Yo that's fucking gay
Um.... What am I furiously fapping to?
i wonder how this feels :3c
Was that a depiction of them having sex?
My wife hates gay scenes with a passion so I made her rewatch it entirely when we watched this episode together. I was laughing the whole time just watching her squirm while two dudes got it on like that.
I actually found the scene very high quality. When they're not outright skipped, these scenes are usually very low priority for production and writing. Really felt like they gave it the same treatment as the Bilquis scene. I really like it when artists put their money where their mouth is and these guys even did a good job.
For as popular as lesbians are though I'll never understand why women hate gays with such a passion. It's genetic I swear.
It's facinating how babies are concieved. God is real.
>8 posts in
>no fargo cutie
So its all a metaphor for him giving him AIDS right? He had a fire in him and then he fucked him up the ass and we can see how the aids fire bacteria gets transferred into him and then in the end he has the AIDS symbolized by the burning eyes. Why are they trying to normalize giving people AIDS ?
>Women hate men that don't crave female attention and wont show them deference motivated by the expectation of sexual favors.
Heh, yeah I wonder why they hate gays
lmao this looks so fucking retarded
Your wife sounds great.
You sound like a faggot.
What's that from? Looks really dumb.
i read how this show had a "graphic gay sex scene" and literally skipped the whole thing as soon as they were in the elevator
Literally just watched this shit kek
Do you recommend watching CP2 or just skipping to #3?
I better muslims on twitter are going fucking crazy about this.
I love how beatifully spreading AIDS is shown here.
I see 3 as the weakest of the entire series. So I would recommend watching 2 for sure.
Wish I had a burly, arab man w/ flaming eyes and spunk to fill me up all night.
Dan Bilzerian is fucking guys too? Now I've seen everything.
What is the show?
American Gods
Op's webm is contextual. Everyone sees different things based on a prefered board
Thanks user
i stopped at 2 because the second was so bad and went straight to bride and seed. thinking of watching 3 after this thread, looks pretty kino.
I found it meh as far as movies go. Not particularly memorable.
Is that supposed to be funny? Because its more sad than anything else.
>your wife sounds great for being unable to watch basic shit
i need to hear the music for this
I don't have it but the sneaky bunker raid where they finally take the hill is some of the most intense shit I've ever watched
Thin Red Line is unironically my favorite WWII movie
who the fuck are these cum sluts
wow that was very rude, you will have to find it yourself
no, faggotry is not at all, basic. Good luck with that though.
Literal pleb
who are these stunning creatures
> Can't watch a sex scene because it has two men
> Not a pleb
Pick one.
thank you kind user
that's fucking sick, thanks user you've made me very happy.
childs play 3 sucks dick, literally the worse in the series.
I agree, it's the worst of the series
>its a general webm thread gets autistically spammed with hundreds of webms of every last second of footage of one movie like always
Build a bridge user. Don't be a stupid girl.
first time i watched that my heart was jumping out of my chest
what did he mean by this?
god knows
Wow that shit is real subtle.
more like hamwatch
Jesus faggos should be exterminated
>start webm thread
>no sound
>Sup Forums board with silent webms
kino is silent
a lot of the women I know love gay sex and masterbate to it a lot
what the fuck did I just see
why don't they just start a thread on /wsg/ called Sup Forums and link it? I have always wondered this. Who am I to question things.
holy shit has the fbi seen this? Maybe they could find who interrogated them