>Portraying the president as a homosexual rapist
Has American media ever disrespected any other president this badly?
Regardless of how you feel about Trump or any other president or who "deserves" what
>Portraying the president as a homosexual rapist
Has American media ever disrespected any other president this badly?
Regardless of how you feel about Trump or any other president or who "deserves" what
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No, but no other president has been so conspicuously insecure. He's asking for it imo.
Well, he actually has stated that he is a homosexual rapist.
Have you never heard of tricky Dick Nixon?
yeah its silly
he's a heterosexual rapist
I wasn't around then but I'm guessing Nixon got a hammering.
Maybe not that kind of hammering though.
Trump clearly tried to make a move on Mike Pence.
Pence wasn't having it.
Who gives a fuck? Politicians are there to be mocked.
Well mother wouldn't approve when she's not in the room.
How can anybody sit through modern SNL?
It causes me physical discomfort to be exposed to such shitty, cringeworthy "comedy". How do you do it?
Trump makes it so fucking easy with his constant blathering on Twitter.
Yeah, you're right I mean they were just as vicious, puerile and mean-spirited with Obama during the eight years of his tenure and Hillary too in the run-up to the elec-
Oh. Wait.
Well we already know he's a rapist. The homosexual thing is just a metaphor for his Putin cock sucking.
>being such a fucking millenial you don't know who richard nixon is
get a grip
SNL gets their revenue from bars. No one actually watches it
>Has American media ever disrespected any other president this badly?
You can't disrespect someone if they never deserve respect
Why is it OK to be homophobic about Trump, but not racist towards Obama in America? Surely, the fabrication of homosexuality to discredit someone operates under the assumption of discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation?
I'm not American, and your culture is weird and confusing.
It's common knowledge in showbiz that democrats are very thin-skinned and can't take a joke to save their lives while republicans for some reason not only handle the banter but enjoy it. This is why that jackass Sarah Palin was on SNL after they destroyed her with Tina Fey like a dozen times. Democrats aren't people who like to laugh, especially not at criticism gently poking fun at them.
Are you saying Trump is the quintessential Democrat?
Hi shareblue.
Oh fuck off, they didn't mind being quiet for the past 8 years.
Obama isn't a walking meme though, at this stage in his presidency like the most controversial thing he'd done was wear a tan suit
To be fair, Obama isn't as meme-worthy as Trump
Also, gonna state the obvious here but the media is "slanted left"
Republicans are easier for us than Democrats. Democrats tend to take it personally; Republicans think it’s funny. But we’re not sitting here every week going, “We’ve really got to do the First Family.” This week, our cold open is about three big stories. We have Piers Morgan interviewing A-Rod, Chris Christie, and Justin Bieber. We’re doing more of that kind of thing than stuff about Benghazi or the new budget agreement. The country has lost interest in it. I can’t tell you why. It’s no less important, but in some way you can’t do health care more than twice, at which point there’s just nothing left.
from Lorne himself
Didn't he literally do photo-shoots as a basketball American though?
sucking dick isn't gay unless you love it.
Go look up some old political cartoons from the Gilded Age, or even earlier. This is not new, the only difference is marketshare and content saturation.
That said I don't care what his politics are, it's disrespectful to insult the leader of a country chosen by the people. If you don't care about insulting the man, at least be enough of an adult to not insult the rest of your countrymen.
I'd never disrespect a President unless they did something that's Nero-levels of insane. Didn't disrespect Bush, Obama, nor do I Trump. At most I'm just ambivalent.
Withoutatating my position on Trump, or what I think about comedians frequent use of him, Nixon wasn't really made fun of that much when he was the president, was he? That happened after, didn't it?
>mentally ill tranny
why are all the trump jokes from the left homophobic? very problematic.
They do this kind of shit for every republic can president. The treatment gets progressive worse as culture erodes away over the years
The media is "left-leaning" if you haven't noticed already
To be fair, Key and Peel did a great job impersonating him and poking fun at his manerisms and speech patterns.
Its a comedy show, lighten the fuck up
say what you want about his politics, obama was a fucking boss. it's hard to make fun of him.
I love how everyone is pretending not to know that Donald Trump is a rapist and a total faggot.
He's a thin skinned moron and that's even worse considering his job.
How fucking young are you? Its been happening since Clinton now go suck a dick.
>playing basketball is controversial
I guess if you're a 350 pounds d basement dwelling neet larping as a political revolutionary it is
Obama also knew how to laugh at himself.
Meanwhile Trump didn't even attend the correspondence dinner and instead went on an ego stroaking rally.
>Show Obama picking cotton and getting whipped by his jewish masters
Yeah bro, it's totally okay now.
Spicer is actually a homosexual, no joke
I wouldn't be surprised a gay sex scandal happened to this closet faggot.
But user, it hurts my feelings.
this tbqh
>dems are thin skinned, literally can't handle the bants
>repubs are total bros, even come on the show to do skits with the guy impersonating him/her for max laughs.
O he was, and many comedians had many shit for mocking him, but they were told that people would get really upset if they mocked Obama. A lot of comedians are got really resentful and started to call out PC shit on their bullshit.
Oh, plenty were, Trump just doesn't even try to hide what a little snowflake he is.
Come on lad, hardly comparable and you know it. And if you think it is that implies you think trump is a descendant of gay rapists
uh, nice political comedy themed post guys. b-based.
If you want to know who's in charge of the MSM, just look for who they're afraid of criticize.
Trump clearly isn't. Obama, clearly was.
Pence legit looks like a closeted gay
Wouldn't this fall under "harassment"?
I've heard of Americans getting in trouble for things similar to this in twitter.
>defending Russian shills
You have to go back, Ivan. Back to drinking yourself to death in your third world shithole.
You retards forgot the birth certificate bullshit pretty quickly.
In any case every president gets mocked. Clinton was. Dubya was. Trump is getting mocked earlier than usual because he's proving to be a moronic corrupt piece of shit.
I figured only snowflakes cared this much about being mocked anyway?
>3rd worlder trying to tell me what happened in my country
Not the guy you're replying to, but maybe we all are. Consider how many ancestors we all have, surely one of them could have been a gay rapist?
>inb4 the gays don't have sex with women meme
t. sheltered manchild
Nice post faggot.
there's free press in the "3rd world", so, yes.
I wouldn't be surprised if gay kino was made about it
Several of my ancestors were pure, celibate monks.
Not sure why my question triggered that response.
>>repubs are total bros, even come on the show to do skits with the guy impersonating him/her for max laughs.
Is that why you're all always crying about a late night talkshow host bullying your bull? What's the matter? Can't handle the bantz?
>a country is literally allowed to mock it's own leader and portray them as a homosexual on television
how exactly does america not have free press or freedom of speech, you shitworlder?
Good to see your keeping those values alive, minus the monk part
FUCK the orange moron
I did NOT vote for him and he is STILL NOT my fucking president
i'd fucking do anything to have Obama back
This. What does piss me off is that suddenly Trump's kids are open season as well. Obama's kids, Bush's kids, and Clinton's kids were never received with such vitriol. Yet suddenly t splay to take potshots at little Bannon. These people makes me sick. If I were Melania, I wouldn't want to move into the White House either. In fact, I'd keep my family as far away from the public eye as possible.
Thank you lad. It's not hard work though so I don't deserve your praise.
>how dare they treat rapist Trump half as badly as adulterer Clinton!
You poor, delicate Republican snowflakes and your sensitive ears.
Trump deserves it and worse.
Yeah 4 more years Obama could have brought us back slavery not just segregation.
>Are there any basic rules for what works and what doesn’t politically?
>Lorne Michaels:Republicans are easier for us than Democrats.Democrats tend to take it personally; Republicans think it’s funny. But we’re not sitting here every week going, “We’ve really got to do the First Family.”
i know you're being sarcastic but seriously fuck you for joking about slavery, i'm not even black
your president is trying to manipulate every media that stands against him (including snl). it is just a question of time. the way the press is treated by the trump administration is the same as in a dictatorship, compare turkey or mosambique.
>Liberals are mentally ill
Now Tom with the weather
You mean stand against the will of the people.
The comic book Black Summer was about a super hero killing George Bush for getting the US into Iraq
>who is the media afraid of critize
so, libtards, i presume?
fucking this. we will resist
You fucking third world shitters want to take away our freedom of speech now that someone you like is in the crosshairs? no fucking dice
Everything is okay, or nothing is okay. End of discussion. We have free speech and people can say whatever the fuck they want about the president. I can draw a picture of Obama as a baboon eating a banana and nothing fucking happens to me, I can say Hillary is a child diddler, I can animate Trump sucking Putin's cock, I could make up whatever bullshit I want to, THIS IS FUCKING AMERICA
Clinton/Bush/Obama kids were teenagers/young adults. Donald's kids are grown ass multimillionaires who like to shoot rare animals. i haven't seen anything that makes fun of Barron in a mean way
Trump's kids are complacent with all his bullshit. Ivanka is right there next to him for all his shady hotel deals, and if his two oldest sons weren't complete retards they'd be right there with him too. Bannon seems like an autistic sociopath who probably kills cats or something, fuck him.
>like the most controversial thing he'd done was wear a tan suit
Yeah, he never expanded the war in the Middle-East, aggrandized the war on cops or demanded that public elementary schools have tranny bathrooms.
Nothing controversial at all.
>being this triggered
The plot of the comic 303 is about assassinating George Bush over the war in Iraq. The book ends with him shot during a speech.
>anyone I don't like is gay
Why are liberals so homophobic?
you really should. it is not understandable at all that there are no riots. you guys are lazy and uneducated. every halfway intelligent person should light the white house on fire.
Gays can't be homophobic
Fox News (officially known as the Fox News Channel) is an American basic cable and satellite news television channel owned by the Fox Entertainment Group, a subsidiary of 21st Century Fox. The channel broadcasts primarily from studios at 1211 Avenue of the Americas, New York City, New York. As of February 2015, approximately 94,700,000 US households (81.4% of cable, satellite & telco customers) receive the Fox News Channel.[20]
Uh, for what, exactly?
ok this thread is pissing me off again
if you live near Naperville, IL and voted for Trump, meet me at Hidden Lake park this afternoon I'm gonna knock your fucking teeth in
>reading comprehension