Look what arrived in the mail today, Sup Forums!
It came all the way from frogland.
Look what arrived in the mail today, Sup Forums!
Cool, lets watch this unpacking
it's obviously a baguette
Oh shit, it's a bomb.
Better be some Blu-ray you can't get in the U.S. yet.
Very oddly packed.
Maybe I shouldn't use scissors?
Nice scissors
Praise be.
In b4 cancer
guessing french movie poster
probably something r.eddit like le samourai or circle rouge
y-you too
just fucking open it faggot
And then a blurry skellington popped out!
I have to do a little clean-up first, stupid Frenchie baguette packaging
This had better be something good, or I will have some harsh words to say to you anonymously.
Oh fug
Decided to get a knife for this, fuck right handed scissors
Its a shitposter isnt it?
I can't wait to open it now!
It better be the fucking blade runner minimalist poster.
wtf I thought this came from France, not Australia
> from france
> not even in french
you got taken noob
Oh wait it was just upside down
It was the cheapest :^)
jesus h motherfucking christ
Wow a poster. I remember when I was 12 years old. Seriously why are there so many man-children these days??
socks lol
Great thread, brah.
well i hate Malick but i have to admit
it's a pretty patrician poster as posters go
thumbnail looks like it has a spoopy face on the right
is that movie about the quabala user? because that pic suggests it is
You are not a true patrician,
>Knight of Cucks
OP is a faggot
why do you mate malick?
watched the first five minutes of Tree of Life
i'm done
Very nice
10/10 poster
Was about to give you a hard time for taking so long unpacking but I'm impressed
are the socks a metaphor for when christian bale sucked on natalie portmans toes?
what website did you buy this from?
fucking hell this is what I was thinking
Any more posters like this where the image is a literal interpretation of the title?
Wtf my dick is hard now
Nice poster OP
I don't know what this is
MMMuuuhaaah theFrench packages have always beencelebrated for its excellence
I hoped it would be the pants and belt from tdkr