So the early buzz is really positive, and by this point we can pretty much all agree only contrarians and woman-hating basement dwellers will give this film a bad review. Is Marvel finished?
>main actress cant even speak english
>cg is shit
>marvel like quips in the trailer
>chris pine confirmed for only good thing in it
The DC universe is dead
Bury it
They hate anything involving a women cause their still virgins.
Why are roasties on Sup Forums so easy to spot?
Hateful, rat-faced kike.
>only contrarians and woman-hating basement dwellers will give this film a bad review
So pretty much everyone here.
Skinny unbelievable casting and now I'm suddenly sexist or a virgin for having an opinion.
Welcome to everything that's wrong with today's society you politically correct sheep.
Daily reminder, review embargo lifts 1 day before the release. even social media reactions were embargoed.
It will be shipped. Only the SJW factor can save it
Fuck WB Fuck the DCEU
Fuck all you autistic DKEKS
Fuck WB Fuck the DCEU
WW will flop, 0% on RT
JL will flop, 0% on RT
DCEU will crash and burn
Fuck Snyder, Fuck WB, Fuck you DC shills.
Hating political correctness is just code for being upset people call people out on the fucked up shit they say more now.
Errrrr no it's not.
Not being able to approach any subject without being labelled this or that is just another way we are being controlled. In happening in all areas of life.
The worlds gone made.
Free speech =\= consequence free speech
I hope those leaks weren't true
Diana clicks her bracers together and sends Ares to Tartarus
cry moar on your tumblr you special snowflake faggot
Why is Wonder Woman a Jew now?
This is a psych ops post by a DC shill trying to make Marvel fans look like idiots on the web. Please ignore his post, and the movie, cos it's resting on the shoulders of a woman who can't act her way out of a pout.
Why are you so bitter?
Is she trying to keep her shit from leaking out?
Agreed but there's a fine line between being conscious of what you are saying and being too scared to form your own opinion.
Take Wonder Woman for example. If I was some basement dwelling woman hater I would be totally anti Wonder Woman but I'm not, I just think they cast the wrong person for it. Also, why would Dredd be so critically acclaimed? When it's basically a film about a female heroine? Lucy is another film that I love ....that has a female lead. But I fucking hate the casting of Wonder Woman.
So does that make me a woman hater or just someone able to form their own opinion?
People need to open their eyes to this shit atm.
I dunno...
Didn't BvS and SS get really good buzz before release? I'm waiting for the actual review embargo to lift. I don't trust word of mouth on DCEU films anymore.
Succubi stepping up their game on roids and desperation.
> In a world of warfare between mortals, a woman will have the courage to use her physical invulnerability and risk nothing in a condescending self-indulging effort to end a conflict she has no business meddling in
All Capeshit.
What?! What are you even talking about you moron? Jeeeeeesus talk about clutching at straws.
>Also, why would Dredd be so critically acclaimed? When it's basically a film about a female heroine?
Are you having a laugh? Anderson is an important character but she is NOT the main focus of the movie.
The film is all about her being thrown in at the deep end bro. Or atleast that's what I thought about it. It's a film I love and have watched countless times.
god you stink of SJW you whiny bitch
>It's a Sup Forums pretends to be experts on casting and the female body to validate his negative opinion episode
> Free speech =\= consequence free speech
Freedom to make shit movies =\= Freedom of consequences for doing shit movies
Witty as ever but not an argument
>it's a Gadotfag likes skeletons episode
See Sup Forumsros. This thread shows how if you have an opinion you are automatically pigeonholed as this or that. No ones actually interested in actual debate. Just mud slinging.
I give up with you lot.
Also, anyone with half a brain cell can determine that GG doesn't have the right physique. Anyone!
That woman is fucking gross what is wrong with you?
> roastie posted this exact image on an amy schumer thread
How am I an sjw?! I'm saying this skinny bitch shouldn't be WW.
Outside african dictatorship, the post I was replying to wasn't an argument either.
Not him but based on what?
Eh? Not sure what question you are asking bro.
t. beta
No I think Wonder Woman should be believable. Amazonian. Not super skinny.
It's not fucking rocket science.
You on the right.
... there's no such thing as amazonian women, user.
Holy fuck bro. I genuinely didn't realise your autism was so bad. Consider me removed from this conversation.
Your argument is that an actress doesn't look like a fictional fucking character you goddamn under 25 year old.
If Leonardo DeCaprio was suddenly cast as batman and he didn't bulk up for it I'd be slinging way more shit his way then I do towards GG.
What's being fictional got to do with it? Seriously? Why cast anyone as Wonder Woman if it doesn't matter? Why not just make a brand new character up for her to play if it doesn't matter?
Fact is that Wonder Woman has an Mage determined by her history. If you just throw that away then honestly what's the point? Why not just call her 'kind of alright woman'?
Image* not mage
Gal Gadot is a fucking nobody, even worse a nobody that can barely speak English and not in a cute way, in a barely finished high school way, it's so bad that the Amazons in WW have to speak with shitty accents to disguise her and they sound even better than she does.
Her biggest starring role before BvS was Fast and the Furious where she showed off her lack of assets and let Gina Carano fight her battles.
She got chosen to be Wonder Woman over Olga Kurlyenko.
Every movie she's been in since BvS has been a gigantic flop.
Robin Wright who plays her mother in WW is 20 years older than her and looks more fit and more beautiful than she ever will and yet we're supposed to believe they are mother and daughter.
Gal Gadot ain't shit and people need to stop defending her.
>Sup Forumsros
>reddit spacing
fucking kill yourself holy shit
Your belief that an amazon (again, fictional) should be depicted a certain way may not subscribe with the opinion of others, more importantly those making the fucking movie, therefore your argument is ridiculous.
I know you think you have the intellectual high ground on this but you sound ridiculous.
Literally never been on Reddit once bro. You seem to know your way around there though right......
Im a DC fan who is a basement dweller and hates women. I'm also a contrarian and gay hacktivist. Will I like this flick?
Go look at every appearance of Wonder Woman in any comic. Show me one single image of her looking skinny. This has nothing to do with intellectual high ground. This is what having an opinion looks like.
No! Just no! You said this about BvS and SS. I'm not falling for it again DC go away
>even social media reactions were embargoed.
I've never heard of a film studio doing this before. Is this the first time?
Cool pic bro. Let me know when you find a skinny picture of her ok.
no matter what I post you'll act autistic
not him but Wondy has visible delts and nice quads in the pictures you post. Gal is just a skeleton
Only newer images would show her that skinny to fit into the GG agenda. Nice camel toe though bro. Nice find.
i need to make this my woman
You sound like a fucking imbicile
That has to be the most asstastic, backwards vaguery I've been seeing more and more frequently, since it almost always carries an implicit "So I get to hit you or make your life a living hell because of your opinions."
What's up with this Jewess ayylmao head shape I keep seeing that has massive fivehead real estate? Pic related.
>what happens when you have no arguements left
Cool story bro. Way to start calling names for no reason.
> You guys are gonna HATE me but--
Calling it now
>ITT:shills getting rekt on a major scale
>not posting Shannon
any pics of her feminine benis?>
>Hair seems to overreact to wind
What does this mean?
I want to see the "in between" pic. I bet she's sexy as fuck. I like fit chicks, but right is going waaay overboard.
No seriously, what's up with the head shape?
>nothing but shit tier movies for more then 5 years
>suddenly, 1 decent one
>will be fallowed up by another mediocre one
I think marvel will be fine
it's funny because the people you're attempting to describe are the only ones who have ever bought a Wonder Woman comic.
is this opening WW on the same day that's a good sign of a shit flick.
Jokes on you, I only spend money on WW art if it includes something special.
Well now I need to go to my /d/ folder, fuck you.
If you're a virgin, your hair has less natural resistance to the wind. Faggots like the user who posted that picture have taken enough cumshots to the head to basically have built-in hair gel.
boots look lame
I knew a guy in elementary school who smelled like cum because he rubbed his into his hair. It was gross.
wasn't the early buzz for Batman vs Superman also really positive?
Like they said it was going to win an Oscar? Or was that Skyfall?
Standing ovations were a part of the BvS hype they were building.
She's a working girl, gotta save up for the good stuff.
I believe in you user.
That was before the Disney-bought "critics" saw it.
>All these steroid monkeys
Most women in the fitness industry are short as fuck, they cant be wonder woman.
Also they have zero acting experience.
Stop fantasizing about these nobodies being in movies, and having to stop in between takes to drink some amino acids and shill products on Instagram.
>Also they have zero acting experience.
just like Gal Godawful.
>short cannot be wonder woman!
In her initial debut, wonder woman was 5'5. Also, I don't want some 5% body fat bitch but some visible muscle lines would have been nice.
She's a skeleton now in the comics
Gadot effect
>Early buzz is really positive
This has been literally ever DCEU movie.
Shes an Amazonian and current canon has her at 6'3