Tell me things you've seen people wouldn't believe.
Tell me things you've seen people wouldn't believe
I saw arrested development become bad
I saw Johnny depp get cucked
Problem Child 2
well my best friend molested me and now everyone hates me because they think I'm not telling the truth. I was asleep and I woke up with his hands down my pants. I told him to fuck off then he told everyone that i made a move on him.
the end is near for me. no hope.
I saw antifa come to America
Sjw detected
You're right, I don't believe this
Go to the police
A german shepherd maul an afghani and rip out his throat in helmand province.
I've seen crude jokes about the first five minutes of a major movie have a longer lasting effect that the movie itself
I real RWDS rally.
A woman's vagina
molesting is not a thing
rape is
you weren't raped
so shut the fuck up
he saw lots of porns and he wanted to wake you up with an orgasm so you'd love him
you are a bitch for telling it
rape is penetration friend.
molestation is sexual assault.
Bladerunner 2049
I have see Goku going to high school.
wich is not a thing
This was always just an internet meme, get out you lying faggot.
Bill Murray acting like a cat in heat in a convenience store
I've seen things, things YOU people wouldn't believe.... shitposts off the boards of Sup Forums , Pasta repeated off the posts of countries I hate..... all of that will be lost to the archives, like tears.... in rage....
you sound like a bob dylan fan
a girl about 5 year old getting wet and enjoying sex with an adult man.
I've seen big things for you people. Attack ships crashing with no survivors. I watched someone shoot a man before throwing him out of a plane. All those moments will be lost in time, like memes in rain. Time to pull off the mask.
ayy lmaos
Sup Forums was a mistaken
That's a big think to believe
I've seen things you hotheads wouldn't believe. Planes crashing off the shoulder of Uzbekistan. I watched the fire rise in the dark in Gotham. All those moments will be lost in time, like brothers in the wreckage. Time to crash. with no survivors
I've seen Wynonna Ryder get angry at some woman and then just pull her pants down and take a shit in front of her.
no really it's like someone pushing you in the train
he touched my weenie bua bua shut uo
I watched CIA memes glitter in the dark near the Banehauser Plane.
Was it a mil dog or one of those fucking nasty ass pack beasts, shepherd I'm assuming mil
I saw God once
>not fuggin him instead
Legally molesting is sexual acts (touching, fondling, taking pornographic photos, rape) for kids below
sometimes i wonder what people would think/say if i told them about the thousands of hardgore videos ive seen
kids getting beheaded, babies being vivisected, people getting disemboweled, burned alive, raped, tortured, CP
do normies even think about these things?
I've spoken to God once. It was over the phone. He had the wrong number.
You mad bro?
he didn't just eat their bodies... he ate their souls
when he ate he told me it filled him with white light!
I saw Ryan Gosling at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.
He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.
in a park in Barcelona, after a friend of mine got his jaw broken by some bouncer, I was looking at the sky tho
I saw a black couple on the train in San Francisco and she was sucking his dick in front of everyone.
Why do you have to include that they were black
Because they were. Everyone else on the train was asian
I saw the Rock become the highest grossing actor in Hollywood
underrated post
I saw the time counter in Sega's NiGHTS on the Saturn reset to 999 seconds after a glitch I was never able to replicate again
(You) know why.
My Cock is this ________________________________________________________________________________ big
It's true, I put it on my monitor and did the underscore to show you
Sup Forums was kek's gift to mankind
I watched frog memes topple the government of the most powerful country on earth.
azuka a shit
Problem Child 3
samurai cop
>going to an anonymous Samoan sandcastle imageboard instead of the police
Yeah it was Army SF
Why are you 250% zoomed in, user?
Oh, and , when you watch that stuff, do you personify with victims or evil people?
Also, good luck with your psychosis.
that has to be a lie, my goose wouldnt never do that >:(
Pepe didn't influence Trump's win in the slightest. I know you'd like to think all the time you spent in front of your CRT in your mom's basement, typing with one hand while manipulating your flaccid, medically small penis with the other, had some effect on the real world, but it didn't. Trump won the election by mobilising disenfranchised blue collar workers in swing and other states, people who barely use the internet if at all, who probably still use AOL on ancient Pentiums. That, combined with Hillary's failure to inspire negroes and other apathetic demographics, secured Trump's win.
We were playing a truth or dare once, I was 15 and had my girlfriend next to me so I wanted to impress, as usual, I picked truth and one of her friends asked me what was the grossest thing i've ever seen, so I went complete autist mode and told them i've seen someone on the internet who abducts girls and rapes and tortures them for the viewers entertainment and how they'd sometimes even kill the victims on live cam... I thought they'd be like "wow, how fucking awful" but I was just stared at like I did the crimes myself
>second story
my girlfriend was talking about dogs once so I told her about the video where the owner of the dog skins him alive and breaks his limbs and the dog still tries to reach him but he keeps going on, regret it a lot, user, don't ever do it, for the sake of yourself and the normies around you
You did the right thing by coming here first.
She literally didn't have a campaign in Michigan and Wisconsin.
What the fuck was she thinking? I'm glad that arrogance is not our president. Not only that, she's completely bought by foreign powers. Needless to say though, wow.
i confessed to my gf, that i watched a fuckton of isis torture videos
she wasn't amused, but got over it
I saw two DChads flush out and utterly destroy an ISIS sympathizer in a BvS thread. It was fucking beautiful.
i saw an ufo two, maybe three times
one of them was pretty crazy
dunno if it was ayy lmao's or wut but it did things i don't think even secret men-made craft is capable of
where do you live?
I saw soldiers rape my neighbor in front of her husband and kids then burn the man alive while they took the kids away as sex slaves.
I hid in closet till NATO forces arrived and rescued me.
I moved to UK when I was 10. Now sell weed to save money go to college.
special forces doggo
you're right I don't believe this
a green thunderbolt in the sky, creeped me out
South-west Poland, near the Czech and German borders in a large, major city
time to take the ayy pill
I was locked up with a guy who killed 3 people and helped in 4 other gang/drug related homicides. He had been in county jail for 10 fucking years because he waived his right to a speedy trial, and his strategy worked because the state finally got tired of seeing this bastard in court and offered him a sweet plea deal: 12 years in prison with credit for time served. He accepted that plea deal immediately. 2 days later he killed himself.
Also saw a guy stab another man over a half a cigarette.
i saw phil mitchell from eastenders at a club on saturday
ive seen a company outbid another company at a massive loss in order to secure a big contract and make thousands of people lose their jobs
ive seen my father argue the case for concentration camps
i saw the first episode of big bang theory because i thought it was a carl sagan type documentary about the big bang
i saw my father in bed with 3 of his female friends. pretty sure my parents were in a swingers club
ive seen the inner workings of the banking industry and learned the history of how they fucked over and enslaved an entire planet
Guilt is a powerful emotion.
>she's completely bought by foreign powers
Mmm, we had a lucky escape, eh user
If someone molests you and there's no video evidence or corroborating witnesses why are they going to believe you even if it's true? Sexual assault is often a crime that leaves very little evidence.
Dogging, were you?
I say a DCEU movie with a fresh rating... NOT
Yes, it really is, but I didn't expect him to off himself.
>He accepted that plea deal immediately. 2 days later he killed himself.
my college roomate of 2 years killed himself a year after graduation. it's incredible how close you feel to a person you live with and then have them choose to kill themselves. I still have dreams about him trying and failing to explain to me why he did it, or dreams where he's still alive and knows how hard it would be if he was really gone
I know its a difference situation but you really knew that guy well and to have that knowledge on top of the weight of his suicide is a ridiculous weight to bear. I'm sorry bro
I have seen CNN crew rigging the scene and paying people to look like refugees
I have seen MAJOR mainstream media scene riggings, with up to 1000 people
And these things are not even remotely known in the world
Don't get me wrong I don't feel bad for the guy, because he admitted (only to) being a getaway driver and killing one guy in "self defense" but it's weird. The jail where I was in had 30 bunk beds in each cell, and his bunk was close to mine. We weren't friends but we never fought each other and traded cigarettes. It also sucks how we found him, since he slit his wrist with a screwdriver while everyone was asleep and we woke up to finding this dude dead in a pool of his own blood. That's really what gets me.
I went down on a girl I met on Tinder and she had the gnarliest pussy ive ever seen. I was sick when I got back because I still had bits of tissue in my mouth
My life has been pretty uneventful.
My fist inside a vagina.
Eating pussy is for faggots