Why America why?
Why America why?
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>fastest growing
So the name went from 0 babies named that to 25
state of yanks
Why Kylo though? Ren sorta sounds better and at least it can double as a Ren & Stimpy reference and has a variety of different meanings so the poor child can later on pick something that isn't embarrassing.
this desu
emma is a good name desu
Ren is an awful name
Kylo is just Kyle with an o.
Is the name Jar-jar still popular in the USofA?
Because is no one was named Kylo in 2015 and one person was named it in 2016 and then 3 people in 2017, well holy shit the name is growing rapidly.
Meanwhile if 1,000,000 babies were named John in 2016, and then in 2017 1,000,2000 babies were named John, is barely increasing.
I thought everyone was supposed to be making fun of American math.
White people, unironically.
This guy gets it. 'Fastest growing' is a pointless metric, unless you' set a lower limit.
What will your firstborn be called?
>theres a guy whos actually called darthvader
>he's unironically black as coal
Geek culture was a mistake
If I were named Kylo and had become Sup Forums-levels of jaded I'd just go by Kyle.
Can't do the same for my actual retarded name.I mean it's not particularly embarrassing or a pop culture reference or anything but it's one of those trendy fad names that white parents gave to their kids in the 90s. I'd rather have been named John, or Kylo.
Is it something like Maddox?
Hi Chaz
imagine growing up being named after some retarded movie or capeshit character
fucking hell
I'd probably kill myself. Or kill my parents for being fucking idiots, then kill myself to make sure the idiot genes don't get passed on.
>not naming your kid Kyno
>tfw the american people are literal retards who praise israel and eat hotdogs made out of pig assholes but 5 year old european children are being run over and stabbed to death in the streets by moderate muslims while the mayor of london and other leaders consider it part and parcel of living in a major city
could be worse i guess, glad I live in a 1st world country
>Tfw your parents named you Kal-El
It would be painful
My wife knows someone who named their kid Thor. I can't even imagine. No, they are not nordic.
How much more popular is Mary-Sue?
Is Nic Cage your dad?
Me too actually. If I say anymore about him people will identify him
Better than Moon Unit Zappa I guess
Or Zowie Bowie
Not really a big deal if you're black. Though I guess it's a hard name to live up to.
I'm named after a comic book character, a manly one though so its cool.
rhymes with shoah
Fastest growing means it's barely used you dumb yuropoor
Let me tell you about the amount of kids named Bella, Edward, Arya, and the like in elementary schools right now.
That's exponential growth!
Bella and Edward are fine. Those are names you wouldn't automatically assume came from a show. If you absofuckinglutely must name your kid after your favorite show/movie/book/shit at least choose a normal name from it.
Better than this desu
This. Get as weird as you want with middle names, that's what theyre there for.
But as someone who had the same name as half the kids I grew up with there's something to be said for not being lazy as fuck with names. My circle of friends in HS had three other people with the same name, so we were just reffered to by last name only (and ive got a badass last name)
At least im not a Matt or Michael.
>15 boys named Corbyn
Negative, they are meat popsicles.
Khalil isn't pronounced how you think it is
Born in 82. Imagine my parents calling me Lando
Yes but black people typically come up with 15 different variations of the same name
It's a metric system name.
You can't be more anti-American than that.
Just tossing numbers out there. So 1 kid is born in 2014 with that name. In 2015 4 kids were named Kylo. boom, it jumps 1,467 spots on the totally ridiculous name list. It's easy for this to happen when nobody fucking names their kids these fuck wit names.
See, this is a valid headline. It says Mohammad is the most popular. That's actually something you can kinda quantify. If you start at 2 and jump to 15, that's a massive percentage increase but it's still only 15....
> using mainstream movies as a inspiration to naming your kids
> not hating on lotr, but seeing thousands of kids being named Frodo in 2001 is disheartening
0^99999 is still 0
You're right. Daqwaun and Shawrika are way better names.
Ren means person in Chinese. 人 so you can kind of use it that way.
Nuke when?
Even then, it's slightly dishonest reporting. They count all variations like Mohammad, Mohamed, etc as one name, yet count Thomas and Tom as two separate names.
Learn to greentext before you ever post agin, jesus you fucks are popping up constantly
>naming your kid after a guy that killed his own father
But why
>the most popular boys name is still Noah
Gay tbdesu
Khalil is Arabic for friend. Pretty trite as far as names go.
>mfw my name is Kyle
>mfw I'm going to be dealing with a bunch of shitstain named Kylo in a couple years now
Is Orion a good name for a boy? Genuinely curious.
Are you some midwest fuck that thinks tegan is a good girl's name? That will answer your question.
genuinely no
fucking absolute state of yankoids
Why though? It sounds manly enough. Basically just Ryan with an O in front.
God damn, I thought parents in the UK calling their kids nicknames like Alfie, Charlie, Jack, Harry etc. was bad but Americans always have the weirdest fucking names for their kids. Your choices are bible names or former King/Queen names, there's no other options.
That is not how you pronounce it
What the fuck is up with everyone wanting to give their kids retarded special snowflake names?
Open a bible or list of saints. In general, those are the names you should be picking from. John, Michael, Lucas, Thomas, Gabriel, Paul, Christopher, Benjamin, Nicholas, etc etc etc. Trying to find some "unique" name is nigger-tier. And for fucks sake, make sure you SPELL IT CORRECTLY.
Names like Orion scream "I want my kid to be 'unique' whether they like it or not".
It's the age of the cuck. Children born in this generation are destined to kill their moms' husbands.
So why not pick the name Ryan, you fucking faggot. What's next? 2nd child is going to be named Amon-Ra? Third child will be Poseidon?
Nice projecting. Orion is a far cry from those other names.
>Open a bible
That's how you end up with kids that have names like Ezekiel Billy John.
Go with European names. Alexander, Henry, Leon, Hugo/Hugh, Sebastian, or Victor. With names, you keep it simple, stupid. You COULD name your boy a girl's name to toughen them up, but you're at high risk of that motherfucker turning trannie.
Could be worse. Here in holland it's muhamed.
at least the fastest growing name isnt mohammed like it is in the UK
I've seen two trends over the past few years
1) picking retarded "unique" names, because god forbid if their child ever has to run into another human with the same name. Especially ironic in that half the time, all the parents pick the same "unique" names because they were all trying to be unique, with the end result of none of them being unique
2) Last names as first names. Jackson, Mason, Jagger, Carson, McKenzie, etc. Cut that shit out.
> Kid born 11.11.11
> not naming your Kid Dovahkiin
what the fuck
And Teegan and Jaden are better
Good idea. That way they don't have to come up with a new name when they go into porn.
gunna name my kid snoke
Or you could use some common sense. It's pretty easy to tell which names are too jewy sounding (solomon, zecheriah, mordecai, etc) and which are acceptable names.
And the Muslims still say they don't worship Mohammad.
Is Donald a good name in the current year?
When you literally went to school with a kid named Kayden. What goes through these people's heads?
No, donald is a dorky name
>tfw you wanted to name your kid after your grandad but his name is now tainted in the eyes of the world
This. Go with traditional European names. Names that are actually given names. Not some bullshit you cherrypicked out of the Iliad because you wanted your kid to have a special unique name. Not some straight-up made up name that has absolutely no basis in anything. And for fucks sake, no made-up names that you heard in a fantasy/scifi tv show or movie.
>you named your kid "Donald"
>...are you a white supremacist or something?
I knew some Egyptians that were named allah. They spelled it differently, but that's what it sounded like.
Your kid would probably have better luck with Dolan.
One of my friend's younger brothers was named Beren. But that was long before the movies were even a thing.
>naming your kids after dead kikes rather than something reletively original
>i really want my child to get the shit beaten out of him as america tips towards a hispanic plurality and then majority
Do Irish people name their children Cromwell?
>last names as first names
The next trend will be jewish last names. My son will be named Leibowitz or Shekelberg
Donny, Don, Donaldo, & Donatello are all better alternatives
I knew an orion.
The majority of saints were never kikes. And there are plenty of traditional european names that don't stem from the bible, such as Alexander, Charles, Robert, Frederick, Francis, George, Theodore, William, Edward, etc. You know, if you're that much of a fedora-tipping ZOGbot
marty mcfly williams