What's the current opinion on this?

What's the current opinion on this?

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As a kid I was really hype about it.

Then the whole Rhinox thing was revealed and I was just kind of pissed off.

Jetstorm is GOAT.

bad CGI, decent story, forgiven because the bad cgi taught people how to make better cgi

blackarachnia gave me a boner
I probably would have ended up hotgluing her mcdonald's toy if I hadn't always ended up losing them

Dan DiDio (born October 13, 1959) was an executive at Mainframe Entertainment assigned to the Transformers franchise during the third season of Beast Wars. Dan is best known for being the producer who informed Marv Wolfman that Beast Wars had no ties to the original series and to do as he pleased with Generation 1 continuity when outlining Beast Machines, and then instructed Bob Skir and Marty Isenberg to disregard any previous incarnations of the series in writing Beast Machines, as Beast Wars was too "continuity-heavy".[1]

CGI that somehow looked worse than the show that preceeded it.

On the opposite side of the coin - the Waspinator reveal was a genuine great moment.

It needed a few more episodes and a bit more filling in of details.

They needed a flashback arc detailing Megatron arriving back early. (and how his transmetal form immediately didn't get people asking questions)

Also a bit more explanation on what the hell happened to the old Autobots would have been nice. Who was the current Prime, etc?

Also, what the hell were the Preds up to? They were on a separate site off-world and wouldn't have been effected by the Megatron takeover.

It needed better designs. All of the designs are fucking terribad.

Cheetor Supreme and Blackarachnia were top tier.

I liked it. Doesn't deserve the shit it gets.

They just gave Cybertron a techno-organic core, fucked up Rhino and tried their hardest to shove their eco-shit down everyone's throats.

>Also, what the hell were the Preds up to? They were on a separate site off-world and wouldn't have been effected by the Megatron takeover.

This. Were Predacons even mentioned in the series? You'd think the Tripedacus Council would have been at the top of Megatron's shit list.

Akso what happened to the offworld Maximals? Beast wars hinted that the Maximals had a few offworld colonies (like the one Depth Charge was a Marshall on). You'd think some of them might have something to say about Megatron genociding most of the population of Cybertron.

DiDio is fucking retarded. You don't make a sequel and then proceed to ignore the previous story.

>Marv Wolfman

I knew about Didio but I had no idea Wolfman developed this show

Didn't like it. Made Optimus a hippie, made Black Arachnia generic, made Rhinox an insane monster for no reason, and worst of all, turned Ratrap, the best character, into a useless side character and a whiny bitch.

Also it was kind of ugly and had a bland colour palette.

>They just gave Cybertron a techno-organic core
Because Cybertron needed to reform to survive.

>fucked up Rhino
that was unfortunate what happened to him, but it makes sense that not everyone would be on board with being organic.

>tried their hardest to shove their eco-shit down everyone's throat
really, I didn't get that message from BM. probably because I'm not a robot that needs to change into a organic hybrid to survive.

The Predacons were mentioned exactly once, in the episode where they find out Tankor is Rhinox.

Rattrap: "Gee, good thing Tankor turned out to be a friend. Imagine if he was recycled from a PREDACON!!"

As for off-world Maximals, Megatron sent a distress signal to them to lure them back to Cybertron. The only one we see is Botanica and she left her crew back on Jungle Planet, but other colonies might have returned before the start of the show and gotten Spark-raped.

>All of the Maximal designs are fucking terribad.

FTFY. The Vehicon designs were pretty good and gave us some good toys too.

it's one of the better Transformers series, has an actual arc, lots of heavy themes and character development.

it would've been better received it if it wasn't connected to Beast Wars. still better than the majority of shit to come out of the TF franchise

Cool design, fun personality and madtastic dialogues.
Give him Strika's competence, more bromance with Thrust and none of that "muh silverbolt" baggage and he'll be 10/10.

Just show some levity dammit.


>The Predacons were mentioned exactly once

Kind of sad for the faction that was such a big part if Beast Wars to get tossed away like that.

> other colonies might have returned before the start of the show and gotten Spark-raped.

Eh, I doubt all colonies would have fallen for that. Maybe a few scouting parties but once they failed to report back, alarms would have probably gone off. I always had the idea that the offworld Maximals and Preds were putting together a force to go liberate Cybertron, but I guess that wouldn't have fit in with the whole 'the fate of Cybertron rests completely with Primal's crew' narrative that they were going with in the show.

Also, was I the only one annoyed that they reused the Autobot shuttle model for Botanica's ship when it would have made more sense to reuse the Axalon model instead?

Originally they were going to have the Maximals and Predacons teaming up to fight Megatron and his Vehicons, but they decided that having more than two factions and the Maxies and Preds working together would confuse the children, so all Predaon stuff except for that one mention was tossed.

Easily one of the better Transformers series. Some of the character changes could've been handled better, but they weren't completely out of place. Rhinox is the only real issue, and that's largely due to the voice directors and animators not conveying the intention properly. Its unfortunate that we never got the final part of the storyline, transtech, in favor or generic shonen garbage for the next few years.

It felt like it actually advanced the TF mythos, rather than leave it stagnating like it does now. That fucking fandom deserves bay movies and G1 rehashes. for all eternity, because thats the only thing they can handle..

A sequel no one asked for since the first one ended perfectly

wait they rebooted beast wars?

Utter crap.

it might as well have been a reboot

It'd be GOAT if it wasn't a Beast Wars sequel, really. It's very good in its own right.
(The designs are... divisive, but I kind of like what they were going for.)

>shove their eco-shit down everyone's throats.

This is such a hilariously 'murrican reaction to environmentalism. "Fuck you, I'll pollute all I want!"

The environmentalism in Beast Machines was barely related to real-world environmentalism, anyway.

This is pretty much my opinion of it. Great series, shit sequel.

>waspinator was just fucking with them the whole time
Maybe not intentionally at first but it was fucking hilarious


But as a kid I, and presumably many others, loved when the good and bad guys teamed up. They had some of the best moments when you werent wondering who would backstab first.

To be fair from what I remember optimus did come off as a hippie, instead of his usual life loving self. I dont remember what he did specifically but other characters seemed to share that sentiment. I think it was more about how he acted though.

That was the entire point of Optimus' character i Beast Machines. He starts off believing that the organic should replace the technology and becomes more and more fanatical until he almost destroys Cybertron, then he realizes that the Oracle wants Cybertron to be, like they are, in BALANCE, natural and technical being equal and in harmony.

It's better than people say it is. I think people were just disappointed that it veered in such a different direction than Beast Wars. As a standalone show it's good. Not great, but good.

Was fine, but was inferior to BW.

I never knew how Megatron reach Cybertron before the maximals and how could take out the entire planet. In any moment anybody explain from where he obtain the virus?

No he's not, he's a jet.

never liked silverbolt.

How many canceled Transformers series do we need before people realize Beast Wars/Machines was the better Transformers. The toys were fucking god tier too.

>mfw kids today will never know what it's like to have toys with lead paint

kids don't play with action figures anymore they are just watching their phones all day long ...

We've only had one cancelled series so far, so...

>CGI that somehow looked worse than the show that preceeded it.

No. This is wrong -- Beast Wars was hard on the eyes the way razor-blades dipped in lemon juice and road salt are hard on the eyes. Beast Machines was magnitudes better.

Not much better than the dreck made today.