remember that time when literal, actual, unironic satan appeared on the x files?
Remember that time when literal, actual, unironic satan appeared on the x files?
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There was also an episode with retarded kids who it turned out were angels, and the guy who was looking for them had a shadow with horns.
X files was awesome
how many religions were true according to the x files exactly?
papua new guinean religion
chinese religion
stop crying, faggot christian
sounds a bit like precogs in Phillip K. Dicks Martian timeslip and Minority report.
Basically the theory is that non-verbal autistics can't communicate because they process information at such a rapid rate.
They also can see into the future because of some sci fi bullshit I can't really remember
what are you talking about?
I loved it, die hand die verletzt is one of my fav episodes.
Man that episode was some scary shit right there
You ok user?
Its a deranged tranny that knows its going straight into the lake of fire when its organs finally suffer one chemsex orgy too many.
Mentioning Christianity in any fashion that isnt in line with fedoric atheism causes it to go into conniptions and start sperging at people incoherently.
xfiles monster of the week episode are low tier trash for joss whedon and ironic b-movie fans
the mytharc is the only thing from that show worth watching. sorry, truth is hard.
Occasionally TV shows come up with episodes that are way scarier than they really ought to have been. Probably by accident and almost always down to some gloriously unhinged performances.
What's it like being this wrong on a daily basis?
Just because you say it's for Joss Whedon doesn't make you right or your argument any less retarded. Go ahead, scream reddit at me in response to this post, we both know you're going to like the predictable faggot you are.
>not liking MOTW
damn user, and I thought prequel apologists had shit taste.
Also the Mythos shit is really only good for like the first few seasons, then they don't even know what they're doing just taking random turns to throw the viewer off. By season 6 its so convoluted its not even worth paying attention anymore.
I don't have to point out how Reddit you are if you're going to do it yourself, fucking turbopleb.
Is the xfiles worth watching or does every episode end like scooby doo?
None of them end up like Scooby Doo, more often then not Mulder is right and there is a monster or ghost or whatever, yet the next week Scully will be there rolling her eyes as if she hadn't seen enough crazy shit to make her believe any creeppasta on /x/
Mytharc was garbage after season 4 or so and you know it. It was blatantly obvious that everyone on the writing staff including Chris Carter himself preferred doing MOTW episodes.
>nigger narco found dead with a bullet on his head, a giant message with his blood on the wall "this is muh territory"... all points to another nigger narco
>Scully: Mulder, this seems to be another black on black crime, it has nothing to do with us
>Mulder: Wrong, this is the chupacabras in conspiracy with Dracula who teach him how to write
>Scully: This doesnt make sense, all the evidence suggests it was a conflict between gangsters...
>Mulder: Thats what dracula wants you to believe, see this? The chupacabra laid eggs on the head of his victim
>Scully: Those are bullets! We already tracked the other gangster
Scene change to the other gangster, police detains him, he removes his fake mask, Dracula and the Chupacabras were inside the nigger
>Mulder: I told you Scully, all the evidence suggested it was the chupacabras!
The stories were never that poorly constructed unless they were going for the quirky humor episodes.
Not very good, user. Keep at it though.
>There is actually someone who had never seen at least 1 x files episode
This site is 18+ kiddo
The Outer Limits had some legit scary episodes, not necessarily because of the scenario presented in the show, but the implications of what has occurred.
I haven't watched it in almost 15 years, but still remember the alien bug infestation one where it was implied that they got loose and were in the wild breeding and spreading. That severely creeped me out.
Mulder is right because the plot demands it. The way he engages investigations is retarded and would probably make him fired in real life.
He jumps to the supernatural conclusion too early. Never exhausts the common sense options before jumping to the chupacabras.
Scully is and always will be right, even if at the end it was the chupacabras.
Reminder that real cats have round pupils. The cats with eyes like that are probably reptiles with fur.
His job is to investigate the supernatural and he's almost never wrong, I wouldn't say he jumps to conclusions too early.
Wow, I've not seen a diehard Scullyist since my time on during the show's initial run.
Go away, scientific dogmatist, Scully was a practicing Catholic
most felines have vertical pupils, much like all other predators
>Scully was a practicing Catholic
And Satan was real in the x-files, so even more points to Scully.
Meaning the supernatural was real the whole time, even more points to Mulder.
In the first two seasons, they caught Tombs who was able to stretch his body and keep himself young as well as the flukeman. These weren't things that only Mulder and Scully saw. They actually had them in custody.
Mulder figured Tooms was able to stretch due to the figure prints and the fact that there was no forced entry and the only way to get in was the air duct. And his figure prints matched those on file from 100 years ago matching similar incidents.
He reach his conclusion, and was later proven right.
not sure what your point is tbqh
No, Mulder only believed in supernatural stuff that wasn't linked to any of the major religions; in fact he mocked them regularly.
And yet the court still didn't believe it and let Tooms go.
You still need to exhaust the common sense options before. Something Mulder never did.
Scully knew as Christian that the supernatural existed, she just didnt let her investigation be affected by personal beliefs.
Really? If you see that no one forced an entry the first thing you think is that guy should have superpowers?
This shit had me crapping my pants
Judaism as well
I'm just saying Mulder was proven right about paranormal things early on in the series. People just didn't listen to him.
not the first thing, I think the elongated finger prints is what set Mulder down that path.
Also he was right so... ?
>Judaism as well
Yepp. That episode with the golem.
Im watching Xfiles for the first time now. Im on season 4 right now and it's starting to get retarded.
Golems aren't related to Judaism. The Golem is an Eastern European medieval tale from Jewish communities. It's like saying Mermaids are Christian because medieval Christian sailors told tales of them.
Old or new?
Except golems actually are in the Torah
In all fairness, it came about because a Rabbi used Kabbalistic magic to create life, so it's kind of a Jewish thing
Remember when they had a hill billy family episode where brothers hold they hand less leg less mother under the bed so they can fuck her and breed with her
Golems are part of Jewish mysticism, mermaids come from pre-Christian times (the Greek mythology for instance).
Mytharc goes no where, just ignore it and enjoy the MotW.
They way they both kick down doors without warrants would be enough to get them both fired.
Someone told me leave when Mulder does. Is this true?
didn't the brothers fuck each other and almost reproduce?
This is imo the biggest 'plot hole' in the X-Files universe (or rather a major implication that is simply ignored, rather than a traditional 'hole')
Across the series, TWO types of supernatural realms were proven real - one with aliens and cryptids and secret government experiments, and another with God, Satan, angels, demons, etc.
Were we to believe God and the Devil also ruled over the aliens? Or did they just rule over earth? Are the demons and angels antagonistic to the ayys and cryptids? If God is real, why was the bible written on the crashed UFO in Africa?
The writers basically threw everything together without much regard for continuity, which I suppose is par for the course in 90s episodic shows
I dropped it at season 7.
>implying you as a mere mortal human being can comprehend the totality of the universe
Is that because of all the crazy shit they investigated? Obviously he was more prone to believing in supernatural than most people, and that's why they let him have the x-files. also, is it meant to be that they investigate things that aren't xfiles, but they arent episodes?
So that's a 'yes, God also ruled the aliens'
Humor episodes were one of the best in the entire series. Especially those written by Darin Morgan
I love that episode. Also reminder:
Official Rankings:
1=2=3=6=1998 movie>4=5=7=8=9=10>2008 movie
Gender Bender, John Doe and Audrey Pauley are extremely underrated episodes.
Just because the demons and angels are real doesn't mean they are necessarily related to Christianity. They could just be apart of some higher plane of existence.
And even if the Christian God and Christ were real, it wouldn't necessarily mean aliens or cryptids weren't
The Vatican is open to the idea of extraterrestrial life. And cryptids are just animals we haven't discovered yet, or are created by us.
However, I just enjoy the show and don't worry too much about cannon.
I'm pretty sure Donald Trump wasn't ever on The X-Files.
What if aliens are actually angels?
X-Files is my favorite show but come on
The Myth arc goes to shit pretty fast
In season 2/3 its god tier but after that its trash
Christ I accidentally saw this episode when I was like 10. Fucks up a young mind
X-Files is basically smart Supernatural.
>that 90s soundtrack.
god I love it.
No, that's a you can't seem to understand the point of my post
De Hand is the best episode of the show
The Fight the Future OST was pretty dope. I'm not even into Bjork, but I can listen to Hunter for the rest of my life. One and One More Murder are also stellar.
He's probably talking about The Sandkings, which is based on a short story written well after the original show ended.
>all the hate for the mytharc in this thread
Plebs. Just because it was convoluted doesn't mean it wasn't entertaining.
I'll add I never actually watched the video for Hunter before. I think I would...totally fuck bald Bjork here.
It never made any sense to me, but I guess only because it was split up. One day I'd like to watch every Mytharc episode in one go, no MotW, just plot.
>tfw loved all the monster of the week episodes but can't continue to force myself to finish the second season about halfway through on trying to watch the show through for the first time due to the shitty myth arc
Just watch the original series finale. It is convoluted but it is all explained in Mulder's trial.
I might try that as well some time. Though you miss some character development, and maybe even appearances by mytharc characters, by skipping monster of the week.
This. Who the fuck likes more episodes? Oh no mulder's sister is still missing! Cry me a fucking river. The monster of the week episodes were the only thing that kept it alive as long as it did
I'm stuck there too, what episode did you last watch?
But there are plenty of bad MOTW episodes, and the first few seasons have fantastic myth arc episodes.
The one in the old folks home.
Just because a Jew is up to Jewish magic doesn't mean their religion is real. A witch putting a curse on people who burned her doesn't verify Christianity
With the shrooms that aren't making them trip but actually see the dead?
Probably the one where the old folks get high and start raping people.
Was she supposed to be satan? I thought Bruce Campbell was..
Well they all came from aliens so GG.
Sand Kings? Fantastic episode。 They reference it again in a later series as well。
she could have been just a higher level demon sent to punish the PTC
The fuck is this
Youve never watched the XFiles have you?She doesnt "know" the supernatural dexists, she has faith- and almost every religious supernatural episode has her on the verge of a breakdown trying to reconcile the facts and said faith。
Oh that's three ahead of me, Am on the Firewalker one with volcanic team.
I like that one.
Is there anyway to get quantum leap with original music?
What episode?
I wanna see it
die had die verletzt s02xe14
great episode. don't read the spoilers
It's entertaining up to the point where you realize that they had no idea where to go with it and much preferred writing entertaining MotW stories.
Japanese .