in the humanities department. They are more aware of how actual scientist and speakers have been attacked and assaulted by leftists on campus. They are more aware of the protest. They are more likely to hate women's studies, race studies and how they propagate marxism and are responsible for the progressive phenomena. A conservative will inherently see this as "harmful". This all will build on top the already common white conservative phenomena of preferring more "hands on" work, and thus their preference for the trades.

In short, leftism is a cancer.

The biggest problem with republicans is that they never fought leftists on this front.

Its a strange phenomena. Why does this happen with white people? It doesn't seem to happen with East Asians. Japan is such an incredibly right wing country by our standards and they do not experience this left/right divide, at least, no where near the extreme divide it does in European nations.