Failing Infrastructure

This is RI today. All bridges in RI look like this. I'm wondering if it's this bad elsewhere. Post pics of your worst infrastructure fellow burgers

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The Dept. Of Transportation is holding the US together with sheer force of will at this point.

Holy shit no. I have never seen shit like this.

What am I looking at under the bridge?

Damn, is it really that bad elsewhere in the country? I knew it was bad in PA, but it seems like a widespread problem. I have renewed respect for VA government; our roads and bridges aren't complete shit.

4x4 wooden beams stacked like lincoln logs. The concrete completely crumbled away revealing the stressed rebar reinforcement which is rusting.

Looks like the shit is propped up with skids kek

I've never seen ghetto shit like that in Ontario

Bracing similar to what they do in mines. It means they're predicting collapse.

I've been working with NC DOT inspection bridge rehabilitation on bridge structures. There are steel sections that were worse than anticipated, however, they are still very much so passable.

North Carolinians have nothing to fear.

Get your shit together you liberal shitholes. You are the ones always bitching about infrastructure.

And yet republicans will never raise taxes to fix this shit

I live in middle Tennessee and they just rebuilt the interstate bridge nearest to me. Our population exploded in the 80's, so a decent chunk of our infrastructure is less than 30 years old.

We also aren't facing the budget issues that the coastal states are, because we have low business taxes and generally aren't unionized.

Urban areas filled with niggers can be in disrepair, but fuck 'em. They don't vote in state elections anyway so there's no reason to give them free shit.

CO is great now that the weed money is finally starting to siphon its way into the infrastructure.

Maybe if you were named Road Island you'd have better infrastructure

They don't all look like that. Only like half of them.

t. Rhode Islander. Coffee milk rules and Del's Lemonade sucks.

Good. Every time they raise taxes for schools or roads, in less than a year that money gets redirected to the state's general fund with an empty promise to keep funding.

So this is the real USA

fuck me, your in the shitter

Can't say I've ever seen anything like this


>tax white people so they move away
>don't tax niggers and use a majority of what you get to pay for gibs
>no money left

Niggers, not even once.

Hey OP, can you tell me where this bridge is exactly? I want to look it up on the national inventory.

>NY governor butthurt over port authority
>decides to build a bridge over one of the longest points of the hudson river (>3 miles long) since it's outside their jurisdiction and money will go to the state instead
>build said bridge using an unproven method with hollow floating supports during material shortages of the Korean war
>bridge has far too much traffic and outlasted the original lifespan
NY Engineers call it the "hold your breath" bridge and pieces of concrete fall from it "like dandruff" for no explicable reason. It's fucking scary, nobody understands why it's still up and they're rushing to build a replacement before this piece of shit kills hundreds or thousands.

Why don;t you fucking niggers raise some taxes and get to work?


but America is already great, goy

I live in Southern New York; our roads are crumbling, there are roads here that haven't been paved since the 90's.

In harsh winters the roads become undrivable because the asphalt just fucking crumbles. The bridges we have here almost look as bad as pic related

This is a double-railroad bridge just outside of Chicago. I've driven under it so many times I decided to look up when it was first built. 1940s during the war apparently. Every decade or so there's a short article about how some poor soul had a plank of wood smash their car when they passed beneath it.

LA and SoCal in general is the KING of failed infrastructure, not to mention homelessness.

Shit looks like it hasnt been touched since the 1970's and all the Brady Bunch families that used to live there were replaced by niggers and beaners.

Tennessee is also a pay-as-you-go state. They may not have the big-budget projects but they don't pay a penny for debt servicing.

>I live in middle Tennessee and they just rebuilt the interstate bridge nearest to me.

Which bridge?

Texasfag here, not even close. Get your shit together RI.

Nevada here. Our infrastructure isn't half bad desu.

waiting for the ignorant that thinks there's concrete in all US roads XD

Somewhere around 70% of the federal budget is allocated to 'transfer payments' (read: entitlement spending).

- Stop paying for white trash, hoodrats, and cholos to shit out a seventh kid.
- Refuse to give SNAP or WIC to single mothers.
- Tell baby boomers to fuck off from SS, they should have saved for their retirements themselves instead of expecting their kids to pay for it.

Those three moves will fund all the infastructure spending we could possibly need.

Republicans don't want to raise taxes because there's no fucking need to. Just be more responsible with how we allocate our current funding.

Cribbing meant to brace the girder. Looks like a poor concrete mix and rebar covering allowed oxygen to it, causing corrosion and expansion breaking the co concrete. The girder is fucked but it appears the joists are in good shape.

The Bonner Bridge near me is being replaced luckily, but thats because it was about to cause massive fatalities when it collapses with 500 tohrist families on it.

Fellow Tar Heel here. NC DOT does indeed have its shit together. Whatever happened to the much vaunted infrastructure of the Yankee?

I almost didn't believe that picture was taken in America.

Feels good living in the Bay Area, California. There's constant construction and repairing of aging roads and highways where I live. Bike paths are so smooth that you can coast for a block at a time.

Get the your shit together, rest of the country.

Come to California. Everything is like that, only we hide it with bullshit.

I fucking hate Cuomo

>SAFE act
The stupid faggot

Hahaha Jesus Christ is that just cinder blocks held together with spit OP? Damn.

I thought RI was part of the wealthy New England kind of area (like VT and CT). What the hell? Is this in a shitty neighborhood?

Can confirm. From Chicago but working in Texas. The benefit you guys have is no winter so no road buckling and salt damage. Also your government has their shit together.

see the crane crash?
it's like a bad omen

i fucking hate driving over that bridge.

Maine here, we have awful roads and bridges. Crumbling bridges like in OP's pic, and our roads are beat to shit.


I live in the Bay Area as well. Roads are always cracking and buckling from the heat every year. Construction happens, yes, but it's never finished. It takes 10 years just to build one little project. Meanwhile, other places around the nation are building high rises within a month.

Looks like trucks have hit that bridge a few times and they haven't even bothered to fix it.

If that happened here the road and bridge would be shut down immediately and repaired.

You could also stop paying for the militaries or Yuropoors.

Cuomo and Deblasio can both choke on fat dicks.

I drove over the Tappan Zee on Wednesday afternoon (one day after the crash), then due to traffic I drove over the GWB on Thursday + Sunday. It fucking sucked. TZB is horrible but the route is generally easy. Can't wait until the replacement is done.

Did you inspect the Bonner Bridge at Oregon Inlet?

Burgers are a food of peace
Arizona isn't anywhere near this fucked up, at least not around me

St. Louis does even look that bad.

>Brace the girder

That's called a Bent cap.

>poor concrete mix and rebar covering allowed oxygen to it

I disagree, water infiltrated the concrete and after decades of freeze / thaw cycles caused the concrete to crumble.

>Girder is fucked but it appears the joists are in good shape.

Almost there. Again, it's a Bent cap that supports the concrete girders (superstructure).

RI is a democrat state. All the taxes go to our 70% "minority" population's welfare, the literal Italian Mobster politician's "charities", and towards building new mosques.


I'm planning on moving to Jefferson County after saving up a little more money

75% at least. And you got it backwards!

I believe this is the US-6/RI-10 connector. Pulled it off RhodeWorks' - the plan to fix bridges by tolling 18-wheelers an obscene amount - website.

RI is the inner city of New England. This is the capital city

What's RI? Is that some foreign country I don't know about?

They finally got rid of this and are replacing it, thank christ.

They literally had to install a net, and afterwords a goddamn smaller bridge under it, to catch chunks of concrete that fell off so they didn't kill anybody on the highway.

liberals brah.

every NCDOT employee (quickly vanishing, btw) and CEIs that work there are hard right wingers...

nope. Certain parts are really nice like Newport but others are really really bad like Providence

Your sense of scale is atrocious.

>Which bridge?

Exit 8 near Clarksville.

Dirt patch in the upper right is the industrial park. It's a new Bridgestone plant under construction.

Nope, I've been working in western NC.

Haywood, Henderson, and Polk counties.

Holy shit I thought Louisiana had bad roads. That sounds horrible.


what the fuck is RI?

Central Ohio here. I've never seen anything that bad. Our roads are under constant reconstruction

Why does liberal San Francisco get good infrastructure and rest of country doesn't? Could it be taxes?

Rhode Island

>state has left lane freeway exits

The State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations

I know. Good thing I'm not a carpenter

Rhode Island nigga

>first world


Not sure where you're from,

pretty much all of south country is nice, either coastal or rural, with the occasional white trash area

Holy shit cunt senpai, Minnesota literally rebuild all our bridges after we had one fall. The kicker was that it was well maintained and not even that old. I don't think we'd ever allow a bridge to get to that condition.

All good here senpai

lol pittsburgh is the worst

only reason they survived the 2008 recession is because no one spent a dime there since the steel shipped out

holy shit your state man...

I've been traveling through Ohio to get to MI for the last 10 years or so and your shit is still under construction in the same areas...

It's so fucking weird imagining a place like that, sounds like some dystopian future or some shit

Here in Finland everything is regularly fixed, cleaned and polished, there is no chance in hell that any bridge would look even half as bad as OP's pic, ever.

Cheap labor, high taxes, and heavy road use are the reasons.

Heavy road use means that there will always be a significantly large part of the population with a vested interest in maintaining the roadways. This causes citizens to put pressure on their elected representatives to make sure everything is in good repair.

Look under a bridge sometime just to see what's holding it together.

I'm your northern neighbor. We aren't that much better.

Who cares right?!

Kek seems to agree...

I wouldn't go that far
Waiting at the dot next to criminals and illegals for 5 hours to get a new horizontal ID was not fun
Thank fuck our driver's license expires when we're on our death beds

Why do t you just say Rhode Island instead of making stupid abbreviations? Nobody says I'm from ON or QU stupid lazy cunts you had to ruin our beautiful language now you're so lazy you can't even type

Lol. Wtf is that shit?

>what the fuck is RI?

The seventh level of hell.

It is literally the worst state in the Union, even behind New Jersey, and THAT is really saying something right there.

mostly steel and concrete propping up failing steel and concrete

sure why not?

What are you, lactose intolerant? Are you Cape Verdean or something? Jeez.

At least Gansett makes a beer with one of each for the both of us.

I can't wait for Don Jr to run against that bleeding heart guinea in '18


I-275 has been under construction since the motherfucking nineties.

t. Chimpcinnati fag.

Illinois-fag here. Worst thing I see around where I'm at is a poorly kempt state highway.

first off, a fucking leaf.

secondly, get relevant.

Has anyone here had the privilege of driving on Louisiana roads?'s really bad, folks.

not bad tho

It's what happens when you replace whites with niggers and spics.

That railroad bridge is the responsibility of the train company, not the state.

Those fucking train companies are like dealing with the goddamned mafia...

Oh it's not that bad. Everything is a max of 20 minutes away, we have a burgeoning healthcare and pharma industry and we recently started to replace our corrupt politicians with new corrupt politicians.

The bridge that goes into Newport is so fucking ghetto its scary . I don't live in RI anymore but holy shit that thing was bad. And the roads in general suck. StonyFort Road in south county is like a bombed out war path, it barely qualifies as a road & its pretty important

The only solution is to raise taxes in New York.

the cause of weekly car wrecks

Upstate there's construction, but it's never finished.

The only construction that does get finished seems to be landscaping for parking lots, which makes them prettier with nicer sidewalks, but makes shit full of traffic.

Apartments? Never finished
Roads? Band-aids
High-rises? Never finished

Shit, the grocery store I work at has a floor with potholes.

Whole country is turning into a 3rd world shithole.