How accurate is this comic in explaining MGTOW?

How accurate is this comic in explaining MGTOW?

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it's only accurate if you aren't some slob jacking off to chinese cartoon and actually riding a sweet dirtbike

I thought the fuck-cup and the bike seat was a sword he's carrying.

I'm not the best drawer in the world.

Fuck if I know, never even kissed a girl, let alone been in a relationship

How a man becomes MGTOW

>Date lots of girls
>Be 23 meet girl
>Now you are 26 marry girl
>Girl and you have a child
>Find out its not your child
>Find out she has been cheating on you all those years were were still together
>Starts to deny you access to the vagina
>Oh Im tired, work was too much for me
>See her sucking off your friend when you went to the car while they were in the living room on the couch
>Friend doesnt apologize he just calls you a fool for thinking you could wife a whore
>Hit friend
>Friend hits back
>Friend gets tired and tells you to chill out
>Go back to wife
>She is pregnant again
>This time its your kid
>4 years later
>I want a divorce
>Wife divorces you
>Wife forces both child support and alimony on you
>Wife lies to your own child about who you really are to make them hate you
>Wife brags to her friends about parasiting off you
>Wife has your car and your house and has dudes in there she fucks on your bed
>You live in an apartment and are barely making enough to stay alive while wife lives in luxury
>You thought she loved you
>But she used you for marriage and got the money
>Go to club because why not
>See many married women cheating on their husbands
>Realize they all do it
>Realize all of them are the same manipulative whores
>Realize love doesnt exist in the mind of woman
>Realize its a waste of time trying to bond with these things.

Did you just now make this to shitpost on Sup Forums? Don't lie to me, I know you did

This. MGTOW will probably work if you're already a happy, balanced individual, which most tad/pol/es aren't.

Mgtow is just a refuge for sexually failed men looking to justify being losers

MGTOW is for fat betas that can't get laid and former numales that couldn't keep their bitches in line. I stay out to bars with friends as late as I want and when I come home the gf has supper for me wrapped up and then blows me before I go to sleep. If you're actually alpha you wouldn't join a neckbeard as fuck movement like MGTOW.


Why should anyone have to justify themselves to anyone?

This is why I despise both sides. Those who get married because of social pressure sign themselves up for a lifetime of misery because the entered a life that is not truly their own, and those who go MGTOW are basically joining a fucking victim-ideology group for men.

Wanna get married? Go for it. Wanna remain single and just fuck around? Have a great time.

Do what the fuck makes you happy. Fuck whatever anyone thinks about you and your lifestyle. The aren't your parents, they don't pay your bills, their tastes aren't yours, and you have absolutely NO duty to justify yourself and your preferences to anyone.

Binding yourself to the preferences of others in a desperate attempt to seek validation from those around you is a prescription for fucking misery. Why the fuck would anyone ever do that?

>Why should anyone have to justify themselves to anyone?
because that is how civilizations are built and maintained culturally. It's quite literally evolution.

If we have a bunch of beta men that just sit around jerking off and playing video games, actual masculine men will come in and replace you.

Men are the backbone of civilization and lead it. Without it, the ship sinks and you go with it.

You like to pretend that women will somehow "come around" and realize the errors of their ways. That isn't how it works. Women change themselves for men they respect.

wtf I hate evolution now

You must be a woman because as my post indicated I had alot of experience with women before marrying my ex wife you stupid fuck. How am I a loser? I work everyday just to hand most of my money to this bitch all because I thought she loved me it was a lie, my own father told me women cant love men but I didnt believe him because mom told me my dad was just a jerk. Anyways my son hates me because of that bitch.

Why does that man have a sword shoved through his dick?

Now this is leafposting

Is this some kind of MGTOW wet dream?

it's your fault because you wifed a whore.

can someone explain what MGTOW is?


I'm not MGTOW i just have a very low tolerance for other peoples bullshit and enjoy masturbating loudly. Sure you can get away with both around other people but it's far better when done alone.

All women are whores. It is their very nature.

My ex wife is a woman all women are whores you delusional fool, even some of my friends wives have pulled the same shit on them and one of my bros was a ladies man in college so what do you know? What do you know? Oh right nothing your just another stupid little boy whos clueless about the true nature of human women you think they are angels and our soulmates all and that nonsense hahahahahahaha oh if only I wasnt like you in the past then I could be happy.

how sexually experienced was your wife before?

Did she have casual sex before you?

Has she admitted to cheating in previous relationships?

so bitter manchildren living in self-delusion about how awesome their lives are. got it.

why don't you guys just find cute mtfs to be with?

Fuck your civilization faggot. Cry more that men are opting out.

Men, Going, Their, Own, Way. Basically men just admitting their forever alone and finding better things to do with their free time rather then pine over the loss of any prospect of successful reproduction. Some guys are trying to turn it into some sort of social movement but any movement that requires you to disavow social cohesion is kind of an catch 22, kind of tough to go your own way as part of a group of people.

>Fuck your civilization faggot.

You didn't opt out. You're probably still a virgin. You were born opted out and you're trying to turn having never been successful into a movement.

really the whole thing is just silly.

Had sex, been on dates. Try harder.

You seem sadly desperate to bash something you claim is silly. Let me guess, a generously plump femanon or a hairy male virgin with an extensive collection of anime?.... Both?

Ostensibly, it's the idea that men should focus on self-improvement and self-fulfillment as their primary goal in life, with relationships with women being pursued casually, or not at all. Essentially, a reversing of the current social norm, where men engineer their lives around pleasing women and (eventually) assembling a family structure.

On the surface, there's nothing wrong with this. I actually agree with it wholeheartedly. I think men are screwed over by modern western society in many ways.

Unfortunately, in the few years since the term was coined and the ball got rolling, many men have latched onto it not as a purposeful life choice, but simply because they can't get relationships with women, or are too insecure to try. They aren't genuinely subscribing to the ideology, but are rather using it to explain away their own failures or lack of effort. A 'fox and the grapes' scenario.

It's gotten to the point where most of the bloggers and youtubers who brought MGTOW about, and even the man who invented the acronym, have now distanced themselves from it, or even come out against it. Aaron Clarey is a good example.

Why would someone do that? Just go on the internet and tell lies?


Woman detected.

Fuck off if you are gonna just try to find reasons to pardon what my ex wife did to me then just fuck off. Fucking stupid white knight bitch pussy always making excuses for women.

>i have nothing valuable to say
>i'll just call him a virgin

toppest of keks. protip: you can pay for sex legally in certain areas of the world.

i love my surzu bike and pocket pussay

Of course it is silly.

You have losers promoting this "movement," but the irony is that in order for it to be a movement, you'd actually have to change your lifestyle.

If the average MGTOW looked like Tim Tebow instead of the pic from here then MAYBE it would be taken more seriously.

Thanks for not being able to answer of my questions and admitting I'm right.

It's your fault for making bad decisions with bad consequences.

>just because I walk into a bad neighborhood at 3am wearing skimpy clothes doesn't mean I deserve rape!
>no one deserves rape!

and here you are saying
>just because I married a woman with red flags all over her doesn't mean I deserved to be cheated on!
>no one deserves to be cheated on!

>protip: you can pay for sex legally in certain areas of the world.
oh thanks. So you lost your v-card with prostitutes?

Haven't paid for it yet myself, too lazy and cheap to bother tbqh famalam.

i'm tiny mtf girl, friend

why is there a sword going through his penis and coming out his on the MGTOW side?
>no fucking thanks with that shit

Today on NPR, which I must sit through as part of carpooling, the terrorism-defending spastic beta Aziz Ansari demonstrated this self-defeating attitude of "men are always wrong." His latest "act" is a pseudo-scholarly analysis of texts between men and women starting to date. He does not analyze the women's texts, but heavily critiques those of the men, inviting the women to join in. The presupposed goal of the text is to start a platonic relationship -- alpha swagger and aloofness aiming to bang is penalized and subjected to wordy whining.

MGTOW was made originally by divorce victims meaning all of them breeded, you pussywhipped fags will make up anything to think women are innocent little angels.
>just because I married a woman with red flags all over her doesn't mean I deserved to be cheated on!
Why would I deserve to be cheated on? Listen little boy I know you are a virgin that still thinks vagina is a hit and all but IT GETS REALLY FUCKING ANNOYING TO FIND A WORTHWHILE RELATIONSHIP WITH A WOMAN TO FORM A FAMILY ok. You think men like doing this crap always playing russian roulette and trying to find a non slut but realize is its a waste of time because they are all sluts?

Fuck you you dont know anything you sheltered fuck.

I'm essentially a MGTOW but I don't treat the prospect of dying alone as some weird point of pride.

If you're not willing to undergo the penis-sword ritual then you have no place in MGTOW good sir.

>Why would I deserve to be cheated on?
because you married a woman with red flags and you dancing around my questions is proof enough.

Do stupid shit, win stupid prizes.

>Trying this hard to justify not being man enough to keep a woman.

You make me smile friend.

>a granny talking about what sane people do

Pretty accurate. Truth is marriage is a civil institution. As such it only works if civilization supports and defends it. Civilization no longer does. In fact, civilization actively undermines marriage.

Something cannot be considered married (bonded) if they can blown apart on a whim. It would be like a water molecule breaking apart whenever hydrogen got tired of bonding to oxygen. Soon no more water. That is what is happening to marriage.

Another perspective, on this, is our society is moving to a matriarchy. Who does all the work in a matriarchy? Women. The men are unmotivated, because they have no marital property rights.

he has a severe lack of personal responsibility.

tranny* fuck

You forgot to add on the right:

>crushing doubt within yourself and your place in existence every day of the rest of your life


MGTOW doesn't exist. By definition they're all beta males who got rejected or cucked, and so they cannot be that 'enjoying life' alpha except in the delusional comics they draw to stop themselves from suicide.

Meninism is fucking cancer.

>i'm a little confused. hasn't self-improvement and self-fulfillment always the focus of healthy, productive people?

Ideally, yes, but the amount of career building a man must have under his belt to be able to afford a family dramatically reduces the time he could spend, say, reading or going to the gym. On top of that, the things some women find attractive aren't necessarily the healthiest or most pragmatic lifestyle choices for men. They'll get the man laid, but in the long run are counterproductive

One of the big concepts behind MGTOW is/was the idea that the typical 9-5 career worker suburban life with .6 acres and a van was not a path to happiness for men. Which is an idea I sympathize with.

>it's like they're rebelling against some idea of masculinity that never even existed.

Not really sure what you're getting at with that.

>and i'm 100% positive that most of the men going on about "MGTOW" are far from being fulfilled in their lives.

Currently? Yes. That's why it's falling apart as a 'movement'. It's become a crutch rather than an actual philosophy.

>no sane person latches onto simplistic delusions of self like this.

Again, not really sure what you're getting at.

Women are whores stupid it doesnt fucking matter who you marry they will still cheat on you and never love you the way you love them.
Jesus fuck you white knights are cancer you always discard accountability from the woman.

They got to be divorced for a reason Mental Handicap

That's it I am #naturemissle now.

>so they cannot be that 'enjoying life' alpha
So sad these little boys think chasing vagina is the height of life jesus christ.

>Women are whores stupid it doesnt fucking matter who you marry they will still cheat on you and never love you the way you love them.
so does that mean the answer to every one of my questions is yes and you made a bad choice?

Here's some more questions:

Did she have tattoos?

Did she have unusual piercings?

Was she generally left wing?

Did she have a good relationship with her family?

Did she have a good relationship with her dad?

Go ahead and just prove me wrong instead of going "WAHHW AHH I DONT HAVE TO ANSWER THESE"

this civilization is shit and not worth persevering

>So sad the entire world and countless examples of high art and thought think chasing vagina is the height of life jesus christ

Someone not content with their birth genitals wants to talk about how simple things like this can't change a person's happiness.

Dat irony

>One of the big concepts behind MGTOW is/was the idea that the typical 9-5 career worker suburban life with .6 acres and a van was not a path to happiness for men. Which is an idea I sympathize with.
well sure. i mean sort of. 40 hour work weeks can be pretty taxing, but there's still plenty of time in the day for other things. also i don't understand why a man would settle for a woman without at minimum a 4 year college degree and decent job.

two incomes are better than one.

dude what

Kill yourself cunt.

>Jesus fuck you white knights are cancer you always discard accountability from the woman.

Let me put this in a way someone with an obvious measure of retardation (like you for example) can understand. If you pick up a poisonous snake and it bites you it's your fault. In the end a snake is only doing what it does naturally and had you left it alone you wouldn't have gotten bit.
So.... If you date a whore and she completely fucks you over then it's your fault. Stop putting your tiny dick in skanks and own the results of your bad decisions or you'll just keep making them.

>Did she have tattoos?
>Did she have unusual piercings?
>Was she generally left wing?
She doesnt care about politics
>Did she have a good relationship with her family?
Why would I care about this?
Did she have a good relationship with her dad?
She never met her ddad

Yes its amazing how beta male cancer like you has ruined everything right.

Why is good family relationship a red flag?

Sup Forums hates MGTOW because this board is essentially dedicated to worshipping women, particularly white women, for the sake of being "alpha" and saving muh white race.

Top cuck.


>didn't care for politics
>didn't know her dad

Thanks for proving my point. Holy fuck you are retarded.

All I can think of is you being an employer and just hiring a random person without doing a background check and interview.

It's your fault. You don't put your dick in crazy.

>She never met her ddad

no, it's something to look for.

Women without a good family will have a chip on their shoulder, be more "independent" and more disorganized.

You're supposed to screen the women you date, hence DATING, and this guy didn't do that and blames all women.

He's like a guy that went to a restaurant with a 1 star yelp review and now thinks all restaurants are bad

People, both men and women, tend to recreate their own family experience when the reach adulthood and start their own families. So if they grew up in a crackhouse where they were constantly molested they'll most likely find a partner that enables them to reproduce that same life style. Failed relationships begot failed children that continue the cycle into he future. Monkey see monkey do as the saying goes.

I was thinking the exact same thing.

Bad relationship with her dad is a bad flag
No dad is a defcon alarm

You're a cuck if you put up with that all that time

MGTOW guys are ones who've experienced enough of life to know women are fucking pathetic now (they've always been shit but at least before you could make her act right or else).

Guys who criticize MGTOW are the guys who haven't been fucked over to hell and back YET. That or they're women trying to keep pussy inflation unnaturally high.

The true solution will come with realistic sexbots and artificial wombs. Then what will women be? Worthless, that's what.

>lso i don't understand why a man would settle for a woman without at minimum a 4 year college degree and decent job

I almost married a girl with a high school education and shitty job...why?

Because her body was out of control, face was nice and I wanted to be able to fuck that every morning and night

>didn't know her dad
>doesn't follow politics AKA dumb and self centered


You deserve everything that came to you

Ive been with about 80 or 90 women in my life, probably 10 of which were serious relationships.

I'm 32 and just bought a house, own a sports car, have a decent job and do whatever I want to do.

I couldn't care less about finding someone to settle down with, it seems terrible.

I was just living with my 2 friends and one of them owns the house. His fiance moved in and everything changed. Fucking basic bitch princess just whines and complains, makes him do everything and he just takes it. Its the most pathetic thing I've ever seen... and hes actually happy. He literally says
>happy wife; happy life
to me all the time. She watches the Bachelorette with him and he had to get rid of all the sports channels, Discovery channel and comedy central to make room for her Bravo and HGTV channels. She whines to him any time I do anything other than what she wants... even though I have lived here for 2 years and she hasn't paid a dollar toward the house. And hes happy.

Fuck. That.

My ex wife had a high paying job she was no ghetto piece of garbage, and grew up in a middle class area.

Stop blaming me I did nothing wrong I did what society told me to do and I got fucked over because of it so fuck you for blaming me fuck you white knight shit always rationalizing anything women do because WOMEN ARE ANGELS THEY CANT BE MEAN UNLESS YOUR AN ASSHOLE. Stupid little boy.

Shut up kid, you live in your fantasy world where women can do no wrong while I live in the real world.

real men who 'go their own way' dont need some fucking slogan or catch phrase, they just do whatever the fuck they want. MGTOW is beta tryhard bullshit

>My ex wife had a high paying job she was no ghetto piece of garbage, and grew up in a middle class area.

you married a girl with daddy issues and tattoos.

I'm not saying all women are angels. You just have no concept of red flags when it comes to the women you date.

Here, try to prove me wrong:

how sexually experienced was your wife before?

Did she have casual sex before you?

Has she admitted to cheating in previous relationships?

>Feminism is glorious and omnipotent
>Girls who have not found a Boyfriend are just "People in the Market" or "True Aryan Goddess waiting to settle and be Ubermensch"
>Meninism is fucking cancer
>People who can't find a Girlfriend is considered "A huge fucking faggot' or "Beta Cucked by the Bull Sven"
Why do people have these opinions over whether it's Flat or Jut. I just want to go my own way and avoid the God Awful financial, emotional, and otherwise religious implications of Wedding someone who has great odds of ruining me for good. Men go their own way because they've seen the vast amounts of Divorce Stories, Children they've created pulled away from their clutches by a Monster who tries to justify their shenanigans against a fellow Parental Figure. With odds stacked in favor of the Female, who's sole duty is to atleast make the laborer a meal for his child and him, and to go on errands occasionally. It's all stacked against the Man.
>Divorce rates showing higher rates of divorce by women.
>News Article about how 50% or more of Females cheat on their Husband

Having casual sex occasionally or having a GF is the norm. If you can't do either there's something wrong with you and you seek a hugbox in the form of MGTOW, just like blubberwhale femenists who can't attract the men they like waddle to Tumblr.

>Stop blaming me I did nothing wrong

The laughs never stop.

How sheltered are you? Women are social creatures they get tattoos to look cool dummy not because of any daddy issues, she had no daddy issues because she never once met her father nor cares about meeting him either.
>how sexually experienced was your wife before?
Idk maybe like 50 guys i mean she is a woman.
>Did she have casual sex before you?
Well yh she is a woman
>Has she admitted to cheating in previous relationships?

>50 guys

Listen, famalamadingdong, I'm giving you standards I have in my women that I date.

Your girl fails most every single one.

This is all on you and your friend was 100% right. You can't wife a whore.

Pretty much this.

Enjoy getting cucked, HIV, AIDS, accused of raping, to pay vaginamony. All for that 3 second orgasm

Can you read? Dude Im in my thirties and work jobs just to give money to my ex wife in alimony and child support for my son that came from her. I still fuck girls for fun but I dont care about bonding with them anymore you dry dick sad case.

just stop Bahamas
>it's practically written in stone carved by Moses on command from god that women with daddy issues or no daddy are always degenerate sluts

>Listen, famalamadingdong, I'm giving you standards I have in my women that I date.
user assume a girl starts hopping on cock when she is 13 and 50 is still not close to a minimum amount of dicks she has ridden in between 13-26.

you should use the full description.

women with daddy issues, tattoos, and who have fucked over 50 men.

and hey you're free to do what you want. i just don't understand it personally.

any man would be lucky to have me, and i deserve nothing less than the absolute best. and this whole MGTOW thing that i just discovered seems to fly in the face of reality.

women worth having want:
>physically fit
>funny/interesting/good personality
>motivated toward self-improvement

which is what MGTOW endgame is supposed to be? what the hell are you rebelling against. i seriously don't understand.

Most teenage girls usually have ridden over 80 dicks before they are 19.