Here is a thread where Catholic countries participate
Guests: Catholics whose regions are not on the map
Not Welcome: Protestants and Orthodoxs
Here is a thread where Catholic countries participate
Guests: Catholics whose regions are not on the map
Not Welcome: Protestants and Orthodoxs
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There is no God but Allah
Mohammed is the messenger of God
Catholics are mindless zombies who would kill their mothers if the pope ordered them to. Protestant enlightenment is the only true path to salvation.
*prays for protestant sinful souls*
>Latin America
>Catholics are mindless zombies who would kill their mothers if the pope ordered them to.
Its okay to be protestant, its not okay to be stupid
*prays for a statue*
Might want to expand that border a little bit northern in North America
That's why all catholics are shitting on current Pope? Not even priests are taking Francis seriously!
Does anyone else hates protestants?
fucking heretics
>being a chr*stcuck
I am a BLACK man from CONGO, and I do not believe in the chr*Stian g*Dlet. There is only one god, and he is KARA BOGA.
Where? in Poland? because everyone heres loves Francis
It’s already on North America
You mean LOS colony of Mexico
What have you done to make him proud today /Catholic/
A lot of them are falling for Evangelical trickery unfortunately
Really? We hate him. We would much more prefer some Pope-Warrior than Francis.
I fucking hate all of you
>inb4 you must be a Moro-n because you hate catholicism hurrrdurr
Benedict was far more liked.
Allah, there's only one God and Muhammed is his Messenger.
Allah, La ilaha illa'allahAllah, there's only one God and Jesus was his Messenger.
Allah, La ilaha illa'allahAllah, there's only one God and Moses was his Messenger.
Allah, La ilaha illa'allahAllah, there's only one God and Abraham was his Messenger.
Allah, La ilaha illa'allahAllah, there's only one God and Noah was his Messenger.
Allah, La ilaha illa'allahAllah, there's only one God and he created Adam and we are the children of Adam.
Allah, La ilaha illa'allah
Then they aren't true catholics. Catholics are required to submit to papal authority.
Its true. Catholic priests who have sex with kids cannot be stopped because they've convinced the population they are above the law. Its not a coincidence that Catholicism reins supreme in poor uneducated countries whos citizens cant think for themselves.
>he actually believes in literal whores
loleing @ u T B Q H F A M
if the pope was a young cute twinky scandi femboy, I'd submit to his (cock) authority any time, if you know what I mean ;)
Any other c/a/tholics from Sup Forums here?
>l-look guys we want some "Pope-Warrior" rather than the current one,i-is Poland based now?
So who here supports a united catholic Ireland?
Come on. You're intentionally being dishonest here. Protestantism and other forms of Christianity are all over Africa. They are very poor and uneducated. And Protestants have pedophilia almost as high as catholics, and kids are less likely to be abused by either than they are to be abused by public school teachers.
Also fuck Catholicism and Protestantism, both are shite. Take the gnostic pill.
Why is Uganda so Catholic?
salut les gars
stfu leaf
How to best tell the Orthodox that the patriarchies would've been freed a long time ago had they turned to the one true faith?
Isn't it obvious enough that their subjugation is Gods way of saying he doesn't particularly apreciate their heresy?
c*tholics are not real christians
Protestants are turning into atheists.
Orthodox are cucked by Islam.
As far as reality is concerned, Catholicism is clearly the favored one by God.
Yeah Lutherans are based
If I convert to Islam, will I get pure muslim gf? If so I'm converting now
Fuck Evagelicucks and Mudslimes.
Die, infidel
kissed the quran, covered up for paedophiles, and gave a speech in favour of globalism
you trash
>tfw my parents are Dutch Catholics from Friesland
I'm a minority within a minority. And since my parents moved to Canada I am even more of a minority in the Dutch Canadian community which is almost entirely Protestant.
Do you know the difference between catholicism and orthodoxy, man?
Why are Catholics always more fun than Protestants?
>Before the Islamic Revolution in 1979, the issue of trans identity in Iran had never been officially addressed by the government.
>Beginning in the mid-1980s, however, transgender individuals were officially recognized by the government and allowed to undergo sex reassignment surgery.
>As of 2008, Iran carries out more sex change operations than any other nation in the world except for Thailand.
>The government provides up to half the cost for those needing financial assistance, and a sex change is recognised on the birth certificate.
>have islamic revolution
>trannies everywhere
Because Catholics don't abandon the culture that doesn't go against religion.
Protestant puritanism eliminated their culture. That's why protestants have since then been the number one corrupters of the west. Without a culture, they started importing the culture of other countries. Worse than that, because of their hatred for Catholics, some would rather import non christian cultures than christian ones.
Protestantism eats away at the soul of the peoples and leaves nothing but an empty husk. That's way "protestant" countries breed so much atheism and so much cuckery.
>will bring Spain into your domains
lmao sand people btfo
We separated from them and they were infiltrated by communists and cucked by Muslims.
They do not recognize the Immaculate Conception, papal infallibility, and the papal primacy
Where were any of those things taught in the early church? They werent.
They have distanced themselves from religion and believe that the commandments are no longer necessary. We know that the more time passes, the more fear they have to follow them.
t. Hispanoweakling
>That's way "protestant" countries breed so much atheism and so much cuckery.
Just like Papa wants
These are some of the differences
Oh but don't you know Catholics don't have to obey the Vicar of Christ on Earth when he does
or teaches things they personally don't like.
Separation happened in 1054, what are you talking about?
>Immaculate Conception, papal infallibility, and the papal primacy
That's why they are called orthodox. Because they still share principles of original christianity.
... so?
you don't believe that people were endowded with the holy spirit after the apostles died?
Oh, no, you're a protestant, you believe that no one was endowed with the holy spirit until the 1500's, where suddenly the true prophet finally revealed himself.
go to sleep Bruce
hm, you are not even a Christian then
you'd be some kind of plebeian faggot calling Jesus Christ a beta orbiter white knight the moment he washed the feet of the whore.
get bent, atheist, not even a Protestant would be as stupid as you.
*smooches muslim feet*
We need to tolerate Islam
*promises tolerance for homos*
Atheism isn't wrong if they are good people
*lets refugees stay in the vatican*
Europeans need to repent for colonialism
*third world socialist occupies the holy see*
stop spewing shite given to you by your nonce priest and open a book.
at least the orthodox have a respectable claim to apostolic succession. most roman catholics didn't even believe papal infallibility until the first vatican council, it was denounced in catechisms as an anti catholic myth. if you're the apostolic and unchanging church then why do you teach differently than what the apostles taught.
>if you don't literally kiss the feet of refugees you aren't Christian
Wtf has happened to catholics
We separate in Roman Empire (Byzantine).Commies destroy the Ortodox Church and infiltrate.
I know they still have a lot of things in common.
What is the most Catholic country?
And why is it Mexico?
they do?
I don't seem to see it.
All their patriarchies were lost to Islam.
The patriarch of Constantinople kisses the ring of Erdogan.
>most roman catholics didn't even believe papal infallibility
And most still don't even know about that today.
Only God stands above the Pope, but above the patriachs stand a lot of muslim men.
>Commies destroy the Orthodox Church
They tried, but they could not. After Lenin's death the church became important again
did I say that or are you doubling down on your stupidity?
why don't you go troll your redditor friends over at r/atheism my euphoric dude, and call christ a beta white knight.
>I have absolutely no arguments so I must screech
Muhammed(PBUH) alpha as fuck, had more than one wife, conquered and cucked civilisations. Doesn't afraid of anything and appointed a BLACK BULL as the first man to do the call to prayer. Oh yeah and jesus never existed, show me proof amerifat.
Because of La virgencita de Guadalupe
why would I even argue?
you've said nothing that needs be argued against the moment you outted yourself as an non-christian and a pretty bad troll the moment you started your straw man.
convince me to argue against you, I'm not against entertaining the devil's advocate, but you're just the devil's ass.
Make no mistake, the communists infiltrated there. They attacked us Croats and Slovenes in the Balkan war
Read the bible, that is the proof
The Russian Orthodox church is just a government puppet.
This meme needs to stop
>never said anything he posts
>he triples down on his stupidity because he still has no arguments
Imagine having the head of a Catholic Church that doesn't like people saying Europe has Christian roots because it is colonialist but you cannot do anything about it because he is infallible.
The state of (you)
And how the fuck are we suppose to defend christianity against our enemies if we're dividing this way?
That's like saying Harry Potter books are proof for Voldemort existing LMAO. It's hilarious, because despite the talk, you guys are TERRIFIED of us. Lmfao. You KNOW this is true, you KNOW you're nothing more than a pathetic, shy autistic KID who LITERALLY CAN'T LOOK PEOPLE IN THE EYES LMFAO, yet of course online you're a "crusader" (I actually cringed just typing that lmfao). You BOW your head when you see me in the street, you fucking SHIT YOURSELF when you see us late at night, and you're SUCH A LITTLE BITCH THAT YOU CROSS THE STREET TO AVOID US. LMFAO.
>The Russian Orthodox church is just a government puppet.
Tell me that catholics Popes have never been a government puppets
Voldemort exists, so does Moby Dick
we are not afraid of you
We actually mock at you, we have killed millions of mudsilims and the world thinks it is okay meanwhile you kill 80 people and everybody hates you more and more
Also thanks for the oil (:
ah, so now you said something
what got to your nervs? the part I called you stupid? You don't seemed to have liked that particularly. Must've been that, stupid.
but in the end, you just reveal your further stupidity.
trully, the sad state of your stupid brain
Papal infallibility can and is questioned all the time, Papal infallibility is only valid upon the foundations of the bible. Anything that is not supported by the bible, any catholic can ignore as much as he wants.
So, if the Pope said anything of the sort, he can go very well fuck himself because it's an opinion not based on the bible.
Did you understand that?
You can't, any type of muscular Christianity identity is quashed by all involved.
I don't, but if you want to compare the current with the old, oh boy.
>Anything that is not supported by the bible, any catholic can ignore as much as he wants.
>he's literally not Catholic
So even now you still believe that the Pope is elected with help of the God without impact of views of cardinals?
King James bible is the worst bible.
explain to me how does that question follows and get to the point.
>So, if the Pope said anything of the sort, he can go very well fuck himself because it's an opinion not based on the bible.
This is exactly the point of Protestantism.
what do you mean the bible that was made to serve a cult created solely because a king wanted to kill and divorce his wives and the Pope wouldn't let him be the worst?
Sorry for my bad English maybe, but I also missed one more point in your statement:
>The Russian Orthodox church is just a government puppet.
Is orthodoxy only Russian?