No jokes or memes or anything, what is actually wrong with this man?

No jokes or memes or anything, what is actually wrong with this man?

Other urls found in this thread:

A lifetime of Jewish indoctrination

he doesn't use mplayer

Hey guys, VLC

And yet he probably gets more pussy the 84% of this board

Sexual trauma that occurs during childhood often leads to long-term juvenile behavior.

>bumper sticker tattoo
>Myson and Peter Parker
>child rapist laugh

His wife made him jerk off into a cup, then used a turkey baster to get herself pregnant.

I actually lol'd at this


is that literally his son's name? wtf

>then used a turkey baster

to inject herself with anonymous sperm she bought from a sperm bank?

i like Jack a million times more than Mike "Schlock" Stoklasa

I don't dislike AIDS Moby. His ditziness complements everyone else at RLM being cynical and sarcastic.

Who cares?

If you had to carry around a horse sized dick with you all day maybe you'd be a bit different yourself

You apparently do if you bothered to post.

Obviously I care or I wouldn't have made the thread.

i thought only rich had a horse sized dick

Where did you get that idea?

Imagine all the I fucked your mom jokes from other kids in school.

Nothing. I like Jack. I don't know why so many people hate him so much. I like him more than Rich.

No. His name is not "Myson", it's Jackson. Jack's son is Jackson.

I find it weird how the one member of RLM who has kids also happens to be the most emotionally immature of the group.

there was that picture of rich where he appears to be quite a big guy

one named Myson and the other Jackson

I don't know. His Hot Ones youtube show is pretty fun.

This man has two children.

This is awful, but I hope youtube keeps letting people upload stuff like this. I hope they don't go full Netflix/Prime/Hulu. As bad as this stuff is, I like the fact that anyone can put something up.

No, that is not true. One is Jackson, and one is Parker.

I think maybe I have aspergers, but I laughed really hard at this.

>letting Rich Evans near children

They're pretty smart in that they now have a specific "premium" side with Red. That way they can promote and fund stupid shit while keeping the site free for everyone else.

that's funny desu

The thing about Jack is that while Mike, Jay, and Rich are bitter, drunken assholes, Jack feels like a public access kids show host who just wandered onto the BOTW set.

He's bald. Woah. Must he AIDS.

Rich doesn't drink.

He's an effeminate self proclaimed viral meme master. Isn't that enough?

Nothing. We are all on the path to enlightenment.

Wow, vsauce looks like THAT?

He's a fag but at least he's genuinely Reddit while the others complety sold out for patreon shekels

Why are all the RLM guys white?

There "RLM guys" are Mike, Jay and Rich. They've been friends for the last 20 years.

"Dr Pavel, I'm VLC."

Yeah, but they could at least paint Rich black or tape Mike's eyes to make them slanty.

Jack's bull could make a guest appearance.

I hope the next BOTW has Jay casually mentioning that he celebrates Ramadan.

This has never been and never will be a valid response. This is the equivalent of grade school kids "I know you are but what am I" type of responses. This is the kind of shit 12 year olds post on reddit and youtube comments in defense of who/whatever. Taking a couple of seconds to point something out or berate it does not mean you're emotionally invested.

Hang ourself.

>tfw you are in highschool on the high speed conveyor belts in the halls minding your own business up voting comments on reddit and reporting youtube videos to collect Internet Points that allow you to communicate with other users on the internet and you receive a wifi signal straight to your iBrain out of the blue, it's the school sanctioned diversity bullies again, it's not fair they are given free Internet Points which means they can start astral projection conversations within the iBrain™ whenever they please. Their making me watch it again, they freeze me in a repeating loop with their powerful minority Internet Privileges, it's my grandad's poopoo and peepee song again, I don't know how much more of this I can take. I wake up on the cold hard metallic conveyor belts whizzing around the school halls in the dark to the school janitor pleasuring my white boy pussy with his big black cock, the next day at school all the kids are in my iBrain again sending me the video they recorded of me stuck in the loop yesterday, while I was frothing at the mouth and seizing for the entire day.

Jack is so big

that's literally actually fully the origin of jackson and most -son or -sen or other foreign translations of offspring in surnames
people mock names like magnus magnusson but it's only the same as having an ancestor who would otherwise be called magnus jr.

not the pronoun but rather a player named who

Uh, you don't get to bring your codecs.

>for both we wipe

WTF I never wipe when I piss.

lol peepee pants

Girls do. But he doesn't have a daughter so..

His name is AIDSMoby. The Moby part of his derisive nickname is what refers to his baldness. The AIDS just refers to the fact he's skinny and arguably sickly/off in appearance. Or just to suggest he's a faggot.

ewww i wouldnt wanna smell your undies


Ambition is bigger than his talent.

People that say shit like this are always ugly virgins. Just kill yourself brah

Hes married, so he probably has the exact same amount of sex as the rest of this board.
A big ol goose egg

Why the fuck haven't they done a V-Sauce parody with him? I haven't even heard one of them crack a V-Sauce joke about Jack.

I think you missed my joke kiddo.

Jokes are meant to be funny, and usually have a set-up/punchline. That wasn't a joke, kiddo.

I'm married and we have sex 3-6 times a week, sometimes twice a day.

can i smell yours

I heard his son's name was "Wyfson."

The proper way is to hold the toilet paper at the end of your shaft while you squeeze the pee pee into it. Kind of like toothpaste.

Best use of spoilers I've seen in a while

Jack is pretty cringe but is wholesome and loveable

is that a vlc reference?

No one actually wipes after they pee. You guys are fucking with me.

How do you even wipe when you pee at a urinal?

I hate Beardfart more than Jack.

Hating Jack is pleb-tier. Hating Drunk Jack should get you shot.

It's a jewish trick trying to deaden the sensitive nerves at the tip of the penis from long-term friction. Don't believe their lies.

he's ok. more tolerable than rich desu. rich sounds like a cat in heat on a good day, is not funny, and has the charisma of a school shooter


It's Parker Packard, also, Myson has the hairline of a 60 year old man

Because mature people know that having kids is a pain in the ass and destroys your freedom.