Be american

>be american
>play simon says
>get shot

>caring that much about what americans do

Cut him some slack, there's not much to do in Canada, it's really boring in the winter.

This, to even have internet access he must be related to the president or something

>amerifats defending police brutality like the good goys they are


Simons says crawl on your stomach towards me with your legs crossed, and your hands in the air!


tiz de pris of freedomz :DDD

There's the exact same thread right next to this one on the catalogue. delet thread pls.

overbanter is actually funny

a question, if he just laid there on the ground, still, he would have been shot anyway?

>Simon says do a handstand with your legs crossed and crawl towards me with your hands in the air! Make a mistake and I will kill you!

I unironically think so yes, poor guy, did we even get a toxicology test? Was he drunk or just stressed?

doubt it, i guess he was in complete panic, pretty legit
he was literally crying and begging, and when he dropped his hands at the end he seemed like he gave up life already, "what do i have to do to live" in body language

He had no chance. That cop was looking for any excuse to kill him.

Don't go to American cities.


i think he was simply totally unprofessional
in that spot, seeing a guy moving hands that way i would have probably shot too (but not a cop so yeah)
he should have never ended up in that situation, a report of someone with a gun in a room shouldnt be dealt with as if he was some abdullah ready to make a genocide

>my government summarily executes me with impunity
>whiter than you chang

Yeah, poor guy lost his pants cause the retard wanted him to crawl then got killed for holding it, pathetic people for a pathetic country

There's a thread that says literally this already. Do you lack originality that much?

every time