If Sup Forums was a YouTube channel, what kind of videos would he make?

If Sup Forums was a YouTube channel, what kind of videos would he make?

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Shit ones

i think like geography now but with memes

10 Whitest countries in 2017


Documentaries about african tribes raping dumb wh*tes tourist

he'd make three videos and keep reposting 'em ad nauseam

culture welcome in europe

I'd make tutorials on how to count cards at casinos without revealing my true identity of course.

So... just Geography Now.

BLACKED behind the scene
and Varg's reviews on it

>Youtube channel
English is not your first language, is it?

Kara Boga praising videos.

why would I tell you?

wouldn't you just steal my idea and profit from it yourself?

not if he can't do what you can do.

see not everybody can count cards.

only people with gifted minds can count cards.


old ass vine compilation videos of race/ ethnicity/ nationality jokes.

and some varg videos.



stop assuming my gender, fuckface

Krautchan Sup Forums

Videos of me lynching Sup Forumsards