What are some good movies about psychopathy/psychopaths?
Psychopath movies
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Would drumpf even classify as a psychopath?
I have yet to actually see one. Real psychopaths aren't caricatures; they're absurdly emotionally intelligent which easily allows them to adapt to and manipulate other people into very quickly opening up to and trusting them. Hannibal Lecter in the films just acted like a crazy person who showed very little emotional intelligence.
Psychopaths are easily defined by their inability to feel guiit or remorse, though their emotional intelligence allows them to discern when they should pretend that they are feeling such emotions. Their defining need is to feel a sense of control as how they perceive it (the perception of what constitutes "feeling in control" varies from person to person). Psychopaths who turn to violence do not feel adequate control in their own lives and in turn exact such extremes to feed that hunger. Violence otherwise is absolutely NOT something an intelligent psychopath would ever turn to because there is too much unnecessary risk involved.
>they're absurdly emotionally intelligent
Not really, they just have no compunction about using their emotional intelligence for nefarious purposes.
If anything, the opposite is the case.
I've yet to see a mere actor reach the heights, nay depths of the true sociopath's soul such as myself.
I scoff at such childish banality as the mere caniball Hanibal.
Truly no mere mortal is prepared.
he's not wrong though
He is.
Indeed you are
Brokeback Mountain
Basic Instinct
Gone Girl
Sick mind games bro
Cute to see your 'absurd' emotional intelligence in action
Not that guy, but why are you pawning your posts off as his? Stop being a nigger.
get a load of this faggot
>everybody who disagrees with me must be the same person
you need to go back
All me.
>claim to be a psychopath
>get baited into an autistic rage by simple text on a screen
You joker you
don't claim to be a psychopath next time and you won't get baited then, retard
any serial killer docs worth watching?
>Not really
Yes really.
It's one of the reasons they blend in so well in society.
>Yes really.
No really.
A minority of them blend in well. Most are impulsive retards who get themselves locked up in prison.
Man bites dog or w/e it's called
>impulsive retards who get themselves locked up in prison
That has nothing to do with emotional intelligence though.
too bad Rooker went all capeshit on us
Yes it does.
No it doesn't.
Being able to discern emotions on others and being able to imitate them has nothing to do with lacking a moral compass.
You are embarrassing yourself by talking about something you know nothing about.
every white protagonist in media is pushing a white propaganda sociopathy
less white people = better
>No it doesn't.
Yes, yes it does.
Stop being such a petty little bitch.
>Being able to discern emotions on others and being able to imitate them has nothing to do with lacking a moral compass.
Terrible attempt at shifting the goalposts. Your position is that a psychopath's supposedly superior emotional intelligence allows them to blend it better in society. I'm telling you that this is false (it is) since being a psychopath is instead correlated with low emotional intelligence. Low emotional intelligence = decreased ability to manipulate others successfully = increased impulsiveness to get what you want = more risks = you eventually fucking up and getting your stupid, psychopathic ass in jail. If they were indeed 'superior' in this regard, there would not be so many of them in jail.
>You are embarrassing yourself by talking about something you know nothing about.
This is a lie, and is far more applicable to you.
Stop talking out your ass.
Some actual answers
We Need to Talk About Kevin
I liked kulinkski and mcveigh, I don't get off on serial killers so much as the motive and their action.
Also is there any real fucking difference in a sociopath and a psychopath? Is the sociopath the boss who sends the psycho out to vicariously do his work?
Who let this nigger out of his cage?
and Monster with Charlize Theron
and NBK if you like surreal movies
>talks about moving goalposts
>moves the goalposts
>I'm telling you that this is false (it is) since being a psychopath is instead correlated with low emotional intelligence
It's literally the other way around.
>Low emotional intelligence = decreased ability to manipulate others successfully
This statement is exactly why you are wrong. Psychopaths are extremely proficient at manipulating people which needs a high degree of emotional intelligence among other innate 'skills'.
You are also disregarding individual's intelligence. "Hurr psychos go to jail because they are psychos" most of those that end in 'jail' (aka not actually in jail) are to put it in simple terms, retards the same way that some non-pyscho people are smart enough to not get caught.
my nigga
>you will never have a qt psycho lesbo best friend that would ask your help to build the perfect woman out of body parts
What do you think about Johan Liebert from Monster?
u could b the most hardcore of all 4channers in its history
>moves the goalposts
I didn't.
>It's literally the other way around.
It isn't.
>proceeds to strawman the rest of my post
Fucking Sup Forums 'intellectuals'.
>Psychopaths are extremely proficient at manipulating people which needs a high degree of emotional intelligence among other innate 'skills'.
This is exactly what I'm disagreeing with. 'Manipulating' someone in the short term isn't remotely difficult. Most people don't do it because
a. They have a conscience
b. (more importantly) It yields no useful results.
Psychopaths, generally speaking, lack the ability to plan ahead, and therefore don't realize that doing this is an unnecessary risk. This is why they lie about seemingly everything (even stupid, trivial things like the weather). In short, the majority of them are driven to manipulate by their retarded brains, not because they're innately better at it and can get away with it more often.
>You are also disregarding individual's intelligence.
I'm in no way doing this, since I've prefaced all of my generalizations with 'the majority' or 'most' psychopaths act this way.
>"Hurr psychos go to jail because they are psychos" most of those that end in 'jail' (aka not actually in jail) are to put it in simple terms, retards
Yes, and they're retards because they lack empathy to the extent that they're fucking psychopaths, and therefore can't 'read' people at all.
Psychopathy is not an advantage. There are certainly a minority of psychopaths (who would be intelligent people irrespective of whether or not they had a a conscience) who can overcome their disability and learn to read others. But to claim that their lack of empathy (which despite what you claim, undoubtedly corresponds with poor emotional intelligence) provides them an 'innate' advantage at deciphering the emotions of others is objectively false, and disagrees with almost all reputable research on psychopathy.
>just as a particularly butthurt cripple can strengthen the rest of their body to compensate for their crippled limb, so a psychopath can compensate for their poor emotional intelligence by learning how to 'read' people cognitively.
Butthurt psychopath 'predator' detected
Then watch this. The best depiction of a psychopath ever filmed.
This fucking movie, fuck.
>The film... halting Trump's presidential run
The bad seed was great
The one about Ted Bundy.
I caught that on TCM a while back, I felt so bad for that one dude who kept trying to warn everybody.
At least she got rekt by lightning at the end.
>is there any real fucking difference in a sociopath and a psychopath?
Personality disorder criteria are constantly changing and there's no real consensus but generally speaking a sociopath (someone with ASPD) is created through early childhood experience whereas psychopathy is a set of symptoms caused by deficiencies in certain parts of the brain, namely an inability to empathize, poor impulse control, lack of remorse, low emotional arousal,lack of anxiety and shallow affect.
So it's more like a secondary diagnosis, somebody could have BPD and psychopathy or SPD and psychopathy, it's not confined to an ASPD diagnosis but that diagnosis is more common because of the behavior that comes from the brain deficiencies I mentioned.
>Hannibal Lecter in the films just acted like a crazy person who showed very little emotional intelligence
No he didn't, he could clearly manipulate people very easily whenever he wanted. He only acts crazy when in prison, and then it's likely out of boredom more than anything. Having emotional intelligence is different than choosing to act in a way that will make people comfortable when there's no reason to.
the way i understand it is basically a psychopath knows the difference between right and wrong but dosnt care and a sociopath has no conceptual understanding of right and wrong. for instance a psycopath may murder someone and will then cover their tracks knowing people will punish them for it where as a sociopath wouldnt understand why killing someone is wrong or why anyone else would care about it
best movie example anton chagur from no country for old men
>lack of empathy corresponds with poor emotional intelligence
No it doesn't.
Psychopaths recognize other people's emotions, discern between different feelings, use emotional information and manage and/or adjust emotions (fake ones, anyways) to adapt to environments or achieve one's goal(s).
That is exactly what emotional intelligence is. Lacking emotions doesn't mean not understanding what they are, what each of them convey, how each one looks, etc.
I wanted to reply to other parts of the post that are wrong but honestly after I saw that last statement I deemed it unnecessary since your entire point stands on it and is entirely wrong.
They're outdated terms. ASPD encompasses both psychopathy and sociopathy now. In general the distinction was that sociopaths tend to be erratic and lack the social ability of a psychopath, who would tend to be more methodical and cold. In general it was considered that sociopaths come about as a result of environmental factors while psychopaths are born. Since then people realized that these characteristics can overlap or be along any sort of continuum and a lot of psychologists believe that classifying them is pointless since they're effectively personality traits in people who share the same basic inability to form emotional connections or really feel any empathy.
She was so perfect
This guy's right. Emotional intelligence is just the ability to discern emotions and know how to respond, empathy is actually feeling an emotional response when you understand the emotions. Basically that's the difference between autism and being a psychopath. Autists can't tell what other people are feeling but still have an emotional response towards others when they know what's going on, most psychopaths can tell easily what other people are feeling but they don't feel any emotional response to that. You could presumably have an autistic psychopath though, someone who legitimately neither knows nor cares how other people feel. Wouldn't be the most useful combo for being a criminal though, or anything else.
Vengeance is Mine
>autistic psychopath
Has science gone too far?
Christ this sounds bad, though I'd never be able to see it as anything but the Home Alone kid, which would honestly probably improve it. I always did think he showed surprising callousness for inflicting such severe harm even on criminals.
That's what people with aspergers were originally called desu
>No it doesn't.
Yes, yes it does.
>Psychopaths recognize other people's emotions, discern between different feelings, use emotional information and manage and/or adjust emotions (fake ones, anyways) to adapt to environments or achieve one's goal(s).
This is what every human being who has ever lived and ever will live does. That you think you've written anything of substance here suggests to me that you're a posturing, ignorant imbecile.
>That is exactly what emotional intelligence is.
From the google definition of 'emotional intelligence':
>the capacity to be aware of, control, and express one's emotions, and to handle interpersonal relationships judiciously and empathetically.
Psychopaths suck at each and every one of these things. If you seriously deny that this is the case, then you're either trolling or ignorant of the subject matter.
>Lacking emotions doesn't mean not understanding what they are, what each of them convey, how each one looks, etc.
Never claimed this. I claimed that lacking emotions makes it more difficult.
>I wanted to reply to other parts of the post that are wrong but honestly after I saw that last statement I deemed it unnecessary since your entire point stands on it and is entirely wrong.
>I'm a cock guzzling faggot who has no idea what he's talking about, but thinks adopting a smug, distant demeanor will make it more difficult for people to see through my bullshit.
Well ok, but it was pretty obvious anyway.
>This guy's right.
No he isn't.
>That you think you've written anything of substance here suggests to me that you're a posturing, ignorant imbecile.
You are literally arguing with psychology documents and studies at this point.
I'm not going to bother even reading the rest of the post because apparently the ignorant imbecile posturing is you.
>You are literally arguing with psychology documents and studies at this point.
No, that would be you.
>I'm not going to bother even reading the rest of the post because apparently the ignorant imbecile posturing is you.
No, that would be you.
>no u
Strong denial. Keep 'posturing', bud.
>being this much of a butthurt faggot
Your entire post was 'no u'.
Shut the fuck up.
>Your entire post was 'no u'.
Except it wasn't.
>no u again
Man you must be so salt at this point if that's all you got.
Nice armchair psychology skills though. Too bad you got baited into disagreeing with actual psychology.
>Psychopaths suck at each and every one of these things
But a whole lot of them don't. Yes deep down it's true they usually have major anger issues etc..., but they are often very good at handling interpersonal relationships and controlling their emotions. Appearing calm and charming is literally one of the main criteria for being a psychopath.
>Your entire post was 'no u'.
No, that would be you.
>Except it wasn't.
Yes it was.
>Man you must be so salt at this point if that's all you got.
By your own admission, you were too butthurt to even finish reading my post.
>Nice armchair psychology skills though.
Thanks, they're clearly better than yours.
>Too bad you got baited into disagreeing with actual psychology.
No, that would be you.
Oh and nice samefag
>But a whole lot of them don't.
Just the vast majority.
The only part of this movie I remember is him throwing the dummy off the overpass and causing a huge accident.
Lmao actually reading further into one study it says that, attention to this, "EI influences not only behavioral emotions such as impulsivity and anger" and you at the start of the thread used impulsivity as an argument AGAINST high EI.
So tell me, how fucking blown the fuck out you feeling as of this very moment? In a scale from 1 to 10.
nice samefag, faggot
This poor kid is clearly on the spectrum.
So fucking MAD lmao
>By your own admission, you were too butthurt to even finish reading my post.
No, that would be you.
Perfect blue
Has he ever been properly portrayed in any movies
>"EI influences not only behavioral emotions such as impulsivity and anger"
So empathy 'influences' these emotions?
>my face when you actually think this has in any way 'blown me the fuck out'
You're beyond the point of parody my man.
Stop posting.
My God, you're fucking desperate.
>You're beyond the point of parody my man.
No, that would be you.
>My God, you're fucking desperate.
No, that would be you.
>So empathy 'influences' these emotions?
High EI does.
Which you literally argued against.
>mfw seeing this huge amount of denial from a single poster
He aint really a psychopath since Mersault couldn't care less about what happens to his life. He's just emotionally retarded
>Which you literally argued against.
No I didn't.
>mfw seeing this huge amount of denial from a single poster
There's no other appropriate response to all the lies you're writing my man.
This, he's a schizoid autist.
>No I didn't.
Here you outright say that psychos have low EI
and then say that they have increased impulsiveness.
All in the same post by the way. Thanks for not making me waste too much time.
Oops, didn't quote the post.
>so butthurt he can't even quote properly
>my fucking face
the irony
>No I didn't.
Yes you did.
>>so butthurt he can't even quote properly
No, that would be you.
>psychos have low EI
Yes, they do.
>and then say that they have increased impulsiveness.
Yes, they do.
>All in the same post by the way. Thanks for not making me waste too much time.
...wait, what? What fucking point are you trying to make?
Are you just randomly quoting posts in the hope that it will somehow blow me the fuck out?
How are you going to recover from this?
There's nothing to recover from.
>make contradictory statements
>get called out on them
>act like you don't know what is going on
Have some self-respect man.
>make contradictory statements
>>psychos have low EI
>Yes, they do.
No, that would be you.
>>and then say that they have increased impulsiveness.
>Yes, they do.
No, that would be you.
>Are you just randomly quoting posts in the hope that it will somehow blow me the fuck out?
No, that would be you.
Seriously man, you are making us cringe.