Why Finns are always smiling?
Why Finns are always smiling?
Lincoln Baker
Asher Taylor
is this proof that Matt Damon is a Finn? That's the exact same phenotype as him, just obese
Logan Jackson
Kayden Green
Surrounded by Finnish girl
Mason Torres
Looks like a hapaized fat version of the kinder kid
Jeremiah Gomez
Lies and slander
Ayden Lee
*stop your way*
Jason Peterson
Ian Green
Why must you turn this board into house of lies?
Wyatt Rivera
Because they are happy being part of white nordic master race
James Collins
This is for that raid
Ayden Wilson
easy on sweets Pekka
Julian Diaz
Christian Murphy
Andrew Evans
what a wonderful world
Blake Gutierrez
Oliver Morales
Levi Collins
This is literally bullying in its meaniest form. I have to report this personally to Hiro.
Colton Miller
She's happy
Jackson Mitchell
Henry Watson
lol cannot unsee
Jace Smith
He's like 25% finnish unironically
Henry Campbell
What do you do when someone takes a picture of you? Do you frown?