Did anyone see this flick?
Did anyone see this flick?
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I've seen it, the ending line is great although it pissed Harlan Ellison off. Then again, everything pisses him off.
Was it good?
Harlan Ellison wouldn't know what to do with happiness, probably rape it.
I'm not sure how he's still alive, he must run on pure hatred, if he could somehow live forever I'll pretty sure he'd evolve into AM.
It's worth watching if you're into post-apoc stuff.
Yeah it was alright
I'll have to go back and see it again
>actually voiced AM in the video game
oh..oh no..
That he did, I don't think anyone else could have captured his utter contempt for humanity. Actors act, Harlan actually means it.
This is odd, the movie has been uploaded to archive.org as it's supposedly in the public domain because the original print lacked a copyright notice.
It's also on Youtube
Yep. It's in my essential women will never understand core.
I like it, a little of a downer ending.
This and Six String Samurai are my go to cult movies.
Alongside Mad Max this movie was inspiration for Fallout 1 & 2
Did the boy actually have a psychic connection with his dog or wad it all in his head?
post apocalypse kino desu senpai
also inspiration for fallout, the original game
>Alongside Mad Max this movie was inspiration for Fallout 1 & 2
Don't forget Damnation Alley
It's kino though.
Loved that shit.
Nobody cares about your chink shit games.
Six String Samurai is fucking garbage
What could possibly give you the idea that it's in his head?
>he doesn't find the ending hilarious
It's been a while since I've seen it.
Does the dog ever provide any information that the boy couldn't already know?
I don't remember well but it seemed to express some pretty nuanced thoughts and also contradicted and pissed off the boy at several points.
I always interpreted it that the boy was just talking to himself. He had anrhropomorphised his dog out of loneliness.
It's just the kid fighting with himself.
No one else in the movie knows about or has psychic powers.
The main thing about their relationship was that the dog would teach him stuff, like basic info on the World Wars.
>No one else in the movie knows about or has psychic powers.
If you take the novellas into account, there are other psychics.
OH ok. Cool.
I've been meaning to read those. I'll have to them out.
How dare you call it flick? It's a good movie