King Arthur

Mother. Fucking. Kino.

Just got back from this and it was fucking great!

Hunnam did a really good job as Arthur and CIA was sniping bitches left and right. The 3D was employed quite well in the city chase and the fights to really add weight to the stunt work. There are a couple of rooftop jumps that you'll feel in the seat of your pants.

They handle the magic well and Arthur is an absolute BEAST with the sword. The story and the setting are a nice departure from the historicization that's been all the rage in Hollywood the past couple of decades, and they do a good job of making magic feel both powerful and dangerous. This is like Lord of the Rings meets Snatch. Oh, and the soundtrack's pretty damn incredible, too. Fuck the critics. I left this movie more HYPE than when I got there.

I also have a sneaking suspicion that this is a stealth DC Universe film.

First thread I've made in a while. Do we still have to "approve" them or was that just a glitch?


Is it really worth seeing? The critics are tearing it apart, but the audience scores on IMDB and tomatoes are really high.

This is gotta be the most reddit post i've ever seen this week.

Nah it's pretty mediocre even though it has some good moments but it doesnt worth your money.

Yes, it's much better than all the other action movies at the moment.

i liked the movie too. I think the critics were just sour because no DC Marvel bribe check. It was kino, pure entertainment kino, beautiful kino.

I'm not going to lie, I enjoyed the shit out of it. I was engaged throughout and even the "muh diversity" didn't bother me that much because everything else that was happening was just so fucking awesome.

The first time Arthur cuts loose with Excalibur is pure, unadulterated Ritchie kino.

It was shit and an embarrassment to Arthurian legend. Nothing can live up to Excalibur.

I agree, which is why I'm glad they didn't try to make it in that same vein. This is what Clive Owen's movie should have been - drop the "realism" and embrace the action and adventure, not to mention the magic.

Hello I was paid by disney to say this movie is shit.

>The Warner Shills are still trying to save this movie

>WB are still paying more attention to damage control shilling and post-theatrical cuts instead of the actual movie and marketing
for fuck's sake

Did Guy make a complete fucking mess of the mythology and make the sword in the stone and Excalibur the same sword?

Fuck off, faggot. I enjoyed this movie.

It's a fucking abomination.

You could make a LotR-tier movie with Arthurian mythology yet time and again Hollywood fucks it up.

They ignore the lore almost completely, which is a bad thing if you're a purist, or an excusable thing if you look on it as uniquely its own thing. You get Uther, Arthur, the Lady of the Lake, mages as a separate sub-race of people, some cool faerie realm-type stuff, and woodland spirits and such. Also, there's creepy, Ursula-esque octopeople.

>Lady of the Lake, mages as a separate sub-race of people, some cool faerie realm-type stuff, and woodland spirits and such. Also, there's creepy, Ursula-esque octopeople.
glad none of that shit is in the posters, it could have spiked someone's interest

A lot of it's in the trailers, but it's not always obviously a separate realm, it's like it bleeds over into their reality and is accessible from key places. It also seems like anywhere there's a concentration of magic, the "darklands"/faerie realm-ish place is closer.

They bring creatures over from there, including the fuck-huge attack elephants that look like they could stride across an Olyphant without even noticing it.

It was shit

Epic movie, would watch again.

Something else I'd like to say just for the record:

I think that if Excalibur were made and released today, the braindead, imaginationally-challenged, creativity-neutered "critics" that make their living on click-pandering would shit all over it.

King Arthur?

>This is what Clive Owen's movie should have been - drop the "realism" and embrace the action and adventure, not to mention the magic.
I might be in the minority here, but I liked the fact that it was realistic. Arthurian mythos are based on the idea that there was a Brythonic commander who rallied against the Anglo-Saxon invaders. The Arthur of the Britons TV series also depicts this line of thought.

I really don't care to see knights with plate armor and High Middle Ages architecture in an Arthur movie. Show squalid conditions in post-Roman Britain where civilization hangs by a thread while Germanic barbarians are constantly making in-roads.

Have you never seen Excalibur?

"Goosefat" Bill Wilson was the shit.

>shilling progressive king author


I don't mind either angle of attack, really, but I was sort of getting burned out on "realistic" depictions of legends. You can only watch so many of them.

The Thirteenth Warrior, Troy, and King Arthur were all enjoyable, but seeing some actual fantasy elements back in the mix was a nice change of pace for me.

>no one is going to see your Soros quota movie shill

My trips shit all over your paltry dubs.

>literal Roman salutes

It's really weird, the edit work can leave you a headache which the characters even lampshade early on, and by all means it should be an awful movie. Yet it's really enjoyable and at least has you wanting to watch it until the end.

>the first time I saw him I could only think of CIA

Sup Forums has ruined me

>movie bombs, one of the biggest in history
>looks like shit
>received like shit
>is clearly total garbage
>Sup Forums loves it
I would say never change, but this has got to stop.

That's almost exactly how I felt about it, but all of a sudden, you're halfway through the movie thinking, "Holy shit! I'm really enjoying this."

The snake-feint was fucking brilliant. I started laughing the instant I realized what she'd done.

>Sup Forums

uh more like /shills/ user

It would get bad review for lack of diversity surely.

I love fantasy too. I loved the shit out of Krull, Labyrinth, Willow, Ladyhawke, Legend, Dragonslayer, Clash of the Titans, Conan the Barbarian, The Last Unicorn, The Black Cauldron, The Sword and the Sorcerer, and so many others.

But King Arthur is something that should be heavily rooted in realism. Just because some Welshman made-up bullshit history doesn't mean everyone should follow it to the letter. The real story of Arthur and the Britons fending off against the Angles, Jutes, Frisians, and Saxons is legendary enough as it is.

The 13th Warrior is partially based on real events (Ibn Fadlan's travels amongst the Varangians) and while I despise David Benioff, I really enjoyed Troy. Brad Pitt and Sean Bean should be in another movie together. And it pisses me off that Bean will never be in The Odyssey (this time with all the mythological elements).

I think there is and in fact should be room for both. Both the very romantic pseudo-15th century courtly romance stuff with magic and wonder as well as the hairy-assed shield wall grungy post-Roman Britain borderline post-apocalyptic historical stuff. Hell I'd be happy to see both mix and matched, fucking have Arthur and his Round Table in a 5th century context, have magic and fae but base it on the gruesome prehistoric pagan magics. There's a lot you can do, but this movie fucked it all and just went the laziest root making it look like plastic Warcraft garbage.

>Fuck the critics


I need you to stop existing

I don't disagree with you, but I'd like to point out that "The Last Unicorn" also has its own word anachronism - Robin Hood, who is also typically heavily grounded in presentation.

I don't even look at this as a movie about Arthurian legend, at least no more than I look at the old Harrhausen adventure movies about Sinbad, et. al., as being faithful to those myths and legends.

Did people in the cinema laugh when this guy came on?

I saw it today too and quite liked it.

I had to suppress my giggles every time he was on-screen, but it only made it even better for me.

I know. I really dislike Robin Hood mythos because it makes Richard the Lionhearted to be this really swell king when in actuality, he taxed the shit out of England just so that he could go Crusading. Even John doesn't deserve all the bad press he gets. He wasn't a good man by any stretch, but he was a semi-decent administrator and a talented jurist (something he got from his dad Henry II and grandfather Henry Beauclerc). He just got stuck holding the bag after decades of his father's and brother's fuck-ups snowballing out of control.

The only Robin Hood film I can respect besides the Errol Flynn version was the 1991 one with Patrick Bergin (had the misfortune of being overshadowed by the Costner one the same year). Both films addressed how much of a racial conflict it was between Anglo-Saxons and Normans. No Anglo-Saxon was a major landowner or knight or lord in the 12th centuries and onwards. The reason why Robin Hood stole from the rich was because nearly all of them were Normans; the Anglo-Saxons were being oppressed by them.

I get what you mean. I enjoyed the shit out of 1981's Excalibur and this is why I don't tolerate any other Arthurian films because they simply can't top it.

Arthur's been done to the death. Why not actually depict a REAL King of England like Alfred the Great or Canute the Great? And if the Welsh want a Brythonic icon from history, there's always Llywelyn the Great who successfully resisted Plantagenet encroachment.


>Fuck the critics

Believe them if you want to. I took a chance, enjoyed the absolute hell out of it, and have zero regrets.

What are you talking about. It had a black knight, thus ruining the plot of comedy classic Black Knight.



>it's like totally justifiable to have a black knight


Or we could go really weird and get us some Cuchulainn.

Yep. 20 years ago the idea was so absurd it was the premise of a comedy

You can stop writing novels.

The only reason this movie was even made was to BLACKED European history.

No one is paying to see this garbage.

heaven's gate and John Carter were good though


Are welcome actually going to ignore that OP is not only a shill, but a fucking brain dead one?

And you can stop pretending there's not a discussion happening.

I'm OP. Were you not here during the weirdness where posts were insta-saging unless you replied to them first yourself?

Stop talking to yourself proxy shill nigger

>New and improved faggorty!
>Now with 50% more buzzwords!

I actually really liked it

>Jude Law being Jude Law, his acting was great and so was his character
>literal Skull Knight
>special effects looked good and blended well with the movie
>no shoe-horned romance of any kind, even the main heroine didn't even have a name
>Hunnam was exceptional at his role
>CIA was actually really good and it makes me want to see him play as the wiseass ranger character in more fantasy movies
>a plethora of absolutely perfect shots and good cinematography
>the OST was pretty high up there
>the whole movie just oozes cool
>anime power up and final fight

my only gripe was the jump cuts during the first part of the movie, but the characters lampshade this rather well. I'm disappointed though that Arthur's journey through the dark lands was just a montage and ultimately he learns nothing from it that wasn't shown through the rest of the film anyway and was ultimately pointless.

Best scene was Arthur on drugs riding to the final confrontation

so literally /this/ but in movie form?

Cornwell basically keeps the magic and romance but sets it in post-Roman Britain and delves into the historical setting a lot. the way he handles the magic is really cool too and it would translate well in film.


>Best scene was Arthur on drugs riding to the final confrontation

Fucking right? That was trippy as hell. The dryads were kick ass.

I thought the movie was awesome.

only bad point is I wish they showed more of his darkland journey.