Was forced to see the trailer for the new Blade Runner twice this week

Was forced to see the trailer for the new Blade Runner twice this week.

I know Harrison Ford will do anything to keep Samuel L Jackson to stop overtaking him as highest earning actor ever but why the fuck is he in this movie?

I thought Deckard was a replicant?

Shouldn't he be dead by now?

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couple of things.

1. its never explicitly stated that deckard is a replicant, even in the final cut. there could be other reasons for gaff knowing the content of deckard's dreams

2. if deckard is a replicant, we don't know what model he is. we only know that the nexus 6 replicants had limited lifespan. newer models like rachel and possibly deckard could have longer lifespans, possibly due to having implanted memories.

I don't buy it.

The Director's cut of Blade Runner was released in the early 90's and is considered to be the real print of the movie.

In it, they firmly establish that Deckard is a replicant with the origami and the "Who does?" line.

To show him in the cash-in, as an old age pensioner throws all of that out the window.

To start coming up with theories as to what model he is etc, means that it has delved into wookiepedia style nonsense.

They should have referenced Deckard in the film, could have even shown him in a recording if Harrison still had to be in it but it is just a cash grab.

That's shitty modern Hollywood executive logic. The fact that it's not "explicitly stated" doesn't mean that the dream scene's meaning isn't literally that. It's not a scene which, in any believable way considering the language of cinema, could be interpreted as something added to create ambiguity. it's a straight answer, and the director's cuts are kind of inferior for it in that regard.

Also, we might find a clue to the deeply-layered mistery of this plot point in the fact that Scott literally fucking stated this is the case some years ago.

He might have been a nexus 7 or 8 hand have a longer lifespan


making a sequel with him in it

>movie basically spells out that he's a copy of Holden

urge to kill rising

Say what you want bitches.

Have you any idea how much I have made from you?

I can even fuck up an airport with my old man ways and get away with it.

You made me!

It's easier to just allow the blade runners under LAPD control to live full careers (not artificially limit their life spans) and become better and better at their job than too have to junk the model and start from scratch every few years.

*does that weird sideways grin and head tilt*

"Part time, I know."

>its never explicitly stated that deckard is a replicant




I was going to say how fucking retarded that was, but then remembered how in the original novel rogue replicants managed to set up a mock police station and boss around Deckard out of it.

Oh, btw, if you know your way around PKD's writing, the book telegraphs that he's an android too a couple of times.

ok, then see point number 2.

>1. its never explicitly stated that deckard is a replicant, even in the final cut. there could be other reasons for gaff knowing the content of deckard's dreams

This guy: is absolutely right. I don't understand how a person can watch the version with the dream sequences and somehow believe that the unicorn is either a coincidence or that Gaff had some other legitimate explanation for the dreams.

He's definantly a replicant. The new movie never explicitly states it but it is heavely implied.

>Who does?" line.
This line IN NO WAY 'firmly establishes' that he's a fucking replicant.

The unicorn is the closest thing to absolute proof that's presented, and despite what Ridley, said I'm utterly convinced the original subtext of the scene was completely different from what he claimed it was, given Deckard's smile and laugh after seeing the unicorn which, if he'd truly understood the implications, would likely have caused him to have a nervous breakdown.

> Gaff: You've done a man's job, sir. I guess you're through, huh?
> Deckard: Finished
> [Gaff throws Deckard his gun]
> Gaff: It's too bad she won't live! But then again, who does?

He literally says this, while winking, he is also pointing at a photo of a Unicorn and then he drops his briefcase and a whole ton of origami Unicorns fall out, made from the pages of Deckard's replicant build manual.

How did this get by you?

Memes aside, the implication that Declard could be a replicant (especially when taken with what happens a few minutes later) is obviously extremely obvious, but if we're talking about the line by itself, it proves absolutely nothing.

it's the future, humanity is capable of faster than light travel. in the context of the story there could be any number of reasons as to why the police force has knowledge of the content of deckard's mind. not to say that's the case, but to deny the possibility is pretty dumb.

>obviously extremely obvious
Fuck I'm too tired for this shit

And again, Deckard's reaction is very... upbeat, as if he took something completely different from the unicorn.

Tbh I prefer the theory that the unicorn has a certain significance in the culture/city that Deckard lives in, like some kind of pop culture thing that everyone would know. Otherwise, he seems remarkably happy for someone who just had one of their most intimate thoughts exposed like that.

I bet you think that the closing of the door at the end of The Godfather meant that Michael just felt a draft.

You are looking for consistency in a money grabbing sequel to an 80s movie based on a book by a paranoid drug addict.

It's never explicitly stated Michael's shutting Kay off so

Are you people actually this fucking stupid, or are you just pretending not to understand my post?

You think Keyser Soze was the smashed mug at the end because it said Kobyashi on it.

He cured himself and Rachel in the fan fiction tier sequel books

Imagine being the sleazebag writer that has to shit all over a Phillip K. Dick masterwork for a measly fee.

I got more of a feeling that he's a copy of Gaff, hence why Gaff is aware of his thoughts and dreams. What made you think of Holden?

Aren't these fanfics supposed to be sequels to the novel?

I've also always been curious about the fact that Deckard was so accepting of the fact that he was a replicant. But I also view that moment as him recognizing that it doesn't matter whether or not you're a replicant--it shows how far he's come.

I never actually thought about him being Gaff, yeah that can definitely work. I dunno, he quickly replaces Holden on account of him being critically wounded, but Gaff is there with a wounded leg anyway. Also the Captain tells him everything pretty straightforward while Gaff is there and indicates extreme displeasure, I always assumed it' because Captain cares only about retiring andies and Gaff sees is as an affront to see a puppet of his partner pretending to be real people.

It may work yes, but the movie clearly establishes that replicant memories are taken from someone else. The only reason why Deckard is aware of Rachel's memories is because Tyrell told him, Gaff was aware of things like Deckard finding Rachel attractive (he makes an origami of a man with an erection right after he meets Rachel) or how he's going to initially chicken out of the assignment (he makes a chicken origami when they're talking with the chief, and he had to have started it while they were still discussing the assigment since he places it on the desk right when deckard is about to leave) which he would only know if he knew him as well as he knew himself. Holden could have told him about the unicorn dream I guess, but everything else is way too spot on.
Gaff is also the one who drives him around most of the time and oversees his investigations; in a deleted scene Deckard and Holden in a hospital bed also argue replicants and nothing indicates them sharing the same experiences, though as a deleted scene it doesen't really count.
That's just my idea though, I miss movies that actually allowed discussion honestly

Holden and Gaff met Rachel before, and he told him that he wouldn't mind retiring her with his benis. I was going on the wound basically, Gaff got fucked up and still in rotation since it's not critical, Holden out and they roll out his copy wich Gaff has to sort of deal with and babysit and he telegraphs his disgust to everyone around. Also Gaff clearly has the authority over the regular police while Deckard doesn't, even though they're both meant to be Blade Runners.

Yeah nig nog he was one of Phillip K Dicks best friends but the books are legit trash

If only based PKD wasn't a schizophrenia tweaker who sold off full rights for peanuts to anyone who was passing by the house that day. Also is it true that he actually saw the rough cut of the film and loved it? I wish it was true, Phil had a hard life.

>all these neckbeards getting their decard is a replicant fanfiction BTFO
And you all know that wasn't the fucking point of the movie.
That it was even a question was the point. The year of our lord two thousands seven and ten and I still have to explain to assholes that replicants weren't machines they were genetically engineered slaves. Fuck.

>Samuel L Jackson highest earning actor ever

it's not based Cruise or iron manlet?

Not proof.

Hollywood executives don't care about story telling or the books or the original movie. It's all about profit. Ford is in it simply because of he's a safe pick and nostalgia.

Are you making a joke or are you being serious? Because the original movie specifically calls them robots in the opening text scroll

Multiple times in the movie they discuss their nature and it is clearly biological. The dialogue between Batty and Tyrell in particular, he says that can't extend their lifespan because their cells break down rapidly.

>that stupid fucking earing

Still, Ford?

>Phillip K. Dick masterwork

The book was straight up ass.

You act like people on Sup Forums have read do androids dream of electric sheep, hell they haven't read drive either.

Absolutely pleb senpai, it's one of his best works before he went full VALIS.

>I thought Deckard was a replicant?
Wait, what?

How were you forced to watch a trailer?

>it's one of his best works

Which speaks volumes about how shitty he was as a writer.

He's Stephen King levels of retarded....

He might have been a special variety that doesn't terminate because they need him to hunt others - or he's fucking human and the reason why K seeks him out is because he's dealt with the corporation before.

ok bud

Normie friends being excited about things

Wow, you're dumb.