What does your cunt wewuz about?

What does your cunt wewuz about?
We wuz Iranic an shiet.

Other urls found in this thread:


we destroyed the western roman empire n shiet

We wewuzz about being Native Americans n sheeiit

We wuz Camelot n shiiet

We wuz vikangs, easily

praise ahura mazda

funny how people are shocked when there's large amounts of R1a in Germany despite us living next or in the biggest concentration of it
if anything it's Russians who are Slav rape babies since they are the main result of Slavic expansion

We wuz polish n shiet

You mean
>We wuz Sarmatians n shiet

We mostly do
>we wuz Grand Dukes 'n shiet

we wuz spice traders n shieedd

(this includes we wuzz empire and we wuzz golden age)

Well there's plenty to wewuz about.

romanticized north american aboriginals are cool as shit

We wuz ancient empire and atlanteas and shiiiiit


Genetic makeup of currnt day Poland being so homogenic is a post WW2 thing, mainly caused by resettlement policies of the Stalin Era.

In my experience, we wuz renaissance and [insert Italian duchy/kingdom/republic] in order to push in-fighting.

we wuz Basque and shieet


Yeah sure we know about Inflanty but I seriously doubt anyone in Estonia considers it a relevant bit of Estonian history let alone being worthy wewuzing about.

Northerners don't since they're Nordic Swedes.

>tfw it will never be like this anymore

that Spisz thing always bothers me (below Krakow on the map)


What's that?

We wuz great sailors. After the British came, we became farmers. My race, the Malays, comes from the word melayar or sailing/sailors.

"Pierwszego przekładu Awesty na język polski dokonał Ignacy Pietraszewski
(1796-1869) – iranista rodem z Warmii, wielki patriota. Początkowo
w służbie cara, potem, gdy car w zamian za stanowisko profesora
na uniwersytecie petersburskim, zażądał od niego unikalnej kolekcji starożytnych
monet orientalnych, jaką uczony zgromadził w okresie pracy
dyplomatycznej na Bliskim Wschodzie, w roku 1843 porzucił Rosję i zamieszkał
w Berlinie. Tu uzyskał stanowisko profesora na miejscowym
uniwersytecie, został członkiem Akademii Jagiellońskiej i licznych towarzystw
naukowych. W swoim pracowitym życiu podjął trud przetłumaczenia
na język polski Awesty, ale ów przekład podporządkował swej hipotezie,
jakoby Zaratusztra nakazał swemu ludowi powędrować na dzisiejsze
polskie ziemie, i tutaj, w okolicach jeziora Gopło, osiedlić się. Pietraszewski
wyciągnął – na podstawie widocznych podobieństw językowych
– wniosek, iż Polacy wywodzą się od starożytnych Persów. Uporczywe
trzymanie się tej teorii pozbawiło go profesury na uniwersytecie berlińskim, członkostwa wielu towarzystw naukowych, a nawet bezcennej
kolekcji monet, którą stracił za długi. Pietraszewski zmarł w nędzy, ale dokończył dzieła i wydał własnym nakładem swój przekład Awesty."

Southern Estonia and northern Latvia.

Yes, Sarmatians and Scythians were Iranic tribes.

we wuz conquistadors n shiet

based Courlandia
best would-be colonizers

>my race

bitch ur asian

Not danes??

wewuz srivaginas and shit
and they in turn go wewuz indian empire and shit


we wuz the last vikangz n sheid

shut up 56% goblin

fugg :---D thats cool

Isn't the Disney movie Moana about a girl who rediscovers her we wuz voyagers

We have nothing and I couldn't care less


Since fucking when do Malay people count as Polynesians?

pfft, here I was thining Poles were Wends.

I lost SO much respect for Poland right now. Might as well consider them mongoloid kebab at this point.

They're austronesian but who really gives a fuck?

Moana movie was a romanticisation of polynesian culture. Not malaysian.

think that is bad?

Austronesian and polynesian cultures and languages are very similar and evolved from the same abos in Taiwan

Yeah, but there's a HUGE number of white people claiming to be Native.

Also, some people also claim that the American Constitution was modeled on the Iroquois Constitution, which is bogus. White people knew so little about the Iroquois in the 1700s, our diplomats asked to speak with their "kings" (they had no kings).

t. history student who took a class on Colonial America this semester

It's all memes. Poles are just shitty Slavs, irrelevant catholic version of Russians.

inb4 suebi autist

>living under the shackles of arbitrary social constructs called countries, instead of associating with people of the same blood heritage.
Pick 1

>not wanting the jews to die regardless of ones own heritage

You're doing it wrong, Karol.

We wuz...umm...we wuz coureurs de bois n' shiiieet? Jeez this is so pathetic

we wuz slavo-judeo-wendo-sarmatians
also Portugal is basically Iberian Poland and you cannot prove me wrong

would charge against honorably/10