This is what mexico would've been like if spaniards had minded their own fucking business

this is what mexico would've been like if spaniards had minded their own fucking business

why not just build more pyramids with modern materials?

Well, Japan use western technology for efficiency reasons, but we still build traditional buildings with modern materials so OP's image is unironically realistic.

would an architectural prehispanic revival movement be too cringy?
I fucking love the aesthetic

nochan :^)
(“my homeland” in nahautl for you anglos and hispanicucks)

You'll have to bulldoze this first

Never, that's a 16th century baroque jewel, if you want to fix Mexico City we should find a way to bring back the canals as in pictured (that used to be a block away from that cathedral) we do have some revival architecture but pyramids tend not to be all that practical when it comes to actual livable spaces.

This is modelled after an Aztec temple, the kind that used to be on top of pyramids, using the same construction methods


nitaskehk :^)
(“my homeland” in nehîyawewin for you anglos and frenchies)

My ancestors (':


this actually looks really cool


>tfw Mexico City could have been the Venice of North America but sp*Niards had to ruin it

Why are Spaniards to shit?

what is the point of view of this image supposed to imply

are we standing over the ocean?

That's a waterfall

venice in LA

Aztec's main religions sacrificial demands were unsustainable tho, even if the spaniards hadn't come to conquer them they would have collapsed on their own

>North America



We gave you civilization. You should be more grateful Oswaldo Andrés

What did he mean by this?

Nice C*nadian "education", leaf.

muhh heritage :)


>tfw born in the universe where based Hidalgo didn't genocide cr*ollo and p*ninsulare scum


You have to realize that they were essentially Sumer tier civilizations that would collapse numerous times before thousands of years later one civilization becomes Rome tier(highly unlikely because they had no animals of burden or horses) and ends up conquering other tribes and civilizing them

this is what Finland would look like if Chr*stians had minded their own fucking business

Wowowowow so beautiful.

I wish I was a mexican.