What is Sup Forums's actual opinon on Jared Letos now?

What is Sup Forums's actual opinon on Jared Letos now?

How was it after the first promo pic of him?
How was it after all the trailers?

>no one knows anything about it

I feel like he is the most sinister Joker yet. The kind that would wait till 5 minutes before curfew before heading back home.

He looks alright, and he sounds alright.

Am I the only one who hopes he's a former robin? I think the "evidence" people have used for the fan theory is retarded but its still something I hope for.

Most people can't see past the tattoos to acknowledge that he's the closest we've gotten to a comic accurate Joker in 2 decades

>its still something I hope for.

You know, I for one am looking forward to see Jonny Jonny Frost on screen

I think in the grand scheme of things it can make things interesting. I'd like to see it be Dick Grayson though and not Jason or Tim. I'd also like to see Batman kill him and it being a catalyst for batman quitting the justice league. I think that would make the new line of DC movies more interesting and different than what we've seen on screen before.

I love batman but too much batman can fatigue some people and he has a way of stealing the show.

OP here, I think this is the closest comic book Joker to date and I do believe he will do better than Heath Ledger

so your plan to get rid of batman is having the joker be the robin?

I find it hard to imagine that a Robin would be the same age as Batman

Thats the most retarded idea ever and you should kill yourself for liking it.

So we are going to get Harley and Joker's origin story

yeah we will be

Basically yes. Just the death of the original joker isn't enough of a failure for batman. He needs to have failed so hard that his protege turned into his greatest foe which he is then forced to kill and break his rule.

The death of joker has never made batman quit being batman in any stories and neither has the death of a robin. Combine the two and maybe it plays enough fuck fuck games with Bruce to have him hang it up. Better than just "hurr I pulled a gun on a dickhead kidnapper never again".

Margot looks better like that than when she's wearing the """costume""".

He looks like shit and SS will bomb. DC shit is for loser anyways.

He has the best laugh of all the movie Jokers imo.

Better than that time Luke Skywalker dubbed over that guy?

Movies dude. Mark Hamill's Joker is still best when it comes to other media like video games and cartoons.

He looks dumb and I found his trailer appearances grating.

>"Leto once took me out for a drink, he drove me out to an empty lot and said 'good things come to those that wait'"
>"We sat there for a year and a half as they constructed a bar around us""
>"On the day they opened, Leto walked right behind the counter, took a drink of scotch, and burned the place to the ground"
>"He started screaming over the raging fire: 'ALWAYS LEAVE THINGS THE WAY YOU FOUND THEM'"

lol wut

>Casting announced
Hype, perfect casting
>Promo pic
Looks like shit but hopefully the negative reaction will get them to redesign
Got the personality pretty good for a post-Ledger edgejoker, but the design is still fuckawful

He seems like he'll be good at the role, from everything I've seen.
Bit tired of hearing how method he is though.

>" One day, Leto decides he’s going to hunt down all four of the Banana Splits. He stalks and kills every one of them with a machette. They all begged for their lives…except Fleagle.”

I think we all know what Ben Affleck owes the people of Gotham here

>Sup Forums slobbering all over that DC cock.

Uh huh.

The phrase "trying too hard" comes to mind.


costume is genuinely awful
the way theyre trying to make him seem like an OoOoO SUPER CRAZY METHOD ACTOR, LIKE LEDGER is fucking cringeworthy
and frankly i dont think hes a good enough actor to make up for the failings the movies obviously gonna have, you cant act your way out of a bad script

I think Edgemaster McCrazypants is a tired act and it's been done before.

Reminder that Ledger Joker had lucid moments.