
This show premieres for me soon.
Whats it about? Is it as pathetic as it looks?

I'm guessing more anti-white, SJW trash

Other urls found in this thread:

>that face
>that hair
>those glasses

Who greenlit this?

>Hahaha, white people amirite?
The show.

Honestly have no idea who this cunt is but it's being spammed on comedy central, starts soon.
That face and that name, I'm guessing it's the newest carnation of "fuck white men" "hetro white males are bad" etc
>Comes from a family of communist Jews, majored in Jewish studies, and hates white people.

Well fuck, what a coincidence

at this point they have to be doing it intentionally

Its worse than that

now the left is making rap videos to try and reach out to the youth\

literally this

Fuck off, /tvpol/.

Holy fuck man, I'm starting to understand why hitler gassed these cunts

Who do you think?

>literally in tears

hang yourself nigger

>who grewwnlit this?

(((((They))))) did.

So did he or didn't he? Or did, but not as much? Or didn't, but should've? Make up your mind.

What are you trying to say Lassie? Is the barn on fire?

>muh boogeyman

fuck off plebbit

relax faggot, not everyone is a part of Sup Forums™

Reminder that this guy literally talked about how he has a fat fetish on joe rogan

>He is the author of the 2012 memoir Kasher in the Rye: The True Tale of a White Boy from Oakland Who Became a Drug Addict, Criminal, Mental Patient, and Then Turned 16.
>he was 32 when he wrote this

But I didn't say anything about Sup Forums. Why would you bring that up, FELLOW Sup Forums RESIDENT?

> hates white people
Judging from OP-pic, he's pretty white tho. How can he?

>How can he?

its a (((mystery)))

>you fucking paper clip
What did it mean by this?

Didn't you though? Almost seems like you care more about holocaust than actual Sup Forumsacks.

clippy traumatized a lot of people

> Almost seems like you care more
But I just asked a clarifying question, user.

Is there supposed to be a contradiction on that picture, or what?

nope, just pictures posted for no reason

And why was that?

To clarify.

>Moshe Kasher is an actor and producer, known for Zoolander 2 (2016), Larry Wilmore's Race, Religion & Sex in Florida (2012) and Comedy Central Roast of Justin Bieber (2015).

And why do you need the clarification? More importantly, why does user need to "make up his mind?"

So just watched a little.
He has an asian, a black and a mexi looking guy.
How fucking cliche.

Why are liberals so fucking racist?

Because things are better when they are certain, aren't they?

White is just a color.
He means Caucasians.

Did not happen but should have happened and will happen worse than the lies they told in time.

He's Caucasian as well though. Dumb jews descended from generations of Poles and other white Euros suddenly think they're special.

Oh ok, I thought his statement was pretty clear. Here's a little refresher:
>I'm starting to understand why hitler gassed these cunts
To which you reply:
>So did he or didn't he? Or did, but not as much? Or didn't, but should've?
Notice how he didn't question whether he did or not, nor the quantity, nor did he mention the Sup Forums™ meme that you apparently think is a secret hand shake.

>the Sup Forums™ meme that you apparently think is a secret hand shake
No I don't. Why would you assume that?

It's an interesting sort of statement, when you say something like: "Or didn't, but should've?" How did that question pop into your mind, in regards to THE holocaust of all things?

Well sometimes you just think about things user. Now you just thought about a white monkey. Funny, right?

oh man THE HOLOCAUST!!! :O

I'm the one who made that statement.
What I meant was I'm starting to understand hitlers motives, not necessarily condoning genocide, just that I think I understand why he saw Jews and marxists as a problem.
Hope this clears things up and we can move on.

It popped into my mind after about 20 seconds of the rap video when I thought about gassing the two dick heads

HAHA, that's crazy, I actually saw the white monkey in my mind.
Oh ok, what a clumsy misunderstanding we just had.


It's not gonna catch on. Just stop.

Pro-Muslim Jews. Is there a dumber group of people?

So stop making threads about it you fucking cuck-enabler

I don't know what that is, and I don't know why Sup Forums is obsessed with these shows that you can tell are terrible from a mile away. Watch something else, there's a lot out there.

he goes the same route as Fatty McBarnyard-Vagina did.

She was funny as long as she had a politically incorrect writer, but turned 180 and became a beacon of social justice.
the same thing with this guy, his stand up legit funny, but this show is just cringy and he acts like the most Jewish caricature possible

Go back to bed, moshe

Noone here watches your dogshit show

>You will never find and kill the pol cross posters

Why live.

>he's still posting this

We're gonna be able to triangulate your location soon, user

Jews actually have pretty strong Semitic ancestry in all populations.

Up until very recently, keeping it in the Tribe wasn't a meme

Hey! That's anti-anti-semitic.

>Is it as pathetic as it looks?
You tell me


Jews do this funny little trick where they claim to be downtrodden minorities when it serves their purpose, but also claim to be white when it suits them.

It simultaneously did and did not until we open the oven and the waveform collapses

All faggots and trannys should die.

Fuck off, deranged tranny

>Fuck us white people
>Also Im Jewish so I have special status

Nah the other guy's was more accurate

It already has caught on. You whiny bitches are literally copying it in this very thread.

And don't even try to claim that this goes both ways. You never see leftards on this board whining about a show being too reactionary. Not once. It's always you sorry sacks of shit crying your hard out whenever you see a black person on your precious television screen.

>haha if I post it in every thread that makes THEM the crybabies

>t. Tranny spammer

That's because they have 90% of all other social media platforms. You have plenty to choose from if you wanna hear more "lefty" opinions

>it's an user just got here from Reddit and aggressively spergs out

God, who ever said I wanted to hear different opinions? I think watching you assburgers rant incoherently about the smallest insignificance is a never ending source of amusement, and something that really makes me happy about my own station in life.

By all means, keep going.


You have trouble with reading comprehension?

You guys act like we don't know r/movies faggots regularly pollute this board and constantly ask for more moderation to supposedly save it from opinions that shouldn't be expressed.

Oh boy, it's the "I'm above it, I'm just here to laugh," post.

aks yourself this: If I didn't enjoy autistic screeching about skin color and sexuality, why would I even be here? It's like 50 % of the board these days, and I've never lurked more.

Calling yourself white and preaching to your "fellow whites" about white privilege rings hollow when you attach your Jewish status for persecution points.

I have no idea what /r/movies is like, but your tribalistic mentality is hilarious, please tell me some more conspiracies surrounding this board. I want to get inside your head.

>Whats it about? Is it as pathetic as it looks?
>I'm guessing more anti-white, SJW trash

i think it's meant to be satire, but thanks to poe's law and weak writing it's just as stupid as what it means to lampoon

if it's earnestly nor satire then it's laughably bad

not worth watching in either case, i'm afraid

>I never lurked more
Oh it shows.
>Sup Forums is going to defend this just to spite Sup Forums

>haha I'm way too important to lurk long enough to learn about it haha just spoonfeed me things to confirm my biases

>Sup Forums
It's literally some tranny trying to raid this place, it was exposed by some low level mod who got sick of it's samefagging.

Because you're as a useless faggot as any of us trying very hard to pretend you're not with this silly and transparent "Just laffin guise!" schtick?

You're damn right I'm tribalistic, because I really do not like the idea of outsider faggots coming here to whine about the need for more moderation to erase the bad thoughts.

I think the funniest part of this whole thing is that most of /r/movies probably don't even know that Sup Forums exists, seeing as Reddit is about a thousand times more popular than Sup Forums.

But there's nothing unnatural about it, teenagers often need a power figure to rebel against, and I'm sorry your cuck dad doesn't have the authority to be that for you :)

> outsiders

Muh secret club is literally the oldest form of faggotry on this site. Seems like you're the one that needs to lurk moar, pal.

Maybe read the whole post next time eh champ? That comprehension is starting to slack a bit. I don't give a shit about people coming to Sup Forums, I give a shit about people coming to Sup Forums and pulling the "How do we fix Sup Forums?" bullshit that always inevitably ends with faggots asking for more mods and more rules.

I have literally never seen anyone ask for more mods.

But then again, between (((them))), redditors and SJW's in general, you must be used to shadowboxing non-existant enemies by now.

OP is samefagging or the person arguing?

>it's an user gets angry when he's called out so he deflects and insults in an attempt to keep the upper hand
>little does he know that he's just getting exposed as the faggot he is as he types his next reply....

Hahahaha. I wonder (((who))).

nice dubs

If you really find it that hard to believe that people mostly find you lot to be hilariously pathetic, rather than anything to be taken seriously, then that just makes it all the funnier :)

that's the joke though...

>hahaha nobody takes you seriously so lemme just take time out of my successful and fulfilling life to argue with the hilariously pathetic by acting like one instead of just leaving haha that would be dumb

Is this nigga serious?

Good idea, maybe I should get back to work. Nice talking to you, pal :)

> he actually believes that people from reddit give a rat's ass about his largely irrelevant board

But they do. They give a shit about Sup Forums in general given its a place they don't control where people can say things they don't like.

>haha I take advice from pathetic losers on a Laotian pottery blog even though I'm a big shot haha I see no issue with being such a phantasm of success that I validate it by smugly posting with people I unironically see as subhuman haha and I'm such a madman I actually do what they tell me to do can you believe it? Haha

> and of course he immediately posts that one screenshot that he desperately clings on to because that is how obsessed he is.

I have no idea what you are trying to say, but I guess it's healthy to get out of your system :)

Nigga you can whine and bitch and move the goalposts all you want. None of that will change the fact you were wrong.