There is literally nothing wrong with this state.
It's by far the best state in America.
There is literally nothing wrong with this state
I live here, can confirm it's horrible desu
Its shit. Beautiful land to look at but, every single time you leave the house you will see high levels of degeneracy.
people where this shit in their own state for example like its a bold statement
We're richer than pretty much every state, most of you other states are our bitch. Pretty much why anyone is angry
I'm tired of this shithole. As soon as I get enough cash, I'm leaving for another state.
No, you stupid fucks. I'm not going to bring any of the shitty laws I'm trying to get away from in the first place.
Fuck gun control, illegals, faggots, and SJWs.
California is really two cultures, Northern Cali and Southern Cali. It really should be cut in half.
I've been to california and no it's not. Your cost of living is atrocious.
>californian culture
Northern California is shit but less shit than SoCal.
We don't have culture here
50+% nonwhite
>It's by far the best state in America
If you're an illegal
>limited water
>filled with faggot liberals
>earthquakes all the time
>expensive as fuck
>degenerate culture
>overrun by illegals
All these.
As a Northern Inland Californian I can honestly say there is a huge difference between North/South and Coast/Inland. South and Coastal are the libfags and dems that ruin this state and make us seem intolerable, cocky, and retarded. The more North you go the more bro-tier Californians get. LA and SF are cancer that needs to be cut off.
I'm from Sac, and whenever I go to the store, there's nothing but Mexicans, blacks, and Muslims. I'm the only white guy around. I hate living here.
Bears in Commiefornia?
Sick voter fraud dudes
If anything, California needs to be walled off before Mexico.
What is so good about northern california?
Only people from Northern California think this.
I think it's at least 3 but someone could probably make California into at least 5 states if they took the time
SoCal/sandiego aka little Mexico
LA-Santa Barbara SoCal coastal region
Inland empire/barren wasteland
Central valley
Bay Area/central coast
ITT jelly people from other states
I lived in the midwest and have driven across the entire coastal US multiple times. CA is the best state, but that isn't saying much. This country is full pants on head retards. Not saying any other country is better though, humanity in general is screwed. I hear Canada is a cool state, but then again they fuck mooses so California still wins.
>inb4 canadians try and pretend they aren't the 51st state (eat shit and die puerto rico)
The only way to get rich in this shithole is to be a full time scammer.
Best post
>buy literally any product
>This product contains chemicals known to the state of California to cause cancer.
The only good part of CA is the central coast.
>$700,000 for a shitty shack next to millions of mexicans that will break into your car at the sight of an charging cable.
>can't travel anywhere because traffic constant jams.
>can't protect yourself because of shitty corrupt politicians that have controlled CA since ahnuld.
I've lived in california all my life.
it sucks shit.
I want California to get nuked and buried under the ocean already.
>best state
>California is literally sucking on Arizonas teet
You're right. Too bad the people are worse than mudslimes
There is a fuck ton wrong with our state, but it's still awesome
every state is like this; the capital is more liberal than the rural boonies. Nepotistic narcissism growth is facilitated by high population density, so the cities end up being shit. While of course this is a weak generalization and every community is unique, i believe any given city is going to be more blue pilled than the communities far outside said city.
>There is literally nothing wrong with this state.
Yes there is. If there wasn't we wouldn't have 60,000 more people emigrate from this state than immigrated to it. There are a long list of reasons why we northerners and the right wingers in Orange and Imperial counties want to split off and form out own states.
Born in Los Angeles in '90.
Had to leave in '92 because of first biggest chimp out occurred.
Parents owned an apartment complex that got severely burnt during the riots, Dad got shot at driving twice during that week.
That was the end of my life as an American. I've been back every half decade since and it's gotten worse each time.
I'd say fuck the niggers and the spics, but to be honest now just fuck Californians for what they became.
I'm convinced that all of you based these opinions from what you see on television or most likely live in shit cities
This is state is comfy and alright to be in. Nice places to go hiking and decent venues to hang out in too
Did you see that retarded ballot to divide California into multiple states? What the fuck is wrong with people
As long as they're not shitting up the place, you shouldn't have a problem with something so trivial did you just move to this state?
Nope. We want you fuckers to stay out of America. Most of us are tired of being a part of a union that considers California to be a "state". A union that considers Califaggots to be Americans, let alone human.
You fuckers can't sink into the ocean fast enough, and if you do, here is hoping that enterprising "actual Americans" will mow you down as you flee towards our borders.
You are a tumor that spreads it's vile cancer everywhere, and it is about time you had some strong chemo.
>Latinos are the largest single group
automatically disqualified from being good
no faggot.
It's filled with assholes and people who don't belong in my fucking state.
You mean the best state in Aztlan, right?
Is california going broke (2006)
state is broke (2010)
state is still broke (financially) and broke the law (2015)
California is a New Jersey-tier state.
I live in one of the safest towns, but if I go any where else it's basically Mexico
I used to work with a ton of clients in California. I've never been but they all constantly complain about living there. The traffic was number one reason for sure. Some people said they would sit in 6 hours worth of traffic on a really bad day. 2 hours average for like a 20 minute drive. All the fraud my company dealt with was mostly from California. Plus, they're bankrupt as fuck and the average person is struggling to just live there. Fuck that place.
>It's by far the best state in America
I think you're about 55 years too late. Only a bunch of degenerate Marxist can take the greatest state in the Union and turn it into a third world hellhole
Only way to fix Commiefornia is with a nuke
>1 post by this ID
Well California does have a very low occurance of african Americans.
And government statistics do suggest african Americans have a high occurance of crime.
If not the state with the most retarded laws, its definitely towards the top of the list.
>Gun control is retarded AF compared to other states
>Gas prices are almost a dollar more per gallon
>Housing is expensive AF
Fuck this place, I want to leave but the rest of the family doesn't know how bad it is.
look at this riled up fakkkot. Whats's wrong, someone didn't get a BJ from their sister today?
Keep whining about us while you eat up all of our crops and watch all the media our state produces. Seriously, this is what an inferiority complex looks like.
are you fucking dumb?
the nigs and spics , and whites fuck each other over constantly
It's a circle of getting fucked over in california.
I'm just waiting to get my degree before i get out of this god forsaken state.
oh yeah don't forget the gooks and poos invading this state by the hundreds of thousands.
CA is going to crumble soon.
>high cost of living
>too many illegals
The is what I can't get my head around. How are Mexicans able to afford anything? Is the state so rich it has enough money to pay Mexicans to live there and not fall to debt like most midwest-southern state?
Well, I live in Shasta County and while it is very beautiful (and hot at the moment), I'm kinda really fucking tired of having all of the state policy being decided by two cities hundreds of miles away from me.
this. Literally every state is unique by cali is just everything mixed into one shithole.
>are you fucking dumb?
No, I have the stats for you here. Blacks aren't even 7% of the population.
I live in California, where do you live?
Spics are like roaches,
they live in a family of 20 in a small apartment.
it's disgusting.
I live in the bay area currently, and I lived in the central valley and socal.
>has never had bubble butt latina ride him and call him papi
whatever, more for me.
>Watch your media
I cut the cable a long time ago
>eat your crops
I try to prioritize local.
Kill yourself please. By doing so, you could do your part in making America great again.
This. Sacramento midtown (broadway) and downtown are pavement ape and hispanic degenerate zones. Half of the billboards are split between English and spanish now...
The stats I've provided show 72% white. Why in good gods name would you run from that?
916 reporting in. That fire at magic mountain needs to spread and burn every coastal town in the state.
Los Angeles and San Francisco represent the whole population in the state government and only Northern California think it's retarded.
Yes, id be ok with splitting California up, it is a clusterfuck.
This guy knows what's up. Fucking hippies in humboldt and their anti secession propaganda.
because washington and orgeon is much much better.
I'm from SD and I loved it but the cost of living, taxes and gun control makes it unbearable.Hell, the Mexicans and traffic were the least of my troubles. The main reason I left was because unless you are a GENIUS Computer science/hardware engineer (or network engineer), getting a job is hard as fuck.
no its actually shit
>Washington and Oregon are better
I think maybe you havent found the right parts of California to enjoy.
Our conservative parts are the same as washington & Oregon. And the liberal parts of these three stats suck balls.
Whatever floats your boat.
Im in socal and its great.
>tfw Sup Forums shits on my state despite the fact i has guns, a cc, a good house, open land, good food and can enjoy every biome all year round and like it more then Texas
>tfw i haven't seen a liberal since last week
>tfw mexicans are actually bro-teir but are just misguided
>tfw you fucking faggots never shit on Jew York City
I will say there is lot of Mexicans. Still better then NYC tho.
>tfw LA has no water to put out their fires
I'm with you fellow Sacbro
Cali Hate thread?
Cali Hate Thread
>tfw self hating Commiefornian
This state has the most cucked and coddled faggot laws that have ever been devised by human beings.
That state has the worst goddamn infrastructure in America.
Every county in California has a zillion gerrymandered school districts, the state itself has no mile markers or call help boxes on its interstates, and Los Angeles has NO LEFT TURN LANES OR LEFT TURN ARROWS
What kinda godforsaken shithole has no left turn lanes or arrows???
currently in California now, leaving in a week can't wait to get the fuck out of this shit hole
>Ruin my state
OK fuck you. Take back your diaspora.
It is an ok state. Easily top 3. But not the best.
New mexico was best for me. Good food and amazing hiking. Then probably california/utah fighting for second place.
housing market is absolute shit here in the bay
however I'm pretty amazed at how nice everything is when you have money
the weather is overrated as fuck. if you're more than 5 miles away from the beach you're living in Bakersfield-lite.
for a second I thought you said 5 blocks from the beach. I am 6 in Long Beach. no I am not from here.
>dong beach
get a load of this faggot. are you posting from the yoga park?
Which Bay? Minteresting Bay here. It's nice but expensive as hell.
Pic related ish. Big sur forest fire.
Found the fucking retard.
I assure you we up here have nothing in common with you SF and LA dipshits. Also, you're welcome for the food, water, and welfare.
>implying anyone lives in northern northern california
>tfw Cascadian
>white californians invading Seattle from the south
>Think Vancouver WA is same as Vancouver BC
>Commies spilling onto the peaceful, fertile Columbia basin after Seattle becomes full
Can you guys just go to Oregon or Nevada or even Idaho? We have enough Bernie supporters in our state, we don't want to end up like you.
this desu
put your fucking hands down you twiggy alien bastards
well the best state would be the state of Jefferson
Dude come to Montana it's a completely different experience.
The Anti Christ is probably going to be from California so fuck off OP
Stay out of Idaho. We don't want any of that bullshit.
>he thinks anyone wants or is thinking of moving to his Nebraska-tier who state
100% agreed. Too bad they've run out of water.
california is so fucking shit I moved there and moved back to china in a year
I live here it sucks every year there are more and more beaners. Parts of town that used to be nice a decade ago ruined by these squatters.
New York is best state desu
>Hunting up west
>Niagara Falls
saw all this shit like 24/7 when i was a kid
I can dub confirm on the suckage. live here and work for the state
Live in bay
Can confirm there are no white people here. None. I look outside and see pooinloos and Ching Chang chongs. Spics live on the poor side and flip Marxists live on the other poor side. I'm caught in the middle of a race war.
bro wat r u smokin lol
OAKLAND here and I have white neighbors in front of me and up the street, and Im poor too so dont give me that "w-wealthy secret area" bullshit