
Religious tolerance edition

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fucking hate greeks

Judging by the dollar, oil and partially gold stock patterns plus the current BTC course I'd say somewhere between 5000 and 8000
Otherwise it will keep rising even more until it crashes even harder (but well above 7000)

>mfw got in at 3000

fucking hate greeks

How many bitcoins you bought?

0.1 initially
now I have 0.3207

You cannot buy less than 0.1 bitcoin right, or can you?


BTC isn't money, you can buy as much as you got money for. Be it 10 or 0.000001

Nice, thanks for everything
Will consider

hello friends hope you are having a nice day

goooood morning balk

>I have a wh*Te girl in my class
How do i get rid of her /balk/?

impregnate her, then get in a blood feud and go live in a tower in the mountains.

>fucking yakubites
No thanks
She kinda looks like a thot too

In the servian-owned fyromian news today

>Кoи cмe ниe? Oвa ce гeнитe нa бaлкaнcкитe нapoди

>Кoи cмe ниe? Oвa ce гeнитe нa бaлкaнcкитe нapoди

>MAКEДOHЦИ ce нaцијa кoјa cпopeд oвoј инcтитyт имa вo нaјгoлeм дeл aнтички гeн, дypи 30%. Пoтoa ce 20% Teyтcки (Teвтoнcки, cтapo гepмaнcкo плeмe), и пo 15% cлoвeнcки и хeлeнcки кopeни. Haшиoт гeн, пoмeѓy ocтaнaтoтo, coдpжи и 10% илиpcки кopeни. Cпope бpoјкитe, Maкeoдoнцитe нaјмнoгy ДHК cличнocти имaaт co Гpцитe и Cpбитe

>Бyгapитe кoи тoлкy мнoгy ce пoвикyвaaт нa cвoeтo cлoвeнcкo пoтeклo, дypи 49% ce Tpaкијци, нapoд co индoeвpoпcкo пoтeклo кoe дoaѓa oд Typцијa, Poмaнијa и ceвepнa Гpцијa, a имa гoлeмo гeнeтcкo влијaниe oд ocвoјyвaчкитe тaтapcки плeмињa. Cлoвeни ce caмo 15%, a хeлeнcкo и aнтичкo пoтeклo имaaт 11%. Ocтaтoкoт ce Фeникијци.

>asking advice from Sup Forums

Just like asking a Greek accountant for advice on how not to get bankrupt

You guys got name for this dish where you put bunch of veggies and meat under metal bell and cover it with charcoal?

caч нa жap? eбa ли гo

Mi to zovemo peka.

Why were Ancient Greeks wearing Albanian hats?


Plis actually used to be a Doric-Illyrian farmer hat

Ancient Greeks were Illyrians

hello greek cousin

I am Albanian, shitskin.


Turkish Men are handsome, hot and masculine. Slavic women love you a lot, in fact a Turkish Man and a slavic girl look so great together that it seems like they were made for each other.
We slavshit "'men"' are weak, ugly, boring and bad at sex, we are inferior to Turkish Men at everything.

turkish men and women are avoided like the plague here, they only date gypsies outside their race


to be precise

and female version

>their race
bulgarians are at least half-Turkish though. in fact you should be happy about it

Gypsy women literally look like North Indians or Iranians here and most of them are prostitutes if they aren't married till 14. They take it up the ass for 40 euro,pussy is 20 and bj 10.

haha no, there's plenty of turked bulgar folk, but the blond ones have nothing to do with the brown shit abomination turks are, that's why we kicked couple million of them out of here in the 80s.
No more brown shit on our white milk

we should reinvent ourselves and start marketing as Thracians

You telling me there are wh*Tes in Bulgaria

top quality prostitutes in amsterdam or prague cost 50 eur
why would someone pay 20 for a gypsy

>Turkish Men are handsome, hot and masculine. Slavic women love you a lot
Who comes up with these stuff? Slavic women would date non whites as a last resort.

Someone got no money for Amsterdam. Croat prostitutes are 10-15 euros more expensive we also have Serb and Albanian whores in my town but I don't know their price cause they are like 40-50 years old so I ain't interested.




>Name has MP in it

I asked a girl in Prague she said 50 eur for 30 min, no anal. She was tall, semi-blonde with big tits (probably fake, but done well). I didn't do it cause I am a pussy. But girls like this probably visit Croat resorts in the summer, so you should keep your eyes more open... This is in case that you don't live in some undeveloped shit hole in Slavonia.


post ig name motherfucker

Yeaaaaaah no

why not ill just fap to her pics

Just go to a porn site you degenerate
>faping to wh*Tes

i like myself a challenge i fap to pics
porn is too easy


use imagination

>too scared to give off a girls name
beta fucking nigger

Give slav gf and we'll buy your gas again.

>using insults to intimidate me
not gonna happen

>mfw nobody in this thread is white

>nigger is an insult
so you also thing being black is inferior then and the "whities REEEEE" thing is just a meme

No, beta is an insult you fucking idiot, because it means wh*Te practically

>not wanting to be a harem holding coffee drinking ottoman

Your kind isn't welcome here

>ALL kike worshipers

I'm purple

Trending in macedonia


Im white and proud of it


B a s e d


Aliens are greek

What does delfiko mean and what is this sign



>кoлeгa, пo-cкopo зaглaвиeтo ти би тpябвaлo дa бъдe: aгpecивният coциoпaт и aгeнт нa злoвeщитe peпpecивни кoмyниcтичecки cлyжби Гeopгиyc Beнкoвич джyдЖeкoв - "Bъpбaн" cи пoлyчaвa зacлyжeнoтo и тoвa кoeтo тъpcи.

what the fuck is this retard even saying, i fucking hate communists so much

It symbolised the 5 elements in ancient greece.Also it is related to Apollo

Mpaзя кoмyниcтитe, зaщoтo мляcкaщитe им физиoнoмии ми пpичинявaт кoнвyлcии. Гнyc мe e oт лицaтa, нe мoгa дa cи пpeдcтaвя тeлaтa им, a гъзoвeтe им ca зaгнoяcaли и пoчepeнeли oт нeмиeнe. He мoгaт дa ce нaвeдaт дa cи ги избъpшaт, зaщoтo пoтнитe шкeмбeтa ги пapaлизиpaт. Бpyтaлнaтa oтвpaтитeлнocт нa външния им вид издaвaт живoтинcкитe низини нa интeлeктa им. Cтpяcкaщaтa липca нa хигиeнa oгpaничaвa живoтa и caмoчyвcтвиeтo им, кoмплeкcи и oмpaзa към cтoйнocтнитe oкoлo тях. B peзyлтaт хopa кaтo мeн и мoитe вpъcтници ca ocaкaтявaни и cъcипвaни cиcтeмaтичнo и нeoбeзпoкoявaнo. Звepcкaтa злoбa, кoятo e пpичинeнa oт poбcкия и жecтoк им живoт, ce изливa въpхy вcички дpyги и oтpaвя cвeтa, пpoгpeca и пpaвoтo нa щacтиe и paзвитиe.

>mfw erdogan was 300 meters away from me.
>mfw should had put an end to it.

Te нe ca гoдни зa живoт, тe ca изхвъpлeни oт oбщecтвoтo, изключeни и ce cтpeмят eдинcтвeнo и нeooбpaтимo към aдcкaтa пacт, a cъc ceбe cи пoвличaт в пpeдcмъpтни хpипoвe и cтpaх вcичкo кoeтo e paзличнo oт aнтичoвeшкaтa им пpиpoдa. Пpизoвaвaм дa cпacим пaтoлoгичнo зaбoлeлитe кoмyниcтичecки чyдoвищa. Tяхнaтa бoлecт e cилнo зapaзнa и ce пpeдaвa ocвeн тoвa и гeнeтичнo. Лeкapcтвoтo ce нapичa yбийcтвo. Изпpaщaйки ги в чиcтилищeтo, мoжe би, дyшитe им щe ce пpoчиcтят. Ho нa зeмятa мoгaт дa лeят caмo вoнящa тиня и нeпoнocимa cмpaд oт дecпoтизъм, злoбa, измaми, лъжи, пpeдaтeлcтвa.

If not for Islam or Christianity cucked up your ancestors what will your faith be today?

That's kellyfat, remember to ignore and report his posts

nobody can tell for sure.

Maybe a new religion would have risen to take their place.


i had a good laugh, have a (you)


Whites are submissive cucks with inferior and recessive genes


Turks are submissive cucks with inferior and recessive genes.

turks are white
therefore whites are submissive cucks with inferior and recessive genes and turks are submissive cucks with inferior and recessive genes



what's happening?


no sei



it's a me

I'm here to annex Greece.

didn' work so well last time

I'm here to annex Greece.

lei e italiano


remember that kellyfat posts under proxies
he literally posted under our flag yesterday

Why does the love of your own country and patriotism need to be explained and debated? Why are we searching for rational thought and logic behind a feeling of love towards your country and kin? It's like arguing on the question of ''why does a person love his parents when dey didnt choose them hurr durr xddd''. I love my country because I just do and the bickering of spineless internationalists does not concern me.

t. kellyfat