>that dead as fuck audience
I guess millennials really don't know about this show despite it being on Netflix and all that jazz.
Will this new season be bandwagon-proof?
>that dead as fuck audience
I guess millennials really don't know about this show despite it being on Netflix and all that jazz.
Will this new season be bandwagon-proof?
>Will this new season be bandwagon-proof?- 0 post shown.
almost nobody gives a shit about it other than the small fandom. Even older people who were adults when the show was airing don't care. I only know two people who watched it in 1990 and neither of them care about season three. to them it was just an interesting murder mystery that has already been solved. to everyone else it might as well not exist
showtime, from a business perspective, was probably right to initially reject Lynch's idea. what we will end up with is nothing short of a miracle
I watched the pilot episode a couple of nights ago and it was 2 hours long and quite good aside from the mad ending with the midget in slo mo
Hell no. I know because beginning to watch because it's le quirky and want to be in on the conversation
Normies are gonna get BTFO within the first 5 mins of S3
This is as bad a cash grab as Blade Runner 2049
You fucked up. That was the "international pilot" that added a thrown together ending so they could show it as a movie if the series never got picked up. At the end of the real pilot the killer still isn't known or caught.
>American "humour".
this is the complete opposite of a cash grab. it's a money sink. this shit will not be popular at all
Wait guys have I watched the finale?? I thought it was weird how they had that ending and the weird cult people before that without much explaining!!! Fuck have I ruined the series?
It really isn't. Ridley Scott has been cashing in on his name and properties for a while now, Lynch couldn't give a shit about that. Lynch walked because Showtime wasn't willing to give him a big enough budget to do the project correctly. They tried to go on without him but without Lynch almost everyone else was getting ready to pull out, so they caved. There's a very real possibility they could take a bath on this, because as others have said in this thread people don't care enough about Twin Peaks to justify the final budget.
Your mother is a cash grab.
the ending is kino as fuck though
I hope you people genuinely realize that people who love orange is the new black are people who love twin peaks. This is definitely going to be a bandwagon show.
t. Hang out with pacific northwest "girls" who have coffee mug tattoos
Peaks usually starts slow.
The pilot starts slow.
The first episode of the second season starts slow.
The movie starts slow.
Little kids are going to change the channel fast cuz GoT is on.
Not really, you don't know who the real killer is. Just watch the end of the real pilot before continuing, it ends differently and you won't know some of what's going on next episode if you don't.
I'll admit I'm a bit of a bandwagonner myself (just started watching the show earlier this year) but it was more of a thing I held off than just learned about.
I don't mind people still discovering the show, I'm glad the show is being kept alive after 27 years, what bugs me is the "which episodes can I skip" crowd. You don't deserve TP.
>"small" fandom
Dude, this is the type of shit every "alternative" normie watches to appear cultured, same with other Lynch media. Plus, it's on Netflix like OP said.
you have a link to this video? I know it's where he says why he doesn't explain his films, because there's nothing to talk about. "the film is the talking"
have been retarded and unable to find the video since I first saw it
untrue. there's an extremely small amount of people who know or care about it. fucking vikings is more popular than twin peaks
>hang out
Can't you get any?
Early millennials(1980-1985) know about it, since it was on in the early 90s
This, an initial hype from the first episode then it will die down unless something 'problematic' happens
>what bugs me is the "which episodes can I skip" crowd
You mean the "I have a job and a family so can't stay up until 4am watching television" crowd. Just wait until your mom evicts you, then you'll know what it's like.
How far back do Millenials even go?
Its 1980-1995
Early 80s to mid 90s.
Was it in this?
Strawman argument.
Fuck off, you probably browse Sup Forums while watching it too
I have no idea. the clip I saw was just a short video attached to some clickb8 article about "why David Lynch never explains his movies"
True, I was born in 85 and saw it as it premiered. I was very young and didn't know wtf I was looking at, but I remember being sad when my mother turned it on to watch one night at the normal time and it had been cancelled, a football game was playing instead.
there's no due date for watching television dumbass. if a series is long then it just takes longer to watch. wanting to jump ahead is fucking retarded
No, the "I just want to be part of the conversation and don't actually care about tv so I won't have even heard of
one of television's all time classics until the hype machine spools up two weeks before the revival and then complain I don't have enough time to watch it" crowd
I haven't really seen a ton of hype for it online, I would assume because of the way showtime marketed it.
>no posts ITT talking about the OP video
Damn that was some major cringe, in the true definition of the word. Sucks how Kyle made all these jokes and no one fucking caught on.
>cant find 40 minutes in his day to watch a tv kino
i bet you can't find the time to exercise either buddy
I think they've been showing those ads on Showtime, but does anyone even watch Showtime?
Yeah that's the video. That bit starts 36 minutes into it.
I was a teen when this show aired, and I caught a few episodes. I knew who lynch was from dune and elephant man, but the show was hard to follow, season 2 was confusing, and I don't remember any repeats being aired.
It wasn't until 10 years later that I saw some fan groups online and decided to watch it again. It wasn't until 5 years after that I saw the whole show on dvd.
I'm surprised anyone remembers it and that it got a season 3. I just hope it's not another inland empire.
Seems like showtime just wanted a "prestige" show. "Yes we have garbage, but we have Art too!" Just like when Amazon paid Woody Allen a ton of money to make that shitty series. The money will be made up on the back end with *the super complete mystery* blu ray sets. I have quintuple dipped on this show.
I don't think so. Not to mention those ads fucking suck. I am all for not showing a trailer because I will watch anything from Lynch regardless but, they shouldn't be surprised when normies don't care because of it.
I think it might be bandwagon-proof.
Anecdotally, I know multiple people who have heard of the new series coming and so decided to watch the original to jump on the bandwagon. They stop watching the show in the middle of season two and never get back to doing it. And they can't hack FWWM. I doubt they'll be into the new series.
On the other hand, I just saw a fat billboard for the new series and I live in a smallish town in the barren north of England, so perhaps there's some degree of hype being whipped up.
>I just hope it's not another inland empire.
Funny. I just hope IT IS another Inland Empire.
this is just flat out inaccurate. it's more like the adhd generation who don't want to watch the whole show but want to get the references so they can watch the new show
>They stop watching the show in the middle of season two
That's fair enough. Half the time I have my player set to 1.2x speed to skip through some of the mind-numbingly boring scenes that feature during that season. Mostly the James and Donna scenes.
you really should kill yourself. Your supposed family will be much better off without a literal retard in their life
What will they say about Dale?
was he a kind man? was he a wise man?
bullshit man
who will remember? who will give the memories to people? who holds the memories?
Point taken, but these people would probably prefer to spend their free time out actually living. Going to the park with their kids, hooking up with sluts at a bar, playing sports. They don't want to sit around on their butts watching TV, but still want to be privy to major pop culture events. Nothing wrong with that.
When you are both in your 80's you'll probably both remember the same amount from the show anyway, but they will have lived 5x more than you.
LOL do you feel like killing yourself yet? Let the memories take hold. Let your responsibility to those memories sink in. you are the keeper. if you give in all of that will be lost. you are the giver. no one can hold those memories because no one has the strength to keep them. keep those memories and give them.
I watched the first season of TP years ago and kind of liked it but never bothered with the second season. I decided to rewatch and actually finish it and I'm enjoying the show a whole lot more now. The first time around I only watched because I heard the videogame Deadly Premonition which I really enjoyed was a massive ripoff, and I was disappointed the show is basically nothing like the game at all outside of a few scenes near the start. I'm enjoying it more for what it is now.
What's the episode of S2 where the killer is revealed and it supposedly goes downhill in quality? I feel like I'm almost at that point.
Also is Lynch directing the entirety of the third season himself? And do we know if it's on film or not?
As long as my trendhopping friends who've literally never discovered something for themselves without the media hyping it up don't jump onto this, I'm content.
i don't say this a lot
or with levity
but your should kill yourself
>Also is Lynch directing the entirety of the third season himself? And do we know if it's on film or not?
Season 3 is digital but Lynch is directing and writing every episode.
Lynch is directing all of season 3, and it's gonna be shot in digital
fucking duh you rock stupid pleb.
if you aren't
then please leave. i don't say that often or with gravitas but for your own good, and the good of others, please leave and don't come back.
They killed the audience with obscure SNL shit. SNL has always been comedy cancer.
I don't see the connection.
>I discovered Twin Peaks before everyone else hurr durrrrrr
it was literally the most popular and buzzworthy show of 1990-1991. You aren't special.
you should probably leave forever then. thanks for understanding. don't take the holders of memories lightly. we make your world.
I've only seen Fire Walk With Me (loved it).
Can I still watch the series or was the mystery ruined by me watching the movie? I'm seriously asking because I loved the movie so much and don't want to "ruin" it by watching something that isn't as good.
The movie was literally the worst thing about Twin Peaks.
I watched FWWM first too, it didnt ruin it for me. I mean, I know who the killer was, but it still didnt take away from the fact that it was an entertaining show. Just know, the tone of the show is way lighter than the tone of the movie
Shut your whore mouth!
That was over 25 years ago. An entire generation has bloomed since then.
Nope. the series is much funnier though and I shit you not: a death scene in S2 is even more violent and extreme than anything in FWWM.
but, on a scale of public cunnilingus under a table/10, how good is the series?
Season 2 Episode 9 is pure kino. The best ep by far.
stop joking bob
im sure you have 8 feet of strong rope. you should use it wisely.
please stop talking.
>It's an americucks need their opinions verified by the screams of the retarded audience episode
more Lucy scenes make up for it.
Ronette a cute.
LOL ok buddy get ready for some swat teams and investigations. don't say i didn't warn u LOL.
>swat teams
>outside of burgerland
yeah sure buddy, come get me
>They stop watching the show in the middle of season two and never get back to doing it
Oh no this is me
S2 is just so bad, I had to drop it. Don't look at me!
sent ;)
Holy fuck those are some pretentious fucking comments
Watching this old fuck bomb because no one knows about his pretentious shit show is so fucking satisfying to me.
sent ;)
>Will this new season be bandwagon-proof?
No, I can see it finding an audience if it turns out well. Depends on how weird it's gonna be... but then, I think there are more people ready to give dark, weird stuff a chance than anyone would expect.
>not Season 2 Episode 1
good luck m8s.
Great satire
>the intelligence level of the average Fallon watcher
I tried watching the first episode. I turned it off because I really don't care about some murder mystery entertainment.
The viewers can't be smarter than the host and Fallon is clearly dumb as a box of rocks.
Where can I watch Twin Peaks lads? I can't find a torrent anywhere, but maybe I'm retarded.
It will be impossible to talk about this on Sup Forums because Twin Peaks is exactly the kind of thing that reddit will latch on to and ruin.
>David Lynch
I dunno about America, but here in Euroslavia Lynch and Twin Peeks is a staple among the "i'm not like the other girls" crowd. Seeing how they are exactly like every other basic bitch out there, it's very popular and absolutely will be a bandwagon show
It's hard for it to make sense when you're speaking backwards and dancing in all of your scenes.
I'm fucking South African, why the fuck would I watch Amerifat cardboard cutout #456?
Dunno if magnet links are allowed on Sup Forums so I put it up here.
Alternatively just search on TPB like I did, or you can watch it on 123movies if you don't mind shit encoding.
How does a fanbase ruin a show, exactly?
I use Bit Che to track down torrents now. Here's a BRrip with a lot of seeders.
Thank you guys, much appreciated.
Holy crap dude. Go to any "fan" group online and they pick the show to death and demand the show go along with their theories.