>Let them come
I just saw it. I knew virtually nothing about BP. I now think he's amazing. I couldn't be more hyped for Wakanda vs The World
>Let them come
I just saw it. I knew virtually nothing about BP. I now think he's amazing. I couldn't be more hyped for Wakanda vs The World
>The camera pans to the Great Panther statue.
Fucking hell, why does Black Panther have to come out in 2018? Why can't Captain Marvel get pushed back instead?
That pan was a little silly.
Captain Marvel got pushed back further than Black Panther did, it's coming out in 2019.
Cause we need room for sequels next year, instead
>let them come
What did he mean by this?
>Directed by Ryan Coogler
I can't fucking wait. Creed was outstanding.
I love that Sup Forums is hyped for this movie while Sup Forums is already saying it will flop because it has a mostly black cast.
Given that Sup Forums tends to always be wrong I'll go with Sup Forums on this one. Especially as the majority of reviews and word of mouth seem to say Black Panther is the best part of the movie other than Spidey.
Also on subsequent viewings BP is fucking awesome. Civil War really establishes him as the Batman of the Marvel Universe. Hyped for BP especially with the Creed director.
Also seriously impressed at the acting. Since I know a bunch of Western private school and Ivy League/Redbrick university educated black African dudes, I can usually spot working class black African-American actors trying and failing to portray educated black Africans in movies. But not here. He was perfect down to the South East African accent.
>Sup Forums is already saying it will flop because it has a mostly black cast
>MCU movie
>flopping for any reason
Sup Forums is retarded. I hate forced diversity and tokenism as much as they do but there is nothing wrong with MCU's black superheros. But then again they're always moaning about "capeshit" killing the film industry.
>Sup Forums
>Right about ANYTHING
>Especially when it comes to comic movies
Sup Forums is just Sup Forums by another name at this point. These are the same asshole who shit on Boyega as Finn before Force Awakens. Now even they've had to begrudgingly admit that he's the heart of the movie and the best new character. Fuck what they have to say about the Panther, it'll do fine.
you should have seen Sup Forums when the trailer for Rogue One was released
The asspain was off the charts. Good lord, a Star Wars movie starring a woman! How unrealistic! Mary Sue etc
A few years ago, Sup Forums was going on and on about how a Black Panther film would suck and nobody wanted it and Nova would be a better film instead
Now I think most of the world is impatient for a Black Panther film.
I mean, Rey was a Mary Sue yeah. So it's not like the precedent isn't there.
>Civil War really establishes him as the Batman of the Marvel Universe
>Batman of the Marvel Universe
You lost me
It's amazing what a good proof of concept can do to change your opinion.
Boy, the week after the death of the previous King must have been weird for everybody back in Wakanda.
Imagine how people would react if Obama was taken out and then Biden disappeared for a week to personally chase down the perpetrators. That's basically what happened with T'Challa.
Sup Forums is already getting a massive racist hateboner for this film, I can't wait to see them spaz out when it does well.
Chadwick Boseman and Tate Taylor acted and directed in Get On Up, which was my favorite movie from 2014. Boseman is one of my favorite actors now and Taylor also directed Creed which was fucking amazing
I'm SO fucking hyped for Black Panther, shit is gonna be so good. It's going to have actual development and actual cinematography and actual pacing
Honestly the racists whining is one of the reasons I'm so psyched about black panther. I wanna see them so mad at how poor white folks is treated in the mcu
Literally just edgy nigger batman with no cape.
I'd pay good money to see that
>Imagine how people would react if Obama was taken out and then Biden disappeared for a week to personally chase down the perpetrators. That's basically what happened with T'Challa.
Everyone in Wakanda knows he's Black Panther. They're probably more wondering why he didn't produce a corpse in vengeance.
>edgy nigger bat man that's better than bat man in all ways and also a king and hangs out with hot ninja ladies instead if little boys and has superior tech ...and only sometimes wears a cape
Call Hollywood. You may have a billion dollar idea.
Is the King the head of government in Wakanda? I assumed since Black Panther was constantly off superheroing, the King of Wakanda was more like some of our modern monarchies - lots of symbolical powers, only a few official ones.
>The only protagonist to realize the vicious cycle of vengeance and stop it at the climax
It would honestly make more sense for him to be, but no, Panther is also head of state.
Yeah black panther is probably decidedly less edgy than most modern incarnations of batman
I like to call it "I don't like it til I see it in a movie"
Great, now I'm thinking of jolly old fat man T'Chaka from the movie running around in a Black Panther costume.
>king of some shitty African country
>better than being a white billionaire in America
Lets be honest. Black Panther probably has aids.
Reminder that Sup Forums thought Guardians of the Galaxy was going to be a huge flop and are still butthurt about it to this day
His cum is probably loaded with vibranium laced aids curing nanites. But its wakanda so they all wear little fucking lion mane head dresses and kill the aids with tiny spears.
Also panther would beat the piss out of batman and has decidedly more wealth and resources.
Remember when they said Ant Man would flop?
Cuck detected.
What? He is.
Based Jungle Batman was pretty based.
You got to appreciate how he had an entire character arch in a movie that was filled to burst already.
Implying you wouldn't let panther lovingly ram a clawed finger up your poop chute and pop your p-spot with vibranium loving.
Reminder that Sup Forums swore blind that Deadpool would bomb and BvS would make over a billion.
I like how despite him being a scientist and king, he's still just an angry black guy who wants to kill a white one.
And even if your full Sup Forums and have a problem with diversity in any form, what the fuck else are you going to fill an african nation with? Mexicans?
Calling bullshit. Not even Sup Forums is that stupid.
He means Wakanda can take all their pussy asses in a fight so if they wanna bring it then bring it bitches
It made considerably less than Dawn of Justice.
He's making a joke about the idiotic edginess Batman has succumbed to.
I saw a kid goes nuts at Toys R Us tonight because they were selling one of those playset things that let kids dress up as superheroes - it was a Black Panther one.
We live in a weird time. If you told me a few years ago some kid would be losing it over Black Panther toys of all things...
It's an edgy Batman quote, user
All T'Challa wants is "Bucky with the good hair."
>Kids asking their parent for Black Panther masks
>Young one getting Ant man toys for Christmas
>Kids playing Rocket Raccoon Marvel vs Capcom 3
It's a whole new world...
Consider the two properties dude. It was never gonna make batman superman dollars.
It's because liberal media wants to push Black Lives Matter.
Doesn't matter.
Financially it was a flop.
Still a better movie.
I'm still blown away I live in a world where
>iron man is one of the most popular fictional characters in existence
>I am groot is part of the lexicon
>Robert Redford actually said "hail hydra" and it was totally serious with no wink or tongue in cheek jokiness
Fucking Robert Redford said hail hydra. I can die fulfilled...I need nothing else.
>taco stand run by the polish
Sup Forums is that way...
Hey, they could do it.
Remember that submarine with the screen door?
And that rocket they sent to the sun? At night?
Yeah you don't know what a flop is
What does any of that have to do with this? People loved the Fresh Prince and the Cosby Show way before BLM. Plus if conservatives controlled that much of the media, would you really think they wouldn't let black actors on screen? They already let black people on Fox News
I don't think user wants to share with some white bitch
You have no fucking idea what you're talking about, Sup Forums. Go back to your underage foot worshiping hole where you belong.
It COST considerably less than Dawn of Justice. Not even taking into account the advertising budget.
Yeah well, Sup Forums is retarded. They have less self awareness than Sup Forums while being more elitist and pretentious than Sup Forums and /lit/ combined and have the sense of humour of Sup Forums and /s4s/.
I like various boards for their own little quirks but Sup Forums? Fuck that board.
pick one
What's funny is that Biden actually did chase down purse snatchers in his youth. Maybe he's the White Panther after all.
We live in a world where a Batman vs Superman movie DIDN'T light the box office on fire, and was considered so bad that word of mouth completely killed it's second weekend sales. Not to mention the absolute lack of confidence WB had, with the March release date and simultaneous opening.
Ant-Man didn't break any records, but shit, it made blockbuster money and it's fucking ANT-MAN nigga.
For fucks sake, Captain America has supplanted Superman as the #1 US comicbook superhero in the hearts and minds of kids and normies everywhere. It's fucking bananas! If you told me back in 2008 that this is how it was gonna all shake out, I would've had you committed.
Sometimes I can't believe this is the world we live in either, but you gotta accept it.
Penn is right on that.
Star trek threads are still good though
I am sad I have to agree. Especially with .
Sup Forums is the new Sup Forums.
It might be acceptable if they were right about anything, but they are still defending BvS.
Do you guys think T'Challa has a massive package under all that vibranium?
That's how kings say, "I wish a motherfucker would."
Threads that actually discuss film are decent sometimes. It's just the rampant shitposting that makes the board so intolerable. There's literally no janitor presence or something
I think he passed on the BP mantle long before the events of this film.
It looks like King and Black Panther are two independent, but related titles in the MCU
>I just saw it. I knew virtually nothing about BP. I now think he's amazing.
Wow, I guess it's true those movies are for easily impressed retards.
Glad you enjoyed your comicbook commerical, you fucking kid
Sup Forums would just rather a blockbuster taking place in an African nation not exist, I guess
I liked how his humour was a play on how quippy the MCU is and then in comes this fucker and he's all
>I don't care.
Not really. If anything, BvS was closer to flopping than Ant-Man was, despite making a lot more money. Mostly because Ant-Man cost a fraction to make.
When calculating what has flopped and what hasn't, what you have to take into account are profits.
>Let them come
Remember what happened last time you talked shit.
I doubt this Panther is worried about some freak of the week who got killed in an alternate dimension by Miles Teller and Michael B. Jordan.
>batman vs superman featuring wonder woman, lex luthor and doomsday with cameos from the flash, aquaman and cyborg
Carried a lot of goodwill from previous Marvel movies and GotG showed that audiences were willing to give quirky movies a chance.
>Dawn of Justice
Superman has been box office poison since the fucking 1980s. His last movie was despised by a lot of people. Wonder Woman is a character nobody gives a fuck about. Cyborg is a literal who. Aquaman is the butt of every normie-joke.
Really the only thing to be suprised at is that a Marvel movie could beat a Batman movie. Though people were very cautious of BatFleck.
Personally i'm waiting to see how Suicide Squad does. You'd expect the Joker, Harley and Will Smith to be able to outgross GotG, Ant-Man and Deadpool. Especially with a Batman cameo. I'd love it if Killer Croc managed to make more money than DC's Trinity.
>You'd expect the Joker, Harley and Will Smith to
I love how Deadshot isn't even Deadshot, he's Will Smith. Which is fine by me, it's been a while since Will played just himself. The last time I can remember him doing that was Hitch.
>MFW Marvel steals yet another Human Torch from Fox.
I will never tire of watching Chris Evans laugh.
I love this
Is Thunderbolt Ross related to Everett Ross?
I would say she is no more offensive than Luke was in A New Hope.