Would I pass as a local

in your cuntry?

Other urls found in this thread:


Did his parents press the 'random' button on Oblivion?

oh yes

No, Igor, you couldn't. Novi, novi, novi, novi god....la, la, la ,la la,.

he seems so happy in every photo. you betas can’t destroy his optimism

Stop making fun of this lad

There's more sminem pics?

Yes I have several

el goblino...


1. The vanilla sminem




He seems like a nice guy. Would drink beer with

Merry Christmas Sminem

Jesus Sminem

yeah he doesn't look like a bydlo trash but still i wouldn't trust him.

Bull Sminem



they're just finns

He seems to be loved by his parents.

Why is he always alone?

Church Sminem

Maybe it’s because he has no siblings.

Prom Sminem

Where do you get these new Sminem pics? Does he have social media?

Also he's not really that ugly, he just has big ears and a bad haircut. His face is pretty handsome.





He resembles that merchant jew pic because of the face.

why are russians so ugly?


fetal alcohol syndrome

those are finns


Russian women look like THAT

>those are finns

that woman is the most slavic slav i've ever seen

If this is ugly then I want an ugly gf


I feel sad and happy for him, and I don't know why?

sminem lives in northern city and has finnic face
the one near sminem is not, the one i replied to is


jesus... must be something in the water where sminem lives

I feel bad for the other guy...he’s so ugly even at sminen standars


yes lol

Is he a good swimmer?

Poor guy. At least he looks happy in most pictures.


I like him.
He looks so childish and kind. Kind of refreshing compared to all those gloomy faces feeled with negative. Despite being ugly he just lives his live and seem to enjoy what little fun he could have.
Good lad.

child bearing hips. does he have klinfelter's or something?

God gifted those two.

How old are these pictures? Is Russia stuck in the 90s?

He looks better than most people where he lives and he is happy because he travels a lot

Russia is stuck in the late 80s, Ukraine hit the 90s.

finns living in russia stuck in the 90s
which is logical because sminem is a finn

I didn't even know Russians could be this brown. Sminem looks like average Russian but his friend looks Paki or something

Almost none is older than 4 years

Finns living in Russia are upper-middle class easily. No reason moving there if you dont get a good job

no Russia is far more advanced than Ukraine or any other easter european shithole like estonia
Please gibe boipucci


Soviet union deported everyone to work on the north
the're are only non russians outside of moscow/spb


i mean finns ethnically like volga finns etc
they're dirt poor and most of crime comes from finnic or buryat regions


you seems to know a lot about sminen, why? and how?
btw thanks for the pics I saved all

Never heard of them called Finns.
Indeed they're dirt poor. I've watched Ville Haapasalo's tv show where he travels to those areas


Yeah same way you don't call everyone indo-european. From germans to pajeets

sminem's bazookas

I know nothing about Sminem but I saw his picture many years ago. When I saw it posted again on Sup Forums I began to save them.
Thats what I did with every sminem picture that got posted here. I got the rest via the reverse image search.

they hit 90s twice
if you know what i mean

Seriously was the place their town was built on a nuclear bomb test site or what?

These are the faces of Neo liberators.
Imagine how they take your women and spread their seed.

she is kinda cute
I hate fairies and pixies even if video games, but she is cute

These might be the two weirdest-looking non-deformed/disabled people on the planet.

Where does Sminem live? Also yeah, he's ugly, but it's hard to make fun of him, he seems like a genuinely happy and nice guy. Didn't people find out that he has a gf? Good for him.

Volgograd AKA Stalingrad AKA the town that started the defeat of the German military.


Sminem and el peruANO are my best imaginary friends

>All Finno-Ugric people are Finns
Russkies really are as dummies as I thought. Can't you even read your itself linked article?


I really, really, really like this image.

>tfw no sminem friend

>bullying and doxing an underage boy in order to feel better about yourself
This couldn't get more pathetic. Everyone ITT should post their face, or else I just assume you guys are uglier than sminem.


helo do you have more sminen

Russians are literal mongols

honestly he doesn't look bad here, he should always wear a hat.

You could draw a face on a paper plate and you would still be considered a local

that's a gypsy, not a russian

The Russian women who get posted here in Sup Forums clearly have Asiatic admixture and yet Sup Forums insists in calling them white because they're white nationalists.

The bias here is unbelievable. Sup Forums = All Russians are white and all Brazilians are mixed. When in reality we're about the same in terms of mixing.


>When in reality we're about the same in terms of mixing.

now we are friends

baldy sminem