What went wrong?
What went wrong?
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A fucking monumentally dull first half followed by an unsatisfying payoff
no marketing
Nothing. When I re-watched Shawn last time I realized it was not nearly as good as I remembered and TWE in comparison not nearly as bad as I had thought.
When Brits try to do American style action comedy with a British twist it usually doesn't work. The Brits aren't charming, funny, or heroic.
nothing. i liked it
This guy knows what's up.
Nothing. It is a magnificent philim.
SOTD = HF = TWE depending on my mood
Pub Crawl with uninteresting characters besides Pegg becomes alien invasion flick
You got pleb-filtered, that's what happened
Hot Fuzz is the most memorable in my opinion
Shaun of the Dead is actually a good zombie movie on its own
i saw the World's End once in theaters then haven't felt like watching it since
probably cause how most of the characters were so averse to the plot moving forward all the time and that kinda made the movie feel long as shit for at least the first half
nothing really
the thing is these movies are considered unfunny trash in britain
you, the american, only find them funny because of the zany accents and lingo
spaced/shaun of dead/hot fuzz/worlds end are to britain what big mama's house is to america and viced-versa
Nothing, it is the best UK comedy of the decade so far.
The demographic doesn't understand what friendship is.
It hits too close to home.
Its a tragedy anyway you interpret it.
finally the pasta
people in britain think Big Mommas House is a good movie? Im from the US and I love it.
I think Shaun of the Dead is a solid zombie movie despite being a comedy.
> The Brits aren't charming
Idk if this is true, but its totally what happened to this movie. It took me by surprise how absolutely unappealing the lead guy was. Brits are funny, tho.
Fuck, disregard that. i didnt open the picture, thought we were talking about Amazing Beasts and Where to Find Them.
let's just say we're not gonna be short o' chunky monkey for they next 3 months!
It felt like the whole movie was putting it's hopes on them saying the word "cunt" a couple of times in an hour and a half.
It wasn't a good film, but Hot Fuzz and Shaun Of The Dead are both 10/10.
Shit I've seen 808 State live loads of times.
Can't pinpoint it, but the sole problem for me were Pegg's and Frost's roles.
In Shawn both were believable roles.
In Fuzz only Frost was believable.
In End neither of them were.
I am not sure if "believable" is even the right word here.
You just can't cast someone like Frost for someone ultra serious and mannered. It just doesn't work.He will always look like that fat drunk who is always at the bar when you go there once a year. Or a village retard like in Fuzz.
Pegg on the other hand is a typical small beta ginger. Acting like some super tough ultra cop was just stupid. Acting as some worn out manchild/rocker was even more stupid. Didn't help either, that the totally failed to present the archetype of such a person in the right way.
>Lead character isn't likeable (that's the joke but no one warmed up to him)
>Supporting characters were boring (that's the joke but they were still boring)
>The concept is dull
>The action is dull
>The ending is unfunny but they were going for ironic and witty
>The ending ending is pointless because no one cares either way (oh no imagine no phones omg)
It had something like a 10th of the charm of Hot Fuzz and SOTD... it was just trying so so hard.
>we humans are special snowflakes
>it's our imperfection that makes us unique in all of creation
>aren't we awesome compared to species we made up for the sake of this comparison
The shittiest of all Star Trek cliches and this movies and this movie is sporting it with pride.
Nothing, it's literally the only Simon Pegg/Nick Frost movie I actually enjoyed. Other ones were pretty boring desu, but I had genuine fun watching this one.
Absolutely nothing in fact of the three it might be the most interesting regarding human nature of the three
>Modern life has become so repetitive and dull we go through life almost in a zombie like state to the point one might not actually notice a zombie apocalypse for awhile
>Humans can develop such an obsession with meaningless things and a desire for a greater good they can turn murderous for even the most petty of things
Worlds End
>Human beings have such a strong desire for free will and a desire to have a good time they would rather the worlds end than be in some soulless "utopia"
All are interesting but I think the third along with exploring friendship, nostalgia, and alcoholism has the most to think about