Why do they exist?

why do they exist?

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The best part of this video is the hispanics in the comment section that don't understand the joke revolves around hispanic admixture


blame the anglos

You mean blame the French? Because we were kind of on the opposite side of that dispute.

So everyone will have someone to blame for their problems. You should know that Russia, you fulfill the same role as us.

eh sort of. It's more of just making fun of white americans who care about race by pointing out our country is becoming nonwhite.
But yeah, I see the irony of hispanics (and nonwhites) in general sharing the meme.

For your entertainment

To police the world.

this, the french are responsible for everything that is wrong in the world

Partly thx to us

Which makes it ironic how americans suddenly now think their greatest strength is somehow their weakness.

Blame yourselves mate. 20% of all population are of British heritage. Your own people saw better opportunities and shut you out.

it's less about hispanic admixture than black and native american admixture
it's more about hispanic immigration if anything

The joke isn't about being whiter than Americans you retard. The joke is about baiting Americans who are pathologically obsessed with race and whiteness. Most Hispanics know they're not white


Our destiny is to save the world

Then why are you destroying it trough wanton capitalism?

We saved the world from, Nazi Germany, Soviet Tyranny, and we are currently holding off the red scourge of China.

Each of these nations represents an ideology which was set to conquer the world. We stopped them every time.
In the end, the righteous path will prevail.

America needs to be capitalist, in order to accumulate wealth and power, and maintain a dominant position in the world for the benefit and stability of all nations. We gladly sacrifice our own lives, and happiness for this goal, that's our role in history.

We have our rogue elements, infecting us like a disease. But we are contending with them.
Every American knows in the back of their mind somewhere that it will all come to a head one day. There will be a revolution of some kind. We are biding our time, waiting for that day of judgement.

America is the ideological battleground of the world. The struggle will be won and lost here. Believe in us


You'd better believe it


>we destroy the World to stay in power to save the World from some other power to getting into power
Something doesn't add up...

>We saved the world from, Nazi Germany, Soviet Tyranny, and we are currently holding off the red scourge of China.

>Each of these nations represents an ideology which was set to conquer the world. We stopped them every time.
In the end, the righteous path will prevail.

>America needs to be capitalist, in order to accumulate wealth and power, and maintain a dominant position in the world for the benefit and stability of all nations. We gladly sacrifice our own lives, and happiness for this goal, that's our role in history.

>We have our rogue elements, infecting us like a disease. But we are contending with them.
>Every American knows in the back of their mind somewhere that it will all come to a head one day. There will be a revolution of some kind. We are biding our time, waiting for that day of judgement.

>America is the ideological battleground of the world. The struggle will be won and lost here. Believe in us

when are you gonna get over it and make peace with USA? just grow up enough to embrace the fact that the US beat the shit out of Rus the moment the USSR disbanded itself.

just to suffer

Truly our saviors.


>leftists got butthurt when Trump became president

Do Russian like the USA???

>manlet wanting to be respect join the police force
>force drunk to crawl because no one respect him, or ever will
>drunk dude fix his pants because he is pat
>5 rounds in his head.

some do, most don't