Agreed, same goes for Star Wars
I've given up on self-respect years ago.
I'm glad I don't respect myself. Life as a self respecting adult would be boring and depressing.
no self respecting adult would be browsing this site either so i don't see the purpose in this thread
Could not be more true
Are you disagreeing with this?
I respect myself and i watch all MCU kinos. Blow me.
I'm all for "do whatever you want" but I'm slowly starting to hate all those modern """""nerds"""" and their obsession with superhero shit.
Me on the left
It's a good thing no one in America is a self-respecting adult.
So basically all of America?
Optimism for the future and confidence in our civilization are extremely low and many don't see it worth saving so why not just dress up in a superhero costume and jerk off to furry cuckold porn? Fuck being self respecting.
no self-respecting adult should watch grown men play children's games on tv every weekend and monday night.
muh teams ball made it to the other side of the space and the other team couldn't stop it! hee hee, i am truly a member of my team, they are nothing without me. rah rah, go my local sports team. woo hoo we did it, yea team!
Me in the middle.
Is this what millenials worry about instead of getting jobs?
The writer of that article is most likely under the age of 25.
He's not wrong.
yep. it's sad how this is a film board and people will still get triggered by this.
I wish I could just insult strangers for clicks when my journalistic integrity utter fails and run out of ideas for articles.
He's right. Adults who do this deserve to get the shit beat out of them by real men
Kek I'll watch whatever the fuck I feel like.
This board needs an enema.
He's right. Millennials who obsess about nerd culture and this capeshit garbage are killing society.
I sold my entire collection of 250+ comics and about 10 thick paper back arcs for 30 bucks last week
I can't stand that shit anymore and I don't want to be associated with it.
Kept all my Punisher MAX comics though
>I bought adderall and a pack of cigarettes with the money
You sure showed...whomever.
Yeah dude disliking a particular genre makes me feel mature too.
That's what everyone does when the going gets rough
>No Self-respecting adult should do [thing]
Well I was real confident about me being able to choose what I do with my shitty life but now that some random chuckle fuck has told me that I'm living my life incorrectly I'll go and live their correct way. Thanks dipshit.
No self respecting women should be obsessed with social media or phones and call themselves nerds despite not caring about geek chic fantasy shit before it was popular.
Sports feature human beings at their physical and mental peak. The men participating in them right now are the strongest human beings to ever walk the Earth and it really is awe inspiring to watch them compete.
Please don't compare that to capeshit garbage starring talentless homosexual kikes.
i hope you didnt sell any dredd stuff
A self-respecting adult doesn't care what others think about themselves.
Though comics and superhero movies are brainless entertainment, if you suppress your happiness to appear more "adult", that is when you've lost all self-respect.
spoken like a true bitter and self hating nerd
No self respecting adult should fap to porn, play video games, drink pleb tier alcohol like beer, eat junk food, smoke cigarettes, watch sports ball, or even know what anime is
I wish reddit would say air is cool so half this board would stop breathing already.
It blows my mind how he went from normies laughing at mere notion of capeshit to normies osessing over it.
When I talk with bros at my work talking about GotG I feel like in bizzaro world.
Instead I'm just bored and depressed.
> the men
The only sports you should be watching are hockey, balet and synchronized swimming
I didn't have much Dredd, but I sold whatever what was in my big comic book bin.
Kept a few Marshal Law comics since they're obscure and weird
whatever you say, paki
Oh so you're a fucking hypocrite. Thanks for clearing that up.
>I can't stand that shit anymore I'm a big boy now
>Except for this stuff though
star wars is amazing
>mental peak
fuck off. all those chads and niggers have average IQs less than 90.
do you jack off to horse races, or dogs running through an obstacle course as well? muh strength, muh endurance.
do you realize how far ahead we'd be right now if the average male didn't watch other males grunt and chuck 20 hours a week?
>Kept all my Punisher MAX comics though
Lol how much of a lonely socially inept loser do you have to be to get on some faggy soapbox about how you don't like superhero movies?
Don't like it don't fucking watch it-
Sup Forums is not a self respecting adult
It's a kids movie. If you're a fan of star wars you're no different than someone who watches MLP
>tfw to smart too watch sport
you must truly be an enlightened gentleman
And yet this entire thread will somehow end up seeing Justice League
Really REALLY makes you think.
I haven't seen any Capeshit since Iron Man or Watchmen came out, doubt I will.
I don't want them much but hating sports is the ultimate sign of a pseud
Oh man what could have possibly happened
muh sports rock! tee hee, you nerd, you don't like retards throw ball, hee hee. you don't like alcoholic cringefaggots yelling about absolutely pointless shit. you don't like living through a chad's eyes because your life as a sports spectator is absolutely worthless and pointless and dark and the only way you can feel good about your self is to pretend some niggers and chads are your best buds and that those niggers and chads truly represent your community spirit when they don't even live in your fucking town.
the sports stars you admire would absolutely never ever want to be your friend, and would get away from you as soon as possible if they ever met you while you two were alone.
I guess most comic collectors at some point are urged by their gfs/fiances to sell their collection to buy some "adult" things like a car or whatever. Can't blame them. Thank God for cbr
Correct, bitch
>being this angry
did the chads in school bully because of your nerd comics as they went out to play ball and drink beer? poor you
What about Warhammer?
>actually sports are baby shit too, it's just a game!
t. bitter nerd
you know who else likes to watch idiots throw balls around and play catch?
you are literally as smart as a fucking dog, if you think sports are some amazing thing to be cherished.
Back then there were blockbusters like Terminator 2, Titanic, Matrix etc.
Now we have capeshit and Fast and Furious (which is capeshit in disguise).
Didn't 40k start as a hobby for rich British kids?
>attacking comic book movies from the angle of being a grown-up wage cuck
>not attacking them because they're fucking shite
No self-respecting adult should do things to appear self-respecting.
Never watched any after the dark knight rises
That's because they're not doing what they want, they're doing what Disney tells them they're supposed to want.
>tfw youre about 10 years ahead of the curve
Feels old man
MUH NERDS!!! MUH STRAWMAN!!! such a brilliant comeback, you know exactly who I am.
Are you a woman? I've never seen such a terrible interpretation of the appeal of sports.
>he thinks we don't like superhero movies because reddit likes them
just nuke the board, plebs and children have taken over
>No self-respecting adult should let anyone else tell them what to enjoy.
I don't really see how you can claim intellectual superiority to "strawmen arguments" when you have spent half this thread characterizing sports fans and players alike as alcoholics and manchildren in the same exact vein
to bait (you)
and Sup Forums,Sup Forumsmanchildren
>Sup Forums
>self-respecting adult
I kinda agree with this. I worked with this one guy who is in his thirties and he watched EVERY marvel property in production (all the movies and all the shows). I mean if they made a movie about Stingray (I googled the most obscure marvel character and this is the first that came up) he would be first in line to see it.
i dont buy comics
i pirate movies and skip 90% of them
if you enjoy capeshit just leave Sup Forums. No point in discussing films, you'll just watch anything.
That's fair
he looks cool desu
Hate to break it to you, but he's your equal if he works with you.
don't try to change the subject Sup Forumsedditor. Forget self-respecting, try 3 digit iq person, something that nobody who likes capeshit is.
>complains about autistic manchildren reading and watching capeshit
>scrolls Sup Forums
Really activates the almonds
>Imagine being this dumb to think an image board that projects pedophilia is place to talk about films
The only correct answer.
just because you ignore all the threads where actual movies are being discussed doesn't mean Sup Forums is only for redditors like you :/
It's true, that's why I watch anime.
>I kinda agree with this. I worked with this one guy who is in his thirties and he watched EVERY basketball, football, and baseball game from our local teams. I mean if they started broadcasting the local soccer and hockey team games, he'd watch them all too.
Not really. He was way older than most of us and no one hanged out with him.
I hate capeshit threads and very rarely post on them, I come here for film discussion. BUT, using the internet, spending that much time on some obscure board? It's as pathetic as watching capeshit. No self-respecting adult should be using Sup Forums, and you know it.
Agreed. It does not surprise me at all that the audience for this shit is white men. Hopefully the plan is to use movies as an excuse to round them up and exterminate them.
there`s not problem watching them, what is fucked up is thinking them as a high form or art and not cheap entertainment
Also this accounts for any social media site. If you use Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Reddit, etc, you're a manchild.
And I say this as one who is honest about his manchild status
I don't think anyone is going to disagree that this is equally bad, user.