This is the power of the alt-right. Do NOT fuck with us.
This is the power of the alt-right. Do NOT fuck with us
This scares the jew.
How is this shit not Sup Forums related? Its almost like a film
Obvious false flag baiting kikery. Fuck you.
Californian here. I'm glad you guys are standing up for your history/culture.
Seriously, shouldn't the local government at least have taken a vote instead of just removing old statues in the dead of night because now they are a little problematic?
okay get back to me when your candidate doesn't immediately pander to Israel
>hey guys lets memorialize that time we lost really REALLY hard
>white power
>white people
>leftypol battered out of yet another colbert thread
>starts desperately false flagging with tears in their eyes
you guys are bretty fun. stick around.
So we should tear down the Vietnam Memorial?
>a bunch of indelible fucking losers get together to show their support for a syphilitic old golfer who can't handle the job he strived for
>they think that A) things have changed at all under trump and B) they won't get conned into yet another hill to die on after they inevitably experience a total loss
Partisanship is pathetic. Get a girlfriend.
>the power of the alt-right
God, you're stupid. I'm embarrassed to share a board with you.
I guarantee you this will happen within a 100 years, after the vietnam war is declared an example of white supremacist imperialism.
t. enlightened centrist
He looks like Stephen Baldwin
>we lost vietnam
We left Vietnam because of hippies, and we entered because of a puppet president.
>the asshurt leftypol ITT
keep it coming, there'll never be a day when I don't laugh at you virgin losers lmao
It's Sup Forums though. Every single anti-Sup Forums or anti-trump post/thread is made by people from Sup Forumseddit, /vg/ or Sup Forums
You guys break out tiki torches? That's your power?
>he seems to actually think Vietnam had nothing to do with imperialism
>that time we lost really REALLY hard
[citation needed]
>Dick Spence
He's run by Paul (((Gottfried))), how are they to be afraid of their hired hand?
Give him the hose.
omg reddit told me there were monsters like you on here
As a lefty who's really tired of his side's shit this isn't helping to calm sjws down.