marlels will defend the sorry state of MCU
Marlels will defend the sorry state of MCU
>tfw when you make light, joke-filled immediately forgettable superhero fluff movies and they're somehow still better than the overserious grimdark dogshit dceu is churning out
It's not better than anything. Lowest form of cinema ever made.
Wait, there are people that actually defend the MCU? Who?
If it's the lowest film of cinema ever made, how come I enjoyed Guardians of the Galaxy 2 and I am repeatedly reminded by this board of my superior taste and capacity for criticism? Sup Forums is beyond pleb, Sup Forums is literally schizophrenic
Anyone? I want to know if Sup Forums has fallen that low to defend the MCU.
You are a literal pleb shill too dumb to even properly type the name of this board.
>every fucking time
I'm sorry just very confused that actual retards post on Sup Forums with their disgusting Marvel taste.
>He's actually defending the state of the MCU
marlel meme is real.
Even without a brain it would be difficult.
Meanwhile based Zaddy is noticing us and loving the memes
This is a new level of butthurt from DCucks.
Dispute it
DCucks BTFO!
>despite the genre's rich history of creativity and diversity
Tim Burton, Nolan, Raimi, Snyder, Lee, Del Toro have all made more for the genre respectively than Disney has managed for a decade now. It's embarrassing. Authorship goes to die at Disney.
because you're a pleb who's too full of himself
No defense
Which is why Directors keep leaving DC projects and the only sap DC could get to helm their universe was someone who has made one of the worst big budget movies of the last 10 years and who has only ever had 2 real BO successes, which came a decade ago.
>like comic books as a kid
>make movies that respect the source material while admittedly including too many jokes, but understand it's to broaden the movies' appeal
>still enjoy the superheroes you grew up with
My only problems with the MCU are Pym being old (and by extension no janet), ultron being a stark quipbot, Valkyrie being an ugly black chick, Zemo not being Zeno, Thor not wearing his helmet, and iron man 3 being an incoherent dogshit buddy cop movie
Oh and Edward Norton leaving
Otherwise I've enjoyed all of it