He was Zemo in name only.
He was Zemo in name only
Same with Lex and Superman and Batman
So far, yes
There is no fixing that unfortunately
That's not true and I'm so tired of seeing this and the counterargument. If you ever read Thunderbolts Zemo, you know that this is Zemo.
At least they wear their costume use their. Super powers and gadgets.
As a Zemofag I have to say the costume would have been dumb as shit for this movie. We know nothing about Zemo, or his heritage. It would have been cool as fuck has he put the sock mask on one of the bodies in the tube right before he turned Cap and Stark on each other. I'm expecting to see his sword fighting skills in Black Panther.
>muh family
>keikaku rusemaster
He was Zemo alright, all he needs is to get the supersoldier serum.
>Muh comiqz
Comic fags need to go back to Sup Forums
Why? Comics Zemo never had it.
He's not going to git gud at fighting out of nowhere.
Give him the supersoldier serum and he can be a powerful enemy both mentally and physically.
now this is shitposting
Family motivations.
Trolling Steve and Bucky.
Luring them to a deserted location under false pretenses.
Leaks Bucky's identity to the public to create backlash.
Obsessed with Steve.
What am I missing, how is he not Zemo? Or do you only care about the superficial details of the character like his mask?
>History with the Avengers killing a family member
>Obsession with Cap, even noting his eyes
>Muh Keikakus
>Experience in combat
>Succeeds even when he is caught
All he's missing is the sock and a sword, things that the Russos believe must be introduced due to the importance of Zemo's legacy
>Back to Sup Forums
I'm going to assume you mean capefags or moviefags, because otherwise this is one of the dumbest things I've ever seen.
Right, wrong, super wrong
Still good though
dont waste your breath user, its like
who never read any Silver or Bronze age superman or lex stories, or read Byrne's run or Waid's Birthright, or ever read 80s Batman, or have seen any of the other millions of stories in which Batman kills
We have no idea how good he is at fighting, since we never see him fight. For all we know, he could pull some Zorro shit out of his ass.
Or he could just work out while he's in prison.
Go back to Sup Forums you obviously don't belong here, yelling out memes wrong, what's wrong with you Sup Forumsoyo?
Dude was a member of an elite military group.
He didn't use neither a sword nor a sock when he first confronted the Avengers, so I'm confident this will be coming on his next appearance.
Isn't Batman supposed to be the world's greatest detective? Shame that they made Lois a better detective than him in that universe.
>Mentions his father
>Literally who that owned a farm and wasn't intelligent enough to get his family out of the country.
>an elite military group
yeah, of some throwaway slav country lost in the balkans
So, the question is: Who else could he have been? How would you rename him?
>Or do you only care about the superficial details of the character like his mask?
>Shitty countries cannot have elite military units
>Shitty countries cannot produce elite combatants
Like Wakanada right?
I think the point escaped you
Shitty fictional countries could produce anything
Henry Peter Gyrich.
the whole plot was retarded
>security camera conveniently captures Bucky murdering Tony's parents in the middle of nowhere
>Hydra keeps said footage for some unexplained reason
>Zemo is buttblasted his family died when the Avengers saved the fucking planet
>this is despite Zemo being part of a fucking death squad himself
>he combs millions of Hydra files and finds out that Bucky killed Tony's parents
>decides to bomb a shit load of innocent people and make the Avengers fight each other as revenge for his family
>this only works because some people died thanks to Wanda not being able to save everyone from Crossbones' suicide bomb, which Zemo had no way of predicting
>there are people who actually consider this a good villain
Those are exactly the ones who produce the scariest soldiers.
No, my point is, for fictional uses, Wakanada and Skovia were complete unknowns beyond They are Not Part of the USA. If Wakanada can have a guy who is Avengers level and is able to compete with them, then Skovia should be able to as well. Zemo = T'challa in this case.
If his plan was to buy the biological weapon that Crossbones took, how would he have been able to use it in any way that would make the avengers look bad? He lucked out with Crossbones deciding to blow himself up, and lucked out further that the only people hurt happened to be people from Wakanda who happened to be on a good-will mission
>Marlel shill revs up the company wars
every single time without fail
>the Disney shill mods WILL delete this post again for free
See the image found here The conspiracy is real!!
You are the one trying to stir shit up, of course they are deleting your shit.
Perhaps in the future, they will reveal his true Nazi father existed and simply sent him to the farm as a child to keep him safe when everything went to shit in Germany. Like Superman.
This isn't just some elaborate setup for a ZINO joke, is it?
I have though
He may have been Zemo in name only, but he was arguably the best villain in the entire MCU universe.
>You are the one trying to stir shit up
god damn retard
Batman killing isn't my gripe, like, at all, Batman being a block headed moron is the problem, an actual Batman would have figured out who Superman was, his given name, where he was raised, his mother and fathers' names, and where his dad was buried. Instead he sees Superman and completely loses all his detective skills and refuses ro listen to anyone, even Alfred. I'm sorry but outside of the fight scenes Batfleck is pretty fucking stupid and a poor take on the World's Greatest Detective.
Implying angry elf man with face half burnt fried chicken skin from Thor 2 wasn't the best villain. I mean Chris eccelston is charismatic as fuck. In order for him to bring so much nothing to that role he had to act the shit out of it.
Sorry user, I didn't like Joker Luthor, Sentry, and Reasonable Frank.
He doesn't care about any of that shit though.
He just knows that Clark had been living here for 33 years and that it was his fault Zod leveled Metropolis.
He's blinded by rage until Lois tells him that Martha is his Mother's name.
>the fever, the rage...
He's a broken bat.
Stupid shitposter.
Ugh. He's stupid. People need to stop using his emotional state as a justification for batman being written ad a gullible easily manipulated moron.
stopped reading there
opinion immediately discarded
He's right though, Batman from the time his parents died hardened himself to not be overtaken by his emotions. The only times he were actually let his emos take him over are when someone close to him (one of his Batbrats gets hurt / murdered) a Batman who has been active for 20+ years, getting mad and covering his ears like a child is kind of dumb man.
>Batman from the time his parents died hardened himself to not be overtaken by his emotions.
We have no idea what this Batmans backstory is beyond his Parents and Robin dying.
They obviously set Zemo up for use in a later movie.
>Muh family
>Muh ruses
>Muh costumes and make-ups
>Muh hateboner for Cap
>Muh "Fuck Hydra"
He was Zemo
He also looks pretty fucking gay.
He'll probably try to rape Cap at some point.
>He's not going to git gud at fighting out of nowhere.
And then what? So Steve can beat the crap out of him? We both know that short of Hulking out, Zemo is not going to beat Steve at direct combat. And why the HELL would Zemo even want to try? Why would he suddenly drop 50 IQ points and try to fight Steve Rogers in the worst way possible for himself?
Are you a Zemo fan or what? Because it sounds like you actually just want him to act like a retard.
Because I want to see Zemo fight him.
Goddamn I can't believe how good that anime is for having such a shit premise.
>Because I want to see Zemo fight him.
Then all you wanted is to watch him lose. And I find that rather a bizarre fetish.
Really, there are 100 ways to beat Steve Rogers, and yet NONE of them involve physically duelling him. You might as well challenge Tony Stark to a drinking contest.
Dude...it's fucking comic books. Obviously cap will win the fight. He's they good guy in a comic movie. It still doesn't mean seeing the villain and hero face off wouldn't be entertaining.
Watch me call it. Baron Zemo will be the father he mentioned
>Dude...it's fucking comic books. Obviously cap will win the fight. He's they good guy in a comic movie. It still doesn't mean seeing the villain and hero face off wouldn't be entertaining.
My problem is that Zemo is clearly superior to Steve in strategy and cunning. And that even the film had shown it was EASY for him to beat Steve if he focus on using his own strengths. To want Zemo to fight Steve deliberately would, as I repeatedly said, require him to behave like a retard.
At best you could have Zemo fight Steve to stall for time before a planned escape. But if you actually want him to TRY to defeat Steve, he would need to be really drunk or mind controlled.
>It still doesn't mean seeing the villain and hero face off wouldn't be entertaining.
It would not be. It would be the equivalent of Scott trying to fight Black Panther WITHOUT wearing his Antman suit. You want Zemo to not use his greatest talents, his brain? That is an insult to Zemo.
Boid Boid Boid Boid Boid Boid Boid Boid Boid Boid Boid Boid
Stating a fact isn't trying to stir shit up. If people saying things you disagree with is enough to send you into full shitposting mode then maybe Sup Forums isn't the site for you.
You realize you could have both right? Clever machinations as well as a fight. And I don't mean end of cw. I mean zemo at some point coming to blows with cap in some future enterprise. One of zemos things is he's physically dangerous as well as brilliant. It'd be cool to see this manipulator have to get physical at some point like his comic counterpart. Using his cunning and guile with combat skills to put a super soldier in danger.
>plans ahead
>anticipates Avenger's movements
>his plan succeeds in some way
>fail at his escape plan
seems pretty fucking Zemo to me
>a fact
lazy b8
>He's not going to git gud at fighting out of nowhere.
He was the leader of Sokovia's black ops death squad. Just because you don't see him fight doesn't mean he isn't great at fighting.
Nothing defines Zemo more than just making up plans to take down the Avengers
You really shouldn't underestimate slav countries in the balkans.
>Dude...it's fucking comic books
No, it's a movie.
Not really. Iron Man was bodied so hard by Cap, he may as well have fought an angry gorilla while wearing a trashcan.
You wouldn't fight a gorilla with your bare hands, would you? Because that's how strong Steve is in the movies.
But that's the thing, it shouldn't be a case of "this Batman" it should just be a case of "Batman." If there was something wildly divergent about this Batman's backstory that would justify him not acting like Batman in the movie, then that should have been addressed on-screen.
And even if they did create a justification for it, it doesn't change the fact that being different doesn't always mean being good. Making BAD chance is worse than just keeping it how it is.
To bring it back around, Zemo had a lot of the surface elements changed to his character, but at least his personality is a ringer for Zemo. Batman may have been closer on a surface level, but he was acting like a fucking idiot and that's a badly done Batman.
But he's even less like Gyrich. If any character would have been replaced by Gyrich, it would have been Ross.
>Zemo is buttblasted his family died when the Avengers saved the fucking planet
Saved the planet from a threat they were 100% responsible for.
By they you mean Stark and Banner.
>Iron Man was bodied so hard by Cap, he may as well have fought an angry gorilla while wearing a trashcan.
kek'd but you're absolutely right
Tony's newer armors might as well be made out of tissue paper
my problem with Zemo
>is sokovian not german
>yet he's named helmut, speaks perfect german
>doesnt have a slavic accent and strugles with russian
its like the Russos couldnt decide if they wanted to make him Zemo or Alex Lukin
>yet he's named helmut, speaks perfect german
>doesnt have a slavic accent and strugles with russian
It's almost like there's more to it than
>is sokovian not german
In fact, it's almost like his father was German and they just had to flee Germany after WWII because "no nazis allowed."
yfw it turns out one of the Nazis Red Skull killed was named Zemo and that is another reason he hates Hydra
Too complex for the MCU.
>Too complex for the MCU.
You're wrong, but thanks for shitposting
So, he's the only MCU villain who succeeded in his plan, right?
Yep, it wasn't a 100% victory, but he sure as hell crippled them and even managed to survive the ordeal. Really hoping he as a role in Black Panther.
This tbqh familia
>BvS was like silver age or bronze age Lex
Nah, save Zemo for infinity war part 1 or thunderbolts
We already know Klaw is gonna be in Black Panther, I want either Killmonger or Man-Ape too. Or maybe both.
Well, that confirms it, mighty good get sir!
I was kind of hoping that Zemo would use his royal heritage and take control of Wakanada out from under T'Challa while he deals with Klaw and the others.
>Zemo would use his royal heritage and take control of Wakanada
A white outsider trying to usurp Wakanda's throne? I give him about 5 minutes before the Dora Milaje ship his corpse back to Sokovia in installments.
>In fact, it's almost like his father was German and they just had to flee Germany after WWII because "no nazis allowed."
>nazis fleeing into the eastern bloc
Shoulda gone with the concept.
>In fact, it's almost like his father was German and they just had to flee Germany after WWII because "no nazis allowed."
They'd go to South America, not the one place in Europe where they hate Nazis the most
>muh family
>keikaku rusemaster
This guy gets it.
Kind of since he was less serious back then.
>>Zemo is buttblasted his family died when the Avengers saved the fucking planet
>Saved the planet from a threat they were 100% responsible for.
BvS plot.
Where's the Glue?
That can be said about pretty much every live action Batman though. ( funny he did more detective work here than the whole of the nolan trilogy)
I'm not so sure about that, I remember Batman being more of a detective than a fighter in the Nolan films