What did she mean by this...?
What did she mean by this...?
Other urls found in this thread:
>not posting mummy
I am not a Pokemon or something.
She unironically looks like my cousin, i just cant get a boner looking at her cos of that....
I do, and she's my mum :3
wtf I have two boners now
Provide evidence to support your claims :DDDD
>"I'm walking on sunshine... whooooaaa!"
What's with the Sup Forums level shot posts tonight?
Mum is the sunshine that brightens my
I want to have kids with her
do you speak Russian, anonski?
No, I just really really really like mummy
>He doesn't like Assad's beautiful Waifu.
...would you let her?
This isn't fair I am out numbered since mummy poster left
Please post rare mummy
Russain waifu
Say sorry and that u love mummy
I'm waiting
Some nights I wake up sweating, startled, making questions.
I think about one guy, the guy who is currently having sex with Natalya, I wonder if he could ever enjoy it like I would, I wonder if he would make her enjoy it like I probably would do.
I go upstairs to the balcony and light a cigarrete until my sleep returns, stare at the starry night and whisper ''Natalya''
sorry, I love you mummy ;(
Ok, good
Here is Lolia Poklonskaya
Don't post it too much
If Shillary wins Asma and her beautiful children will be murdered in a jewish purim ritual
Oh my god her shirt is one of the windows 98 desktop background