>Australian """"""""""""culture"""""""""""""
Australian """"""""""""culture"""""""""""""
Other urls found in this thread:
how come if a word ends in a vowel when australians say it they have to add all of the other vowels to the end of the word as well?
No Anglo country has culture
Are Australians white?
who /kim/ here?
>what is poetry.
>what is language.
>what is philosophy.
>what is the enlightenment.
>what is science.
>what is religious cultural expression.
>what is art.
>what is theatre.
>what is counter culture.
>what is comedy.
>what is satire.
I know your trolling, but that doesn't make you any less of a dumb fuck.
White people have no culture besides fidget spinners and fucking dogs.
>Victorian """"""""""culture""""""""""
Some of us are, also brown, aboriginal and asian. We're a country of immigrants + aboriginals, both historically and in the present.
t. Sydney homosexual
Take your opera house and shove it up your pox ridden anus.
Australian's are literally subhuman.
Fuck Sydney as well. I always got a laugh out of the Sydney-Melbourne rivalry. You cucks are meant for each other.
Everyone is jealous of the Great Australian Cock.
>tfw in love with a cute Aussie girl I met online (who also happens to be a virgin, like me)
>tfw she loves me back
>tfw she's on the other side of the Pacific Ocean (I'm American)
>tfw no idea how to make this work and also have very little money
I just want to travel the world with her, bros. We talk every day and have since November and know that we're the ones for each other.
Has anyone see that Whovians show ABC makes?
Oh god, it's Rove, Bajo, that fat bald gay dude and some sluts and they sit around fawning over Doctor Who like a bunch of tumblr rejects. I swear I was watching it the other day and some slut is talking about the bechdel test lmaoooo
F....f..fuck you...
>Aussie girl
Maybe if she's under 12 years old.
Give an example
>melbfag calling others fags
me on the right
she's 16 and I'm 22
I think we all know who's behind this post.
Reporting you to the police. Say hello to Bruce for me
"look at me" vs "look at mouiae look at mouuiiaaee" .
> mfw americans remake Myles Barlow.
> mfw it's shit.
nonce twat
That is a tv show
I'm literally not breaking any laws
Is talking to a 16 year old illegal?
Find someone your own age cradle snatcher.
The cops will be the judge of that
>mfw the one remake that was better
You've got shit taste if you like the Aussie version better, fag
In Australia it is, please take a seat.
obviously it's exaggerated but it's a real feature of the accent.
you can fuck 16 year olds here you dumb cunt
I bet you like Wilfred.
Everything it does differently is bad and everything it does the same is just worse, with none of the subtlety.
If you live in Brisbane, NT or central Australia.
> mfw Americans remake rake
> mfw it's shit
Her mom knows and is okay with it since it's been a regular thing for 7 months now
>What is lying.
Fuck you're autistic.
The biggest feature is not saying the ends of words and adding r's to random places
Must be one of those teenage pregnancy mums, carry on then.
What city? I probably know her.
If it was in Sydney, it'll sound more like "انظر إليَّ"
Brisbane area
>look at moooi
you were talking to a 15 year old girl at the age of 21? fuck off nonce
No I don't like Wilfred (either version)
>RwFM doing anything the same as RwMB
>None of the subtlty
Oh true, you just haven't seen the show. Don't know why you are criticizing something you've nver seen here mate, there won't be any upboats in it for you.
Kek, that's where I'm from. I probably do know her or her family then? Give us a name. She from the Southside?
Wow, you know a 16 yr old girl in southside Brisbane? Me too! What are the odds...
Brisbane is the worst city in Australia. Even worse than Darwin.
She's the sweetest and cutest girl and we can talk for hours. I'm not in it for anything other than loving each other for life, and we both feel the same way
>mfw I was in the show
Mate, ignore these faggots. Go for it. Dave up some money and fly over to meet her.
>>RwFM doing anything the same as RwMB
> Stealing
> Racism
> Drug Addiction
> Divorce
> Murder
> Cult
> Male Prostitute
You're right because HES EATING THE PANCAKES! it's all different.
Off the top of my head, the only good Sup Forums related things I've ever seen from Australia has been Wilfred. Is there anything else that's good?
And none of those were pioneered by Anglos.
what an awful opinion
There's 2 degrees of separation in Brisbane between most people. Although you're probably a shut-in NEET who doesn't know anyone outside of his mum and dad.
I already have enough money to visit her. But then I'd be out of money and we wouldn't be able to be together, I would just go home broke and still be a NEET.
I'm currently trying to sell things online I buy from china, as well as write a screenplay to sell so that we'll have a source of income while we travel
Kek nice projection
You sound like a student. What uni do you go to?
>be australian
>people keep trying to defend our culture
>the right to wear a bluie, get drunk, beat your significant other and defile the english language is "culture"
it's pure kino
No uni, I graduated years ago. Nice projection though.
Mad Max
What are you doing on Sup Forums if you graduated already years ago?
nice projection
Aaaand none of those sketches were similar at all apart from premise
>OMG guize they bowf breathed air. Idz liderally da same!!1!
I assume your the same faggot I was arguing with about this a couple of months ago. Posting this gif because I know it triggers you
>What are you doing on Sup Forums if you graduated already years ago?
Same thing the rest of us are doing: having a laugh since there's nothing good on tv.
Nice projection though.
problem poofter?
Cool, I'll check it out tonight
Feel free to defend it, but don't call it culture.
youll blink one day and you'll be in your mid twenties as well mate, you'll still be here just like everyone else
She only likes you because you're old
You only like her because you're emotionally and intellectually stunted (not to mention desperately lonely)
Fuck off we're full
Wake in Fright is pure auskino
Please learn words
>nothing good on tv
>not watching House Rules
Why is Aus TV so shit now? I miss looking forward to Big Brother on channel 10.
M8, I'm in my twenties. Just having some bants. Nice projection though
>says the bloody drongo from whoop whoop
i hate fucking australians
Some of that may be true, but we really do like each other for reasons beyond that.
y tho
That's okay. We hate you too.
House rules would be alright without all the forced drama, same with the cooking shows. Just let me watch some lads design some rooms and cook some food cunts
Then don't fuck them, you tard.
>I-I was only pretending to be retarded
Nice projection though
Tribes was pretty dope when I was a kid
Thanks Australia for providing weird TV-shows that they only showed during summer cuz' no school.
t. chang
aww past season 2 it gets insufferably shit same fucking actors keep turning up again and again and again and they have no subtlety "aussie gotta sing" ye fuck off
Never complained about it on Sup Forums before. Just got through watching it last month in fact, and you're just outright lying at this point. Several of those play out exactly the same with the minor addition or subtraction of characters, and that's just what i can remember from the top of my head. It's a straight remake that doesn't have any of the charm or tact of the original, probably because Americans are too stupid to understand anything more subtle than a frying pan to the face.
The only meaningful additions are the co-host (who i found inconsistent) and the additional family members, which are only present to hammer home the themes retards such as yourself are too dumb to comprehend without an additional character saying "Gee forrest, you sure fucked your life up huh. Why are you fucking your life up for a TV show? STOP FUCKING YOUR LIFE UP! (get it audience? hes fucking his life up! hahaha!)"
You can't possibly know someone from internet conversations. This is a fact, do not try to argue with me
fuck off cuck
Yeah, I couldn't finish MKR because of all the "seafood king" bullshit and that fucking hipster couple. My Restaurant Rules should come back because MKR is stale as fuck. Sportsbet's FB page even had a go at how predictable it gets now. Masterchef is GOAT because it cuts all that bs out.
>he doesn't pretend on the internet
Why even post m8?
What are you talking about? There were different story arcs in each season.
Not sure what you mean by the show having no "subtlety" btw
>tfw both those posts are me
bamboozled you mate
>Straight remake
>Format is difgferent
>Tone is different
>Do not share the serialization aspect
How fucking stupid are you that you typed all that out and are wrong about all of it?
>Lol ur fucking ur life up
The joke
Your head
>giving me two (You)s for the price of one
Nice bamboozling m8
The missus just read me a story about some abo kids breaking into an airport and sniffing plane fuel, they'll probably die of lead poisoning. Thought I'd share with you lads