He was Zemo in name only.
He was Zemo in name only
Same with Lex and Superman and Batman
So far, yes
There is no fixing that unfortunately
That's not true and I'm so tired of seeing this and the counterargument. If you ever read Thunderbolts Zemo, you know that this is Zemo.
At least they wear their costume use their. Super powers and gadgets.
As a Zemofag I have to say the costume would have been dumb as shit for this movie. We know nothing about Zemo, or his heritage. It would have been cool as fuck has he put the sock mask on one of the bodies in the tube right before he turned Cap and Stark on each other. I'm expecting to see his sword fighting skills in Black Panther.
>muh family
>keikaku rusemaster
He was Zemo alright, all he needs is to get the supersoldier serum.
>Muh comiqz
Comic fags need to go back to Sup Forums
Why? Comics Zemo never had it.